We Count
The Project
Project Website: https://wecount.inclusivedesign.ca/
We Count is a community-driven project to address the inherent bias against small minorities and outliers in artificial intelligence and data analytics. Disability often places you at the margins of a data set. More and more critical decisions are made and automated using data. Current artificial intelligence can automate and amplify existing discrimination.
The We Count community is addressing this by:
making sure people with lived experience of disability can participate in shaping data science,
addressing data gaps and biases,
co-designing protections against data abuse and misuse, and
co-creating more equitable decision supports.
Organizations that have expressed interest and/or commitment to participating are:
Canadian Association of Community Living
Centre for Independent Living in Toronto
DisAbled Women’s Network
Canadian Council of the Blind
Canadian Hearing Society
Canadian Hard of Hearing Society
Canadian National Institute for the Blind
ARCH Disability Law Centre
British Columbia Aboriginal Network on Disability Society
Communication Disabilities Access Canada
Council of Canadians with Disabilities
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health
Disabled Peoples’ International
Institute for Research and Development on Inclusion and Society
Learning Disabilities Association of Ontario
NEADS (National Education Association of Disabled Students)
Ontario Federation for Cerebral Palsy, and
Goals of Project
List of data science tools along with assessment of accessibility
Resources for marginalized groups looking to get into artificial intelligence
Resources for C-suite roles looking to apply artificial intelligence to their organization
Resources for researchers looking to apply more inclusive/accessible artificial intelligence
Milestone #1: Co-design approaches and processes to address accessibility challenges, data science barriers and data gaps for persons with disabilities. (July 2019-December 2021)
Milestone #2: Address accessibility barriers in data science tools and biases against persons with disabilities in machine learning and automated decision processes. (October 2019-March 2022)
Milestone #3: Develop accessible processes and standards for data governance and security (July 2019-June 2020)
Milestone #4: Credential and certify inclusive data science training (October 2019-March 2022)
WeCount Website
The production deployment: https://wecount.inclusivedesign.ca/
The development deployment: https://dev--wecount.netlify.app/
The Github repository: https://github.com/inclusive-design/wecount.inclusivedesign.ca
Website Design: Figma Doc
General Information and Browser Support
Accessibility Map
The umbrella document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1a4emmifag7OVefDvTRbFf7ck_AwZziaGlotvhL-0-RI/
The map deploy alone: https://build-covid.netlify.app/
The map deploy on the WeCount website: https://wecount.inclusivedesign.ca/map/
The data repository of COVID assessment centres: https://github.com/inclusive-design/covid-assessment-centres/
The source code repository: https://github.com/inclusive-design/covid-data-monitor/
Brainstorming on Accessibility Map of COVID-19 Assessment Centres
Evaluate node.js testing frameworks
Inverted Word Clouds
The website: https://inverted-wordles.netlify.app/
The source code repository: https://github.com/inclusive-design/inverted-wordles
Inverted Word Clouds Architecture
Evaluation of word cloud libraries
Speculation on Inverted Wordles Algorithms
The Pluralistic Data Infrastructure
The source code repository for the Pluralistic Data Infrastructure: https://github.com/inclusive-design/forgiving-data/
The source code repository for Github Operation API: https://github.com/inclusive-design/git-ops-api
Antranig gave a talk on Dec 3 for CIFAR - slides available at https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1wF8EHXc8_h9gREwEzVzYg7gd_vMnPwPCWJRnossOTXw/edit
Personal Data Server
The source code repository: https://github.com/fluid-project/personal-data-server
W3C Community Group
Summary: W3C Portable Personal Data Preferences Community Group
Data Science Tools Evaluation
Accessibility Test Plan for Python Download Package for Mac
Designing Proof and Evidence Co-Design
In fall 2021, a series of three co-design sessions were held on the topic of "Designing Proof and Evidence with Minorities and Outlier Data".
We Count Website Summary
Meeting notes (link): All meeting Notes
Communication channel or platform (link): Matrix Channel
Project Resource
Add a relevant Link for Review/Curation by Resources Team (internal access only)
Add a file to the resources to review folder on Sharepoint (internal access only)