June 16, 2017 Meeting with Karisma + FUTCO + IDRC

June 16, 2017 Meeting with Karisma + FUTCO + IDRC

Juliana, Carolina, Silvia, Jutta, Jess, Dana, Alan

  • Silvia - OERs:

  • Tools and methodology

  • People moving to cities

  • Want to promote diversity

  • Jutta - How can OER be packaged in a way that works outside of schools, in a youth group environment - will affect how they are packaged and designed

  • Youth groups themselves driving what is needed

  • Work with indigenous community in Cauca and African communities close to Cartegena

  • How much overhead will the university take and who will pay for that? From whose budget will it be paid? 10%?  

  • Carolina and Silvia can discuss together

  • Line items to Oak - we can include it there

  • Adapting resources to particular group or context

  • Karisma identified grassroots communities - DIY tech etc - how to work with academic institution? We don’t want to change that - working with grassroots groups much in alignment with Oak

  • We just need to adapt / integrate the two

  • Silvia - wants to work closely with the communities

  • This is not an academic research project!

  • Jutta will send comments based on this discussion

  • Juliana and Silvia will meet to discuss how to create communal plan - not set in stone - want to hear from youth groups so we need some flexibility