More Tabs Redesign Summit Discussion

See for more information on the progress of our work so far.


  • Present & discuss planned work for 2.5
  • Present & discuss planned work for 2.6
  • Discuss 'blue sky' version of Sakai for the future
    • This will probably also be informed by our content management research
    • Discussion Questions
      • Should users be able to determine their own categories and sort their own sites?
      • Where does it make most sense for users to make changes to their sites (e.g. in Worksite Setup or in the sites themselves)?
      • What might the future of My Workspace be? Should it become a more portal-like dashboard of selected site information?
      • Is there anything we want to do now to make Sakai more consistent?
        • Consistent use of intra-tool navigation vs. action buttons
        • Accessing actions (e.g. Resources drop-downs vs. links)
        • Consistent ordering of tools
      • Should there be tabs at all?
      • Should there be sites at all? (This is probably the big question) Is there a better way to organize Sakai (e.g. by user tasks)?
      • From "bug fix" to Fluid component: How might we take the ideas from "More Sites" and generalize them into a component that is useful across all the Fluid applications (uPortal, Moodle, etc)?