(SJRK) May 2, 2019 Partners Meeting
Present: Liam, Michelle, Dana, Silvia
Events Listings
- Which events to include? TIG has a lot!
- Anything directly related to SJRK, but also anything that other people connected to the project might find useful or interesting
- Does it need to have images or links? No, not necessary
- Have been sent out to partners
- Small amount of customization and localization for the partners - addresses etc, once TIG has these they can move on it
- Haven’t heard back since 17th
- Partners haven’t joined calls in last 2 weeks
- Maybe send an email (Dana) - checking in, and Liam can check in about contract too
- Are there things you need to talk about in your project - what challenges etc
- Is it because of the holidays?
- Silvia - director of FUTCO is away on holiday until next week
SDG Toolkit
- Moving forward - have talked to Jay - contractor
- Weekly meetings are happening
- Will have initial draft of different sections of activity guide in about a week
- Section for facilitators, 15 5’s,
Email Update
- we can share some pictures as well which we took during field visits and also during follow up activities with youth groups.
- We are currently working on our events calendar since we never had one and will share it soon
Upcoming Events
- CAVA Aug 21,22,23 Â https://cava-conference.info/cava/cava2019/
- Situation of open education in the Latin America
- State of inclusive education in Latin America
- 3rd day - set of workshops https://www.facebook.com/cavaconference/
- Robotics, game-based learning, critical thinking, co-creating with deaf people,
- Could we do an inclusive co-design workshop - like the one in Toronto last year - how to make decisions in an inclusive way - inclusive co-design of solutions for educational settings
- Would it be possible to do this same workshop with the government in Cartagena - maybe the day before CAVA? August 20
- We could include some information about the work we’ve done with SJRK
- Different topics, not just OpenEd
- Call for papers -
- Invited speakers (including Jutta)
- Each person will talk about their experience
- Government involvement - preparing some panels
- When Roberto and Elbert came back to Cartagena from Toronto - they worked with the Cartagena government based on what we did in Toronto at DEEP
- Some funding provided by government and university - will have translation provided (English and ASL)
- First day dedicated to another event Aug 22 - https://openedforum.org/
- August 24 - SJRK event - for young people working with FUTCO on the project
- Organised by Environmental Guardians, but it’s not only for the Guardians
- Inviting any groups that are not yet included in the project
- Present SJRK results to everyone, make space for co-creation,
- Chicos Ragga will present their music / the album they’ve been working on
- Other music groups, art groups - environmental arts
- We have a draft agenda - Silvia will send preliminary agenda and descriptions for webpage in the next week
- Would be great to have Liam there too!
- Silvia sent an invitation to Karisma too - is there some funding we could provide? Sent invite to Juli and Pilar - Juliana is not sure as she’ll be in Spain
Other Events
- Will include some past events - will do
- Working with the Guardians - once/week
- Working with 2 other groups on resources - MOOCS
- When there is something concrete it would be good to meet together to exchange ideas about that
- Chicos Ragga are working on the lyrics of their songs
- They will record their album in MedellÃn - a branch of Sony
- Will we have a face to face meeting in October again?
- Not sure - DEEP format might be changing
- Will keep everyone posted!