TIG resources
Linking to the first priority of guiding youth on their own learning journeys, one specific program we'd love to revitalize through this support would be our
Sprout Self course http://sprout.tigweb.org/self/
This was designed as a self-paced set of activities that help develop leadership skills through modules of "Leading Self", "Leading Others", and "Leading Community". We'd love to infuse some content into the course on inclusive design and then release the activities openly for others to adapt and build on
Other resources and initiatives we have to contribute and link with include:
- Our Guides to Action, all released in Creative Commons and translated into several languages, supporting youth social action (perhaps we create a new guide with a specific inclusive design focus, or revise our main guide with some ID resources) http://www.tigweb.org/guide/
- Our Youth Movements platform, recently updated around the SDGs, which helps to capture and showcase youth-led or youth-serving projects and initiatives with links to the SDGs: http://globalgoals.youthmovements.org
- Connected North, working now in 12 remote Canadian communities to help improve educational engagement and outcomes for mostly Indigenous youth. We're bringing our Sprout leadership camp to all three territories this summer which could be an opportunity to beta test some resources or activities (though it may be too soon)