(SJRK) May 16, 2019 Partners Meeting

Present: Dana, Michelle, Liam, Bahati

Tata - email update:

I write to apologize for not having participated in the two past meetings, in Colombia were holidays and I disconnected from work. 

These are the updates:

  1. We already started the workshops, at this time we have done two.
  2. We finished organizing the scheduled visits.
  3. May is our most moved month. I leave a link with some videos already made. http://fresnodigital.info/OJRFRESNO2019/index.html

4.I know that Juliana already sent you the links and Carolina the contract, good. 

  1. This year, we will work with another community, Tobia, is close to Bogotá and has a very interesting job with children and tourism.


  • Had call with Jay re: sustainable dev toolkit - re audience and framing etc
  • Conducted an AODA training
  • Collecting photos for the website re: events etc
  • Create to learn hasn’t been submitted yet - they are incoming
  • Last week - collaboration with indigenous artist - plant series of diagrams
  • Also preparing for future pathways summit at OCAD in next 3 weeks - bring together young indigenous folks to ask them about how university can better meet their needs
  • Shelton - just graduated yesterday - it’s a big deal - he’s been part of a program in Ottawa - they were able to livestream the graduation


  • Discussion of budget and contract - moving forward
  • Sign contract tomorrow - will then kick off with activities
  • Have identified youth organisations - more diverse - young women, youth in agriculture, ? building, 
    • Want to prioritise who are the best fit
    • Can’t train everyone
  • They shared their experiences with us 
  • Once we get going with the work we’ll need lots of support on developing the toolkits
    • Can we bring Jutta in to lead some sessions online? James too?
    • Dana to send embedded co-design materials
  • Confirm Bahati is on the mailing list? Yes
  • Please provide feedback/additional content/images for the following page: https://www.sojustrepairit.org/partners/smartlab/


  • New designs for front page of storytelling site
  • Jutta met with Dana B from Oak - it went really well :)
  • Possibility of a proposal for project extension/renewal
  • Tentative event May 29 - kickoff/launch for coding to learn - those in Toronto are invited! (Liam)