fluid-work IRC Logs-2013-04-10

[03:45:25 CDT(-0500)] <thintimon> \quit

[05:21:05 CDT(-0500)] <Ra__> Hello Everyone, I particularly liked the idea of Storyboarder on gsoc 2013 ideas page

[05:21:23 CDT(-0500)] <Ra__> I wanted to discuss more about this.. is there anyone who could help me?

[08:09:14 CDT(-0500)] <heidiv> hey jhung, take a peek at my branch 4970 - all yr images are in/themed

[08:10:35 CDT(-0500)] <heidiv> jhung the demo uses the font 'opensans' - not sure if we want that for UIO itself, do you know?

[08:12:06 CDT(-0500)] <jhung> heidiv: I think so. It's in the design. jvass made sure I included it for the demo, so I think it's important.

[08:13:25 CDT(-0500)] <heidiv> jhung ok

[09:13:34 CDT(-0500)] <heidiv> Justin_o here's the reset jira: http://issues.fluidproject.org/browse/FLUID-4974 i'll add to planning page

[09:14:10 CDT(-0500)] <Justin_o> heidiv: thanks

[09:14:40 CDT(-0500)] <heidiv> Justin_o time estimate?

[09:15:01 CDT(-0500)] <Justin_o> heidiv: 0.5 day

[09:15:17 CDT(-0500)] <heidiv> thanks

[13:43:22 CDT(-0500)] <Justin_o> fluid-everyone: would anyone like to join the community meeting meeting remotely today…

[13:44:00 CDT(-0500)] <jessm> sure

[13:48:21 CDT(-0500)] <Bosmon> Justin_o - I'll join

[13:56:51 CDT(-0500)] <jhung> jessm, Bosmon, I'm going to be transcribing the whiteboard diagram here https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1ElYJVSisCim4BjTAVQrq6U6fbwLd_bone4215krxIWk/edit?usp=sharing

[13:57:30 CDT(-0500)] <jessm> jhung: they? inclusive designers?

[14:05:55 CDT(-0500)] <jhung> jessm: "they" refers to MDID students I think.

[14:35:02 CDT(-0500)] * Topic is 'This channel is logged – for details see: http://wiki.fluidproject.org/display/fluid/IRC+Channel' set by jessm on 07:30:00 CST(-0600)

[19:42:24 CDT(-0500)] <thealphanerd> Bosmon: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/ccrma

[19:42:27 CDT(-0500)] <thealphanerd> live stream going on right now

[19:42:29 CDT(-0500)] <thealphanerd> history of ccrma

[20:13:43 CDT(-0500)] <Bosmon> NERDD!

[20:16:13 CDT(-0500)] <colinclark> ALPHA!

[20:16:14 CDT(-0500)] <colinclark> I hear rumours of a stream!

[20:18:04 CDT(-0500)] <thealphanerd> yup

[20:18:11 CDT(-0500)] <thealphanerd> http://www.ustream.tv/channel/ccrma

[20:18:16 CDT(-0500)] <thealphanerd> history of ccrma going on right now

[20:18:19 CDT(-0500)] <thealphanerd> they are in the 80's

[20:18:37 CDT(-0500)] <thealphanerd> julius is just getting involved (tongue)

[20:19:35 CDT(-0500)] <Bosmon> Hopefully no FRENCHMEN in the audience for this stream :0

[20:20:13 CDT(-0500)] <thealphanerd> there are some in the audience?

[20:20:18 CDT(-0500)] <thealphanerd> you haev a oproblem with IRCAm?

[20:20:25 CDT(-0500)] <Bosmon> The speaker seems to (smile)

[20:20:40 CDT(-0500)] <Bosmon> "They could just copy everything we did" : P

[20:22:00 CDT(-0500)] <thealphanerd> I must have missed that (tongue)

[20:22:10 CDT(-0500)] <colinclark> I just saw Max Mathews

[20:22:12 CDT(-0500)] <colinclark> who's speaking?

[20:22:20 CDT(-0500)] <colinclark> hey, there's JAFFE

[20:22:27 CDT(-0500)] <colinclark> The NeXT is coming soon!

[20:22:44 CDT(-0500)] <colinclark> Is this a class?

[20:22:44 CDT(-0500)] <thealphanerd> they already started talking about next

[20:22:52 CDT(-0500)] <thealphanerd> colloquim

[20:22:58 CDT(-0500)] <thealphanerd> talk every wednesday by different people

[20:22:59 CDT(-0500)] <colinclark> who's the speaker?

[20:23:03 CDT(-0500)] <thealphanerd> one sec

[20:23:15 CDT(-0500)] <Bosmon> Wow

[20:23:16 CDT(-0500)] <thealphanerd> Andrew Nelson

[20:23:18 CDT(-0500)] <Bosmon> What a "reference"

[20:23:21 CDT(-0500)] <Bosmon> For Julius : P

[20:23:29 CDT(-0500)] <thealphanerd> I missed that too

[20:23:33 CDT(-0500)] <thealphanerd> fuck I need to pay attention

[20:23:36 CDT(-0500)] <thealphanerd> Bosmon: what did they say

[20:23:42 CDT(-0500)] <thealphanerd> sigh… I am missing it and I am here

[20:23:48 CDT(-0500)] <Bosmon> "I have no idea where he comes from, and he is an amateur musician" : P

[20:24:21 CDT(-0500)] <thealphanerd> who said that?

[20:24:40 CDT(-0500)] <Bosmon> I can't scroll back.... someone referring him to the department

[20:24:47 CDT(-0500)] <thealphanerd> oh o nthe steam

[20:24:58 CDT(-0500)] <thealphanerd> like chat?

[20:25:05 CDT(-0500)] <thealphanerd> or was this in the talk?

[20:25:21 CDT(-0500)] <thealphanerd> sigh

[20:25:26 CDT(-0500)] <colinclark> He's a business professor

[20:25:28 CDT(-0500)] <colinclark> fascinating

[20:25:33 CDT(-0500)] <Bosmon> It's in the talk

[20:25:39 CDT(-0500)] <Bosmon> He zoomed in on a typewritten letter

[20:25:42 CDT(-0500)] <Bosmon> And narrated the first line

[20:25:59 CDT(-0500)] <thealphanerd> oh well then

[20:26:05 CDT(-0500)] <thealphanerd> fair enough

[20:26:13 CDT(-0500)] <thealphanerd> colinclark: I think he is an anthropologist as well

[20:26:16 CDT(-0500)] <thealphanerd> but not 100%

[20:26:22 CDT(-0500)] <colinclark> Will this be available in the archive afterwards, ALPHA?

[20:26:49 CDT(-0500)] <thealphanerd> the talk?

[20:26:50 CDT(-0500)] <thealphanerd> yup

[20:26:56 CDT(-0500)] <colinclark> great

[20:26:56 CDT(-0500)] <thealphanerd> and it is an abridged version of the book he is writing

[20:27:01 CDT(-0500)] <thealphanerd> btw if you look at the chat

[20:27:07 CDT(-0500)] <thealphanerd> Bill Verplunk has been commenting

[20:27:10 CDT(-0500)] <thealphanerd> ustream chat

[20:27:23 CDT(-0500)] <Bosmon> I got an advert!!

[20:27:24 CDT(-0500)] <Bosmon> Sod that

[20:27:35 CDT(-0500)] <colinclark> is that JULIUS in the centre?

[20:27:46 CDT(-0500)] <colinclark> nope

[20:28:09 CDT(-0500)] <thealphanerd> Bosmon: we are working on moving the stream to a service that will not have ads

[20:28:12 CDT(-0500)] <colinclark> "Andrew Nelson is Assistant Professor of Management and Bramsen Faculty Fellow in innovation, entrepreneurship and sustainability at the University of Oregon's Lundquist College of Business. He received his PhD in Management Science and Engineering at Stanford University, where he subsequently served as a Lecturer. Andrew also holds an MSc from Oxford University and a BA from Stanford (through CCRMA!)."

[20:28:29 CDT(-0500)] <thealphanerd> interesting

[20:28:58 CDT(-0500)] <colinclark> ok, i think I'm going to have to slip away from this to get back to my much more boring writing (sad)

[20:29:25 CDT(-0500)] <colinclark> but this is too interesting to leave

[20:29:46 CDT(-0500)] <thealphanerd> colinclark: I'll link ouy when it is online

[20:29:51 CDT(-0500)] <thealphanerd> then you can start from teh begining

[20:30:01 CDT(-0500)] <colinclark> yes!

[20:30:44 CDT(-0500)] <colinclark> Any sentence with the words "Max Mathews" and "open source" in it is worth listening to

[20:31:27 CDT(-0500)] <thealphanerd> hehe

[20:35:53 CDT(-0500)] <thealphanerd> are you guys still watching?

[20:38:41 CDT(-0500)] <colinclark> I bailed

[20:38:42 CDT(-0500)] <colinclark> sadly

[20:38:46 CDT(-0500)] <colinclark> did I miss something awesome?

[20:41:38 CDT(-0500)] <thealphanerd> a couple things

[20:42:07 CDT(-0500)] <thealphanerd> colinclark: what you are missing though is me whispering back and forth with Henke during the talk

[20:42:08 CDT(-0500)] <thealphanerd> hehehehe

[20:42:14 CDT(-0500)] <colinclark> (smile)

[20:43:08 CDT(-0500)] <thealphanerd> he is interested in D3

[20:43:14 CDT(-0500)] <thealphanerd> Ima try and get him to use flocking (tongue)

[20:47:05 CDT(-0500)] <colinclark> (smile)

[20:47:10 CDT(-0500)] <colinclark> That would be wondeful

[20:47:13 CDT(-0500)] <colinclark> wonderful

[20:47:22 CDT(-0500)] <colinclark> zer gut

[20:48:01 CDT(-0500)] <thealphanerd> lol

[20:48:10 CDT(-0500)] <thealphanerd> We need to have a skype soon too

[20:48:14 CDT(-0500)] <thealphanerd> to discuss the osc stuff

[20:48:19 CDT(-0500)] <thealphanerd> and the srchitecture file stuff

[20:49:12 CDT(-0500)] <colinclark> that'd be great

[20:49:19 CDT(-0500)] <colinclark> next week after tuesday is pretty free

[20:49:23 CDT(-0500)] <thealphanerd> and then I want to port the entire stk

[20:49:27 CDT(-0500)] <colinclark> (smile)

[20:49:36 CDT(-0500)] <thealphanerd> wouldn't that be awesome

[20:50:00 CDT(-0500)] <thealphanerd> then we can put our energy into the import stuff like the clock

[20:50:03 CDT(-0500)] <thealphanerd> and node.js stuffs

[20:50:16 CDT(-0500)] <thealphanerd> I think it would be awesome to think abotu sync between machines

[20:50:21 CDT(-0500)] <thealphanerd> as well as multi channel output

[20:50:26 CDT(-0500)] <thealphanerd> possibly ambisonics

[20:50:32 CDT(-0500)] <thealphanerd> I could also do some wave guide stuff

[20:53:42 CDT(-0500)] <colinclark> yes!

[20:53:42 CDT(-0500)] <colinclark> that would all be awesome

[20:55:47 CDT(-0500)] <thealphanerd> ALL THE THINGS

[20:55:54 CDT(-0500)] <thealphanerd> I think multichannel would be interesting though

[20:56:05 CDT(-0500)] <thealphanerd> I think jack would be the way to do it

[20:56:10 CDT(-0500)] <thealphanerd> registering as a jack service

[20:56:55 CDT(-0500)] <thealphanerd> I think expanding the playground

[20:56:58 CDT(-0500)] <thealphanerd> would be awesome too

[20:57:00 CDT(-0500)] <thealphanerd> something for live coding

[20:57:20 CDT(-0500)] <thealphanerd> so many things

[20:57:22 CDT(-0500)] <thealphanerd> so little time

[20:57:24 CDT(-0500)] <thealphanerd> so little funding (tongue)

[21:01:36 CDT(-0500)] <colinclark> yes

[21:01:41 CDT(-0500)] <colinclark> we've got time, thealphanerd

[21:06:03 CDT(-0500)] <thealphanerd> that we do!

[21:08:50 CDT(-0500)] <thealphanerd> ok dinner time I thinks

[21:11:41 CDT(-0500)] <colinclark> enjoy