(SJRK) July 24, 2018 Partners Meeting
planning a face-to-face meeting in October
partner updates
website/logo design
Face-to-face meeting of all the SJRK partners around the time of DEEP (which is a Friday/Saturday this year)
Would October 11th work?
James will get back to us
Juliana will try to make arrangements
Silvia will be in NYC for OpenEd(?), she will get back to us
Dana will send an email
Representatives of the youth groups that each partner is working with would be great to have present as well
Getting a Visa would be a potential challenge, on account of the timing (it takes 2-3 months to get one for Rwandans, 1 month for Colombians)
Some of them might need to acquire a passport for the first time
Language barriers should be considered
Updates from partners
A group in Fresno is asking “what’s next?”
Motivando a la Gyal festival - organising takes some time
Have to figure out how to continue the work with the group
Not sure if we have the money for that - we are done with the budget?
Have to review the budget
Any idea about the 2nd year of the project?
Do we have to deliver a report?
When the 2nd year will start?
This year ends in September, right?
M ala G are close to launching their festival
Juliana will send social media links
Working with new woman in Karisma from Brazil, a Google fellow who will be there for 3 months
Will visit Fresno together in September
Need to have all the questions resolved by then so Juliana can update the teachers and students
Preparing to organize a meeting
Could the IDRC partner with an organization like the YMCA/YWCA in Toronto wrt accessibility? Taking advantage of the grant linked above
Not applicable to countries outside of Canada
Could be applicable to SJRK project?
Two challenges with the project
The Environmental Guardians
Developed the page with some of the Floe resources
http://guardiaambiental.org/mapas should have some maps to visualize the work (had trouble loading it at time of writing)
The map can display various variables
Need to review the accessibility of the visualization
Need access to Github repo
How to show the evolution over time in a better way - it’s not clear in this moment
21 stories have been collected so far on the YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC75JefonQM2xbQdGM78T_Aw
Looking at how the process of telling stories has impacted their (the storytellers) individual lives but also how it impacts the community and beyond
Semi-structured interviews in a relaxed space - analyzing the data
The results so far have been generally positive
Wants to send the code for the Cuentalo site (or the Guardians site?) to IDRC developers
A GitHub repository link would be best, if they have it
Want to determine whether the page is accessible
On the visualizations page, is the OpenStreetMap used for visualisation accessible?
Alternative text
Selecting the various points on the map
Is the tool (open street map?) useful for the guardians?
Going to do “validation” to determine if the map is useful to citizens / impact on citizens
2 methods
Evaluate tool with guardians - with a sample of the guardians, working with the tool with them, collect the perception of the tool, useful?
Create an instrument to collect this kind of data
E.g. Cuentalo - evaluated not only the page, but also the process that we did with the young movements
Sample of the citizens of Cartagena - work with the guardians, collect the perception of the citizens about how this kind of tool can be useful
Recording interviews
Website and Logo design update
New logo has more playful element to it than before, various colour options
Avtar put it in the wireframe to see how it would look
Incorporated colours and patterns from Kente cloth and Mola
What about users on slower connections?
Could try to integrate the patterns into the letters of the logo
Colours and typography choices need to be considered