Website Deployment Checklist

Website Deployment Checklist

Refer to this guide prior to deploying a website.

Development Tasks


Create a code repository

Determine Browser supportProbably the same as InfusionRequired
Determine Site environmente.g. static site, dynamic ( Wordpress )Required
Vagrant Box for testingWould be helpful to have a vagrant box that has the same configuration as the production server, for testing on.Nice to have

Establish any required redirects

Also look to see which "old" urls are still trying to be accessed (maybe look at server logs)Required
Implement Responsive Version Required
Minify JavaScriptUglify. See if the static site generator can do this automatically.Moderate
Minify / Optimize CSSStyles from UIO could be an issue, but should see if the static site generator can do this automatically.Moderate
Add sitemap.xml ( for SEO )Moderate
Add AnalyticsGoogle AnalyticsModerate
Hook up to the CI serverRun tests on merge ( need to determine the type of tests to create See: Prior to Deployment Tasks )Nice to have


Prior to Deployment Tasks

Ensure tests are run under the same environments that the production is expected to be. (.e.g same versions and configuration of servers )

Smoke Test   


Automated tests using web driver?Including testing inputs to the site.Nice to have
Validate MarkupW3C Markup Validation Service Required
Check the custom 404 page loads Required

Check for broken links

Screaming FrogRequired
Look for links that redirectScreaming Frog Nice to have
Make sure that any implemented redirects work Required

Error Responses ( that can be found by crawling the site )

Screaming Frog Nice to have
Page Title Issues ( duplicate, missing, long )Screaming Frog Required
Issues with H1s ( duplicates, missing, long )Screaming Frog Required
Network UtilizationChrome Accessibility Developer Tools extensionNice to have
Web Page PerformanceChrome Accessibility Developer Tools extensionNice to have
Check Responsive Layouts / Design
  • Device Toolbar ( Chrome Developer Tools )
  • Responsive Design Mode ( Firefox )
  • Different window sizes
  • Native devices ( e.g. phone, tablet, desktop, etc. )
Accessibility Test - Automated
  • Chrome Accessibility Developer Tools extension
  • Axe-Core browser extension ( Chrome, Firefox )
Nice to have
Accessibility Test - Manualcould make use of some of the above automated toolsRequired


Post Deployment Tasks

 Re-run "Prior to Deployment Tasks"Some set or subset of the pre-deployment tasksRequired
Check crawl errors

Google Search Console

Can use same tool as the pre-deployment tasks

Ensure Sitemap present ( for search engines )Google Search ConsoleModerate
Check security Issues
  • Google Search Console
  • Check that the pages all have valid certificates.
Mobile UsabilityRequired
Page Speed

Google PageSpeed Insights

Nice to have
Ensure site monitoring tools are enabledAlert for outages, response time, etc.Nice to have