Inclusive Design Resources

Inclusive Design Resources

Resource Entry Macro

A macro has been created to make it possible to enter resources in a standard template; this will make it easier in the future to harvest the resources with code for use in other contexts: Examples of Using the "Fluid Wiki Resources" Macro


This document is a place to find and contribute inclusive design resources you have come across. If you found something interesting, the chances are that someone else will find it interesting too! Why not share it?

The intention of this page is to begin exploring how we gather, compile, and share inclusive design resources in our daily contexts. This will help us discover new and better ways of accomplishing these tasks.

Aside: This document was originally titled: "Community Meeting Notes (Jan 24, 2018) - Pooling and Sharing Inclusive Design Resources"

Tips on How to Use this Wiki Page

  • Try to use this page on a daily basis
  • Register for an account to begin contributing resources
  • Reflect on how you used this resource (either as a contributor or a consumer)
    • What did you like?
    • What did you find frustrating?
    • What features do you wish for? What can make this better?
  • Spend some time to help organize the contents of this page.

Share your thoughts and feedback

Your feedback will help us discover new ways of sharing and contributing inclusive design knowledge.

You can:


  • Handling inquiries seeking "situated" information (relevant to context)
  • Starting simple - gathering stuff onto a wiki page. Our own resources and from partners.
  • Questions
    • What questions do our communities have?
    • What kind of resources do we have or recommend?
    • How do we encourage the use of this knowledge resource? (i.e. formality and process)
  • Inclusive Design, Co-Design, and Co-Creation Resources
  • https://sojustrepairit.org/resources.html
  • Inclusive Design Guidelines - Research
  • What do we know already and how did we describe them for previous audiences?
  • "a wonderful collaborative mess of stuff"
    • "Draw from the pool"
  • Maybe turn this into a gist so that people can comment and edit?
  • Coordinate with OCAD librarians who publish our scholarly work
  • Shared links and articles via IRC chats
  • Share recorded community meetings via YouTube (and caption first)
  • Summaries of books that we find useful
  • Cherry pick from this stockpile and pull it into another organization for other projects (someone in the project can do the annotation and curation)
  • What things do you draw from this pool for?
    • Links and descriptions or keywords to be able to find it later
    • What sort of workflow each person has to use this for?
    • What project it was for, if it was our own, where we sourced it from if it wasn't ours, tagging/metadata to describe resources in general in order to retrieve them
      • if it applies to specific sectors (which would require specific resources)
  • Make an open Zotero group for anyone to join (https://www.zotero.org/groups/2086760/inclusive_design?)
  • Zotero, are.na, or Mendeley
  • Use it day-to-day, reflect on how to use it, how often to use it
  • a general approach to organizing resources:
    • three separate, but related concerns:
      • archiving of IDRC research artefacts, which we will work with the OCAD library to help with

Racial bias test from Harvard:


Where to start -- making an accessible website:


List of resources for Edify (OER and EMS context)

Learning simulations and interactive content (Learning content)


CMHR Inclusive Accessibility Guide - design of inclusive spaces for exhibits and galleries

Bodies in Translation Toolkit

stuff to add content for

Inclusive Volunteering Guide and tip Sheets (english and french on volunteer.ca)

Outside-In workshops & feature topics (housed on http://outsidein.tigweb.org/

SNOW resources (and possibly workshops–these have a fee)

Our Doors Are Open Guide for Accessible Congregation (will be available soon in English and French on https://opendoors.idrc.ocadu.ca/)

Testing Tools:

Headings Map Firefox plugin

HTML Validation (Nu HTML Checker) + WCAG only parsing bookmark  (WCAG 2.0 parsing error bookmarklet)

Colour contrast evaluators (TPG Contrast Analyser)

Zoom Text Chrome extension and Zoom Page Firefox Add-On.

Accessibility evaluators (AChecker, WebAIM WAVE, FAE)

Firebug plugin for Firefox

Developer Toolbar plugin for Firefox

WAVE Toolbar extension for Chrome

Screen reader (e.g. NVDA, JAWS, for Windows;

  VoiceOver for Mac OS, iOS)


Automating Accessibility Testing:

Automated Testing Libraries

These libraries can be integrated with a continuous integration test suite to perform some automated checks.

Browser Automation Tools

Automation tools to script browser actions can also support automating some aspects of accessibility testing.

Examining the Accessibility API:

Inspector (Windows) and Accessibility Inspector

(OS X) are system tools for graphically examining

the Accessibility API; the Firefox DOM Inspector

is also useful for this.

Accerciser for Linux.

Communities of Practice

Web Accessibility Initiative, WebAIM and the web-a11y Slack group are open groups for discussing web accessibility topics.

#a11yTO Meetup Group

Meetings and Conferences

Some Useful Articles and Essays and Books

”Writing CSS With Accessibility In Mind” by Manuel Matuzovic

“Making An Inclusive and Accessible Website” (IDRC resource)

“Accessibility APIs: A Key To Web Accessibility” by Léonie Watson & Chaals McCathie Nevile

Todd Rose The End of Average

Donella Meadows Thinking in Systems 

The Youth Effect - Organizing inclusively with young people

Nothing About Us Without Us - James I. Charlton

The Spirit Level - Kate Pickett and Richard G. Wilkinson

A Web for Everyone - Sarah Horton & Whitney Quesenbery 

Becoming Human - Jean Vanier

Real World of Technology, Ursula Franklin

Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Representations for Inclusive Design, Clayton Lewis

Useful Tools

Web Specifications and Related Best-Practices

Inclusive Design Guides

Content Authoring and Publishing

Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion


Examples of Inclusive Design

The Electronic Curbcut – Centre for an Accessible Society http://www.accessiblesociety.org/topics/technology/eleccurbcut.htm

Ontario ODS' Method Cards - https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ku5kt35fyl7a2fe/AABWuybfmn7gHu_WwAvc7G2va?dl=0

UK Government Digital Service - https://gds.blog.gov.uk/about/

18F Method Cards - https://methods.18f.gov

Anxiety Meter - https://research.hollandbloorview.ca/Assets/Research/Documents/Research%20Centres%20and%20Labs/Autism%20Research%20Centre/anxiety-meter-fact-sheet.pdf

Videos + Audio

IDRC-relevant Videos – collected videos of IDRC and Jutta

Introduction video to UIO on YouTube 

Jutta's CBC Interview on Spark – AIs Problem with Disability and Diversity


Michael Graves on design and accessibility: 

Game Accessibility

Resources shared on IRC, email, social media


https://newsroom.uber.com/canada/ocad/ – IDRC and Uber



FLOE Resources

Learning to Learn

Multimodal Presentation, Content Adaptation, and Personal Preferences

Social Justice, Activism, and Digital Equity

Inclusive Design Practice

Privacy, Power, Autonomy

Inclusive Technology for Learning

Finding Open Educational Resources