(SJRK) February 19, 2019 Partners Meeting
Dana, Michelle, Tata
Karisma/Tata Update
Recently travelled to Fresno
Travelled to the countryside
Went to 5 schools, met the students
Met with Victoria, Giovanna
In town of Fresno - met with others too
Realised the impact of the project on the schools
Lots of enthusiam for the project!
Las Marias, Real Campestre - these 2 schools were already involved
Kids intention is to make / post videos through Wikipedia
Children need to know about their history in general,
Important that local people lead the workshops
Go, learn but come back to the region - this is the message
Met 3 key people -
Ivan has an independent cultural centre, through art teaches the history of Fresno
El Riconda L’Arte (?)
Alexandra is a communication professional - makes videos in Youtube
Knows how to create narrative, make cell phone videos
“Ivan of the mountain” - review the history of Fresno, blog, knows how to author digital content
They are familiar with the SJRK/Planeta project
Tata sent us the budget - Dana to put together with TIG and FUTCO to create sub-award agreement
Kids have started making videos
Next steps:
Planning the workshops with the 3 people and with Victoria
Prepare a paper to describe
Will help to create material for the local network
2 groups
1st year - they want more :)
2nd year
Alexandra may make a tutorial about making videos, share it on the local network
In 2 weeks, Tata should know the next steps/plan