(SJRK) Website Design Checkin Meeting - April 9, 2018

Dana, Michelle, Colin, Avtar

Activity Page

  • We want to add updates to the Activity page for all partners, including new storytelling tool designs
  • Ask the partners to provide summaries
  • Dana will write update for IDRC (with Alan and Gregor’s input)

Resources Page

Website Design

  • Silvia has created a version of SJRK branding: https://twitter.com/sjrkprojectCTG
  • Also look at the logos that Silvia provided early in the project 
  • How can we work with the community to re-do the website?
  • “bricolage” approach - different identities in different places? 
  • This could be OK
  • Let’s discuss with partners and decide an approach
  • What is the timeline? Nothing too pressing …
  • The current site design is not reflective of the project’s dynamism
  • May/November Oak reporting - have something to show
  • let’s not rush it for May - but start work on it now 
  • We (IDRC) could work on design and meet regularly to get partner’s input
  • OR - we all (all partners or those who want to) sketch, and meet regularly to refine?
  • how to involve youth and youth groups ?
  • each partner can decide how they want to contribute, and how they want to bring in youth to co-design
  • Avtar will begin to gather themes from the meeting notes
  • We will introduce idea of co-sketching in a “mood-board”, including sketches, ideas, mockups, e tc
    • use Google draw or other
  • Meet with partners to discuss (bring to next partners meeting)