(SJRK) November 6, 2018 Partners Meeting

Avtar, Dana, James, Michelle, Silvia, Tata

  • Welcome Tata!

  • Introductions

  • Avtar - website designs https://files.inclusivedesign.ca/s/MQ5n1mlALfb86Nw

    • What about translation? How will it be handled?

      • will use UIO for translation

      • we can create auto-translations, but will need help to clean it up

      • Silvia - we can help with that

    • UX testing of the website?

      • Avtar - mostly just through partner meetings, face 2 face meeting

      • soliciting on the mailing list for content etc

      • soliciting feedback on the site itself - feedback through iteration

    • Resource page could be similar to the Floe Resources example

    • Structure is clear, easy to follow

    • James - will need to work with UWEZO to contextualize content and to translate

      • Maybe hiring local translators?

    • Need to add Bahati to the mailing list (Dana) - to invite to our meetings and engage him in the conversation about using the site in context of Rwanda

    • UWEZO - coordinator of other youth organisations too

      • Next contract will be with UWEZO ?

      • Phase I - identify youth orgs etc

      • Phase II - James’ role is limited

        • Work directly with Bahati and UWEZO

    • Silvia - would be good to engage the youth movements in creating/editing the content

    • Content - Silvia - will create some topics (about groups etc) and we can review together

  • Silvia - Github repo

    • Need help in terms of accessibility review

    • http://cuentalo.org/

    • http://guardiaambiental.org/

    • Difficulty with Wordpress templates - how to implement - how to improve accessiblity

    • Gregor might be able to help when he gets back

    • Might be better for us to just go through the site and check it

      • Could we do a crit? Have Lisa there

      • Schedule soon

    • Why a private repo? No good reason

    • There are some groups in Colombia who want to use the code

      • What is the best way to share it? Put it in resources on site?

        • Maybe link to the Github repo would be best

        • Make it an open repo - Michelle can send info to help about how to do this, share examples

        • Resources page - write up a summary of the websites and add a link to Github repo

    • James - submitting report to get last phase of money

      • Waiting confirmation from IDRC - based on previous report

      • Need a brief update in terms of what James has done since then?

      • Follow up with Bahati - figure out how we will work together, and what the contract will look like

      • James sub-contracted UWEZO

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