Inclusive Design Guidelines - Design Brainstorming
- include something like "Problems to Think About" prompts to communicate an open-endedness to the guidelines and to encourage contributions
- what other ways can we communicate that the guidelines are not the "final word" / are ever-evolving ?
- include concrete ways that users can contribute to the guidelines themselves ?
- acknowledging the limitations of open-source / co-design / user-centered design in terms of users contributing fully to the design process - what is our vision of the future ?
- include an introductory card (or could be in "packaging" of the cards or other)
- how to get feedback on how people are using the cards / testimonies
A Possible Slicing - Principles & Practices, Tools & Techniques
Principles of Inclusive Design
(include brief exercises)
- disability as mismatch (provide examples of mismatch?)
- one-size-fits-one - personalizable/configurable/flexible - a common and integrated specialization (vs. typical specialization)
- facilitate user autonomy and self-awareness
- integrated solutions (vs. segregated and/or universal)
- openness/transparency
- diversity + commonality - a community of users who share, re-purpose, personalize, refine
- design team diversity
- broad impact (design for margins and everyone benefits)
- extensibility (robustness)
- user-continued design / adaptability
- inclusivity in all aspects of what we do (practices and products)
- "beyond accessibility" ?
Inclusive Design Practices
- collaboration (tools: community meetings, pairing, design & dev crits)
- working openly (tools: wiki, listserv, channel, community meetings)
- de-prioritizing the visual / considering multiple modes from the ground up (tools: personas, mindmaps, community crits with diverse group)
- user-centered design / participatory design (tools: personas, user testing, ux walkthroughs, user states and contexts)
- co-design (stakeholder involvement in design process) (tools: accessible sketching tools? open design meetings, listserv)
- using standard design tools in an inclusive way
Tools of Inclusive Design
- where appropriate include a "try it" exercise
- in other cases, provide guidance in how to set something up e.g. a listserv or channel room? tips on writing a user testing protocol, other ?
- how to contribute - to guidelines or otherwise?
- user state and contexts (try it - build a US&C map for self, for someone you know)
- ux walkthroughs (try it...)
- personas (try it - interview 2 friends and create a persona)
- mindmaps (try it - map out the flows of a daily interaction e.g. ATM)
- user testing (tips)
- pref editor tools (try it!)
- community design crits (tips)
- wiki (try it - contribute something?)
- listserv (tips)
- channel (tips)
- pairing (try it )
- online repositories (for design?)
Inclusive Design Techniques
- detailed technical methods - refer to ILDH ?
+ Design Activities (more complex activities, using multiple tools etc)
- design focused on/starting from an alternate mode (e.g. design a purely audio/screenreader experience of an interface, then add visuals)
- an "acquiring self-knowledge" exercise? - what are my needs? include idea of needs changing over time / rediscovery of needs/prefs.
- matching needs/prefs to features/content
- putting it all together: create persona, use-case, US&C map etc
- authoring metadata?
General ideas for content
- personalisation / configurability - why it's important, how to build it in
- flexibility / content malleability - how to build flexible tools and content
- concept of mismatch (matching exercises? needs < – > features, users < – > users)
- personas - how to make them, how to use them
- designing for the "margin" and why it results in better usability for everyone (benefits everyone)
- authoring - "from the ground up" approach - why it's important and how to do it
- also include fixes for existing content?
- user testing
- co-design - why and how
- collaboration - why and how
- lots of examples
- Fluid user experience walkthrough? (from the Fluid Design Handbook)
- Techniques from the Inclusive Learning Design Handbook
- concrete exercises (e.g. build a webpage, fix a webpage, build a persona)
- the three dimensions of inclusive design
- factors affecting user interaction (relates to user states and contexts)
- environment
- OS/app variability
- unique personal needs
- learning styles
- Principles & Practices, Tools & Techniques + Exercises
Another possible slicing - Values/Techniques/Examples/Exercises
Values (?) / Qualities / Concepts?
- disability as mismatch vs. medical model
- personalisable/one-size-fits-one
- configurable (more technical?)
- flexibility
- open (open source, open design process)
- collaborative
- co-design (collaborative, responsive, iterative, diverse and broad)
- self-determination
- self-knowledge
- iterative self-awareness (learning to learn)
- diversity and commonality - re-using and re-purposing - learning from others but also personalising
- evolution/refinement by community (not a formal review body)
- integrated (vs. segregated) solutions
- diversity (of design teams) - "nothing about us without us"
- broad impact
- configurability (a "common and integrated specialization") vs. specialized,segregated design (universal design)
- extensibility
- resiliency
Techniques (ILDH)
- how to include the non-digital? methods vs. techniques? methods more general?
- support flexible styling (CSS separate from markup, UIO)
- label resources
- support keyboard control
- metadata (matching needs to resources)
- etc
- FD tool
- Explore tool
- etc
- find and discuss a digital mismatch that you or someone you know has experienced
- apply metadata tags to content that would help someone find a resource they need
- authoring game?
- build a persona
- matching game (needs/features)? consider ways of finding content to match your needs
- build a simple webpage
- fix a webpage (e.g. add keyboard control)
- Design Exercise: putting it all together
- Describe an edge case story
- Describe a Use Case scenario (consider contexts)
- create a user states and contexts map
- Create a Mindmap (structure, flow)
- Solve for mismatch (design solution)
Test Your Knowledge ?
- configurable/personalisable cards (how to do this with printed cards? different versions?)
- author-your-own (exercise?)
- mix-and-match cards
- small, concise, engaging, easy to use quick-reference
- cards embody inclusive design - e.g. matching games or exercises - match people+context+goal with features - problem solve where features not available...