fluid-work IRC Logs-2009-02-16

[08:49:34 EST(-0500)] * phiggins (n=dante@c-68-34-199-67.hsd1.tn.comcast.net) has joined #fluid-work
[08:50:03 EST(-0500)] * phiggins (n=dante@c-68-34-199-67.hsd1.tn.comcast.net) has joined #fluid-work
[10:02:15 EST(-0500)] * EricDalquist (n=dalquist@bohemia.doit.wisc.edu) has joined #fluid-work
[10:31:49 EST(-0500)] * EricDalquist (n=dalquist@bohemia.doit.wisc.edu) has joined #fluid-work
[10:39:17 EST(-0500)] * athena7 (n=athena7@adsl-99-136-251-32.dsl.wlfrct.sbcglobal.net) has joined #fluid-work
[14:43:39 EST(-0500)] * phiggins (n=dante@c-68-34-199-67.hsd1.tn.comcast.net) has joined #fluid-work
[15:08:13 EST(-0500)] * apetro (n=apetro@ has joined #fluid-work
[17:48:58 EST(-0500)] <athena7> anyone know anything about when jQuery 1.7 is likely to be released?
[17:49:16 EST(-0500)] <athena7> make that jQuery UI 1.7, rather
[19:25:40 EST(-0500)] * phiggins (n=dante@c-68-34-199-67.hsd1.tn.comcast.net) has joined #fluid-work
[19:36:06 EST(-0500)] * apetro (n=apetro@ip68-3-207-51.ph.ph.cox.net) has joined #fluid-work
[21:19:44 EST(-0500)] * phiggins (n=dante@c-68-34-199-67.hsd1.tn.comcast.net) has joined #fluid-work