Social Justice Repair Kit

Social Justice Repair Kit

The Project

Funder: The Oak Foundation has funded this project

Website: http://sojustrepairit.org


The goal of the Social Justice Repair Kit project is to support youth at risk who have learning differences to re-engage in education through an inclusively designed social justice platform that integrates authentic project-based learning. Called the “Social Justice Repair Kit”, the platform will be openly available to any group (or individual) hosting youth movements, youth action events and social justice movements. The platform will add extensibility, collaboration support and organizational support for all participants in social justice or youth action groups. For youth with identified and unidentified learning differences, the Kit will add inclusive design supports to remove barriers to participation.

Join Us!

This project is being created through iterative cycles of co-design with youth and supporting organisations. If you are interested in being involved in any way, get in touch with us in any of the following ways:


In the Matrix Channel, or email us at idi@ocadu.ca.

In person: