(SJRK) February 4, 2019 UWEZO / James / IDRC
James, Bahati - work with UWEZO
- 2 sets of workshops with young people - youth facilitated - organized by Bahati
- Based on previous resources - work with them to contextualize them
- We can support remotely?
- Based on outcomes
- Using the resources - develop an outcome
- what these resources mean in their context
- gather feedback
- “outcomes” from working with the orgs - put on the website - they can follow up, give feedback, share stories…
- how do we make the website include Chinyarwanda?
- receiving different toolkits, strategy documents, that we could integrate, but we did not participate in the development process so they don’t work
- echo what James said - contextualize - the info that is available already - take into account young people with learning differences
- UWEZO - also worked with all young people from marginalized communities
- Rwanda - refugee families here for many years - find it difficult to participate…
- Emerging technologies
- Note “learning differences”
- Findings from the research - something we can include -these have not been shared in the country,
- As UWEZO to know what is there currently
- Accessibility of social media, digital media platforms - people with special needs, those who never went to school
- audio, video with subtitles - multi-modal content
Next Steps
- James’ last instalment of money
- workplan google doc - everyone can access
- set up agreement directly with UWEZO going forward - Iris - Bahati workshops with youth
- Bahati tool disability sexuality and rights - TIG course
- EDC? Education development center - partnered with TIG
- UWEZO - SDGs project implementing
- getting SDGs translated into an understandable format
- will set up a meeting with Liam to discuss collaboration
- how to keep working with James - write into contract
- James to continue to provide guidance where needed
- continue using Skype for our meetings - more accessible
- Bahati VISA cost to reimburse - please send receipt to Iris