Please provide any feedback on photos, layout, content etc!
What about videos? Tata has some videos she made in Fresno, particularly of the state of the road to the schools
Same goes for TIG - lots of video content
Would be good to add once we create individual pages for each partner
Consider the audience - low bandwidth vs high bandwidth
Embedded video won’t load
Compressed videos
Readability score on the content
Translated content?
Captions for images
Videos should be fully accessible
Translation into indigenous languages
English (at least) closed captions
Other thoughts on layouts
Partner sections collapsible
Organise by themes or categories?
Timeline would be nice too (both forward and backward looking)
Multi-year, multi-modal projects like this are unusual - would be great to make it visible to all the partners
This could change how we report out - perhaps by including more photos etc
Seeing all the other partners work is great
Future - some talk now about TIG / IDRC event related to Indigenous Rising Youth / Canada service Corps Alumni. Goal of meeting is to discuss how to make the brand and a ‘culture of service” more resonant with Indigenous communities.
Tata was in Fresno with Hector the last 3 days
Confirmed details for workshops
Will start 4th week April, May for the visit
Will be collecting the videos
Will be visiting same locations as last year but will know more next week
Have started drafting organisational culture budget
Staff meetings - more inclusive - Liam has been attending and leading on this
Staff members have been revealing disabilities to Liam
Providing useful info about how to organise and facilitate staff meetings
Wander walk - one of the activities - using as a kind of mini-pilot to run through the process of implementation and test it out
This content will make up the “Inclusive Activity Animation Guide”
Think it up, send to individuals, staff mtg for feedback, (others are facilitating too), reflection on how it went,
Another activity - Setting up priorities using Padlet (?)
These are part of the process and the guide
We have a remote team - half and half - some remote members want to be a part
Aiming to include a glossary - presenteeism - being there but not present