(SJRK) April 14, 2018 Partners Meeting Notes
Juliana (at the IDRC! :))
Website co-design doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1r5_-nDUS3C8AuW-9bFVy_02wYuSuifcjNvdEDfgokNo/edit?usp=sharing
Brief summary updates of work for Activity page on website
Activities page may be text-heavy. Do we want to add images or graphics?
Co-design process for website
Adding descriptions of projects in Spanish as well
Aim to have the site updated for May 1st, so initial updates ready for April 25th
Discussing website codesign document linked above
Have different visual themes to choose from
People could contribute their own visual themes
Karisma has designer working on ideas
Similar logo: https://dayofpink.org/
Do in a synchronous way (webinars) so not waiting for folks to provide ideas
Ways we could do it remotely:
E.g. Mozilla x-ray goggles type of tool - hack on the code on the site
Grabs html and css from a page and lets you edit/remix
Current design and what we want to do going forward
Yellow → danger
Colour - diversity
Welcoming, feeling included, a warm community
Like the under-construction idea
Idea of repair
Say “Welcome”
Inviting participation in more obvious way
Storytelling tool could be main call to action - ask people to engage with it
Focus on idea of call to action
Show some of the stories - pre-populate
Echoing different contexts, stakeholders, groups, that each partner is working on/with
Photos from different communities, videos
Focus on storytelling theme - how the site is structured and the language -
Drop into 1st person? Everyone on project speaking in own voice
Tell each of our own stories about how we are involved in the project
“Once upon a time…”
Storytelling visuals
Visuals around things/story coming to life
How we engage people’s senses
Crackling fire
Oral storytelling
Incorporate audio and video in simple ways on the site
Convey multi-modality
Agency that made entire site from youtube videos?
To get away from text-heavy or static images…
could be done with very short clips from the contexts in which we are working - http://recrearinternational.org/
Different versions of the site that work with high and low bandwidth
Get a good idea of what the project is about in the first page/fold
Have option to go to more media-heavy section of the site
Potentially add to UIO: option to remove/hide bandwidth-heavy elements
Progressive enhancement - start with bare bones site, allow turning on of CSS, images, etc
A project that does something similar for script files: https://noscript.net/
To the young people in Colombia “Social Justice” sounds like something from the government - called it “the planet is the school” instead
Sounds academic, institutional, theoretical
There is no social justice now - difficult to talk about with youth in school etc
Site as tool to influence government? Policy? How it is used by people in power?
Meeting with Juliana
2 cities - Fresno (60 students) - 12 coming to Medellin?
2 schools?
3 day workshop in Medellin
Many students will be first time travelling to Medellin
Working with Julietta (coordinator in Medellin)
Want to make it fun
Thursday/Fri/Sat (morning)
What are we doing at IDRC
Hoping Silvia can join us in Medellin - can we allot some funds to support that? - check with Iris
Issue of the land, territory -
Auto-repair shop, beauty shop, eco-farm, tourism
Supporting them to stay in their town and do something there (Fresno)
Created a list of questions for them for their visits - now have that material
Start a series of creative workshops - working with artists to draw, write, take photos - working with info from visits - tell the story
Workshops start next Friday
One workshop in Medellin with girls from Festival of the Gyal(adults)
Using the youth from Fresno project as behind the festival
Using Whats App
Avianca flight direct from Toronto-Bogota
Bogota - Medellin 40 min flight
Tour around Medellin
Go to Fresno? Mon/Tues
Airbnb - something near Platohedro?
Plan some activities from the guide
Illustrations that the co-op students made too https://github.com/fluid-lab/oer-inclusive-design/tree/master/pictures
Can we do some art activities together?
A “presentation” (in English and Spanish) with lots of images (illustrations), demos,
Discovery Cats!
Storytelling tool - even if it’s not ready, find a way to encourage them to try it, and allow collection of other content in another way
They are creating videos already
An offline version of the storytelling tool? Not sure yet how to do it
Internet access at Platohedro is good
Local network in Fresno -- using it to upload videos now
How to make the local network more appealing to the young folks
Could they chat with each other?
Would be cool to be able to set up a local network at IDRC to try things out
Network runs on Microsoft only?
Hector has sent along some CDs and a flash drive with stuff on them, they’ll only work on Windows, the older the better