Inclusive EPUB
- Jonathan Hung
- Michelle D'Souza
- Anastasia Cheetham
Owned by Jonathan Hung
What is "Inclusive EPUB"?
An EPUB that is "inclusive" enables a full spectrum of users the freedom to consume the EPUB content however they want regardless of their ability, environment, and context.
To be inclusive, the content author and stakeholders must take into account different modalities, media types, use of language, and information structure.
The Floe Project is creating best practices, exemplars, and research notes to be a resource to content creators who wish to create EPUB content that allows a broad range of users the choice of how to access the information.
Floe Inclusive EPUB Resources
- Inclusive EPUB - Inclusive Learning Design Handbook. A guide for content creators and educators who wish to use EPUB 3 and are interested in making their published content broadly usable by a full spectrum of users.
Floe Inclusive EPUB Working Documents
- Inclusive EPUB 3 Ongoing Research. On-going Inclusive EPUB 3 research and rough work.
- Inclusive EPUB 3 Guide - wiki edition. The wiki copy of the content on the Inclusive Learning Design Handbook.