Fluid 2013 Roadmap
Fluid 2013 Roadmap
UI Options
- Design
- user testing
- new implementable wireframes
- Architecture
- pluggable preferences and panels
- support for "wizarding"
- Work with Cloud4all teams who will use and extend it:
- Floating panel (Astea)
- Preferences Editor/Wizard (Fraunhofer + CERTH)
- Integration with Preferences server
- includes support for A4A flat preferences transformation
- define core A4A terms to avoid the crazier sorts of transformations we do currently
- Mobile and responsiveness
Preferences Server
- Stable integration with UI Options
- Integration with OERC and other sites
- Security architecture and road map
- Integration with OAuth + BDigital's Security Gateway
- API key system for accessing REST APIs
- Plan for integrating with Mozilla Persona
Video Player
- Finish the core features
- Support YouTube videos
- Awesome-looking fullscreen mode
- Factoring
- Bugs
- Determine relationship with UIO and relationship to Infusion
- Integrate everywhere we can
Content Metadata Components
- Automatic generation of metadata
- extract code and user interface from OER Commons
- Core features:
- analyse HTML pages for:
- alt text on images
- captions for video and audio
- transcripts for video and audio
- analyse HTML pages for:
- Editing/annotation components
- Design
- Build
- Core features:
- grade and learning level (select or add new categorization)
- learning style (same)
- modes and controls
- high contrast
- flexible display
- keyboard
- AT API support (i.e. ARIA)
- I've tested this with an AT? (Link to ask community/vendor for help)
- alternatives and relationships
- link to other content, in system or elsewhere
- Harmonize IMS AccessForAll with Registry-based ISO terms
GPII Registry & Unified Listing
- Architecture
- Basic UI rendering support in "Kettle"
- Build skeleton server and mentor Astea to continue developing it
Web App and Browser-based Personalization
- API for web apps to access preferences locally, anonymously
- Jetpack extension to allow the above in Firefox
Personalized search and browse
- API for indexing pages by metadata?
- search by personal need
- browse by personal need
- search & browse by list of needs
- this is probably the hardest to do generically?
Ongoing Accessibility Support, Design, and Capacity-Building
- Inclusive Learning Handbook
- advice on ePub accessibility
- new tutorials
- Continuing to help improve OER Commons' accessibility
- Help PhET with Canvas-based accessibility
- Integration with other OER authoring tools and more
Later for VideoPlayer:
- support for described video
- mobile support, starting with iPad
- audio playback
- Finish UIO user testing
- stable wireframes for implementation
- support for C4A preferences editing efforts
- Content metadata user interfaces (feedback in an authoring environment so they can see what needs a resource meets)
- what do editing or annotation UIs look like?
- is there anything relevant to UIO designs or Vid. player?
**any overlap or interaction?
- Learning to Learn: conceptualize and begin designing
- Implementation (support development and integration teams with design work)