Social Justice Repair Kit

The Project

Funder: The Oak Foundation has funded this project



The goal of the Social Justice Repair Kit project is to support youth at risk who have learning differences to re-engage in education through an inclusively designed social justice platform that integrates authentic project-based learning. Called the “Social Justice Repair Kit”, the platform will be openly available to any group (or individual) hosting youth movements, youth action events and social justice movements. The platform will add extensibility, collaboration support and organizational support for all participants in social justice or youth action groups. For youth with identified and unidentified learning differences, the Kit will add inclusive design supports to remove barriers to participation.

Join Us!

This project is being created through iterative cycles of co-design with youth and supporting organisations. If you are interested in being involved in any way, get in touch with us in any of the following ways:


In the Matrix Channel, or email us at

In person:

Inclusive Design Research Centre, OCAD University
205 Richmond St. W., 2nd floor

Partner Descriptions

TakingITGlobal empowers youth to understand and act on the world's greatest challenges. Our free action guidessummer camps, and educator training help to engage students in deep learning through real-world problem solving. Through Connected North, we deliver culturally-relevant content to Canada's most remote communities, supporting Indigenous youth leadership and cultural exchange. Our Youth Movements collaboration supports institutions like UN-Habitat and UNFPA in mapping and showcasing their youth-led development initiatives. We have also been pleased to partner with IDRC in developing Outside-IN, providing digital recognition to accredit youth developing skills to make media more accessible. To see more of the work of TIG, visit this page: TIG resources

Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (ITESM)

Through educational experiences we form people who become agents of change willing to be even more competitive in order to benefit all, with a clear focus on being instead of having, on serving others instead of possessing things; people who are responsible for their own lives, aware of the fact that their actions may promote the transformation of others. Our social development network of students and volunteers, works year-round to provide training, guidance and promote an entrepreneurial spirit among marginalized communities, boosting innovation and productive projects.  We tackle the education gap in Mexico through a socially responsible program named Prepanet, an online platform for anyone who desires to finish their high school studies regardless of their schedule, age, or economic status. 

Fundación Karisma (Karisma)

Karisma seeks to respond to the opportunities and threats that arise in the context of ‘technology for development’ for the exercise of human rights. It approaches its work from perspectives that promote freedom of expression and gender and social equities. It approaches activism from multiple angles - both legal and technology-, in coalitions with local, regional and international partners. Karisma is a Colombian civil society organization founded in 2003 to ensure the benefits of technology reach those most in need, and ensure that technological developments promote human rights. Karisma's work is organized throught strategic lnes, among them we should highlight the Access to Knowledge line and the Lab on Social Innovation and Technology, Karisma has experience on "open" projects and support Open Access (OA) and Open Educational Resources (OER) innitiatives.

Fundación Universitaria Tecnológico Comfenalco

(FUTCO) is a higher educational institution founded in 1984, whose mission is training integral people with a researcher, innovative and entrepreneurial culture. The university aims to positively impact the social environment based on the development of applied research and development projects.

FUTCO currently has a student population of 12.000 students organized on three faculties, 23 pregraduate programmes and 10 graduate programmes.

The foundation main purpose is to contribute to the transformation of the city (Cartagena de Indias), region (Bolivar department) and country (Colombia). FUTCO has a social vocation and support for vulnerable populations, providing solutions in different areas as the access to high quality education, high quality health and several and diverse social welfare programs.

The SMARTlab and the associated Inclusive Design Research Centre of Ireland at UCD share has three distinct threads of activity:

1. practice-based PhD programmeMA programme and research centre for designers, engineers, artists and technologists working across disciplnes, who have long encountered difficulties in placing their work in relation to the academy: in finding appropriate ways to ‘measure’ inclusive design practice in ‘research exercises’; in identifying appropriately flexible and experimental forms for impactful research processes and outcomes; and in achieving meaningful action research with diverse communities around the world.

2. A suite of community engagement and creative industries projects around e-inclusion and design for ability, augmented cognition, VR, AR and virtual worlds/mixed reality, accessibility, IoT, 3d Printing, assistive technology, IT for women and girls, and educational inclusivity, amongst other topics.

3. A knowledge transfer centre and sensory studio and makerspace/VR lab that operate as a set  of spaces where local communities can join forces with UCD academics, artists, technologists and game designers to make and test games and interactive tools.