Inclusive Design Guidelines - Design Crit Notes - Dec 21, 2015

  • add something to principles about using standard tools in an inclusive way - what is our inclusive design process?
  • come back to principles always (refer from other categories/cards)
  • Buffalo Game as an example of a kind of matching game (
  • could create different matching games - could depend on the user group size, context and goal
    • choose a matching game based on various parameters
    • different matching games - further slicing (e.g. google search?)
    • sketch/think/talk - exercises
  • consider how the guidelines could apply to meetings/workshops as well as products
  • how much content to include from ILDH - too granular?
    • techniques - want to keep it "bite-sized" - refer back to ILDH
  • generally the content and format look good
  • we will user-test them