(SJRK) Face to Face Partners Meeting October 10, 2018 - Agenda

(SJRK) Face to Face Partners Meeting October 10, 2018 - Agenda

9:00Welcome and introductions, coffee, tea and snacks
9:30Background, Project Overview Presentation
10:45Inclusive Design Activity Part 1
1:30Inclusive Design Activity Part 2
3:15Continue Inclusive Design Activity Part 2
4:30Group Discussion and Wrap-up

Inclusive Design Activity: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qDCraSObKEs6ZtajEaEWEDxIttMHUYtRxaVgEiYktqY/edit?usp=sharing


  • brief introduction to the project - particularly aimed at community members who may not know a lot about the background
  • brief discussion about what the IDRC does, what Oak does, and why these organisations are supporting the project (requested on behalf of community members to understand the bigger picture)
  • inclusive design activity #1
    • to allow participants to experience inclusive design in action, and to understand it as a tool for social change
  • inclusive design activity #2
    • Goals:
    • to identify common goals and needs of the young people with whom the project partners are working
    • to identify potential areas of collaboration between the partners
    • to provide an opportunity for knowledge sharing between the partners
    • to develop a roadmap for the remainder of the project
    • Activity will address:
      • Needs (gaps)

      • Successes/highs

      • “Products” (resources, outcomes) created

      • Learnings

  • group discussion and wrap-up