fluid-work IRC Logs-2009-02-05

[07:34:33 EST(-0500)] * phiggins (n=dante@c-68-34-199-67.hsd1.tn.comcast.net) has joined #fluid-work
[08:17:18 EST(-0500)] * Justin_o (n=Justin@ has joined #fluid-work
[08:17:27 EST(-0500)] * Justin_o (n=Justin@ has left #fluid-work
[08:17:36 EST(-0500)] * Justin_o (n=Justin@ has joined #fluid-work
[08:35:28 EST(-0500)] * laurelw (n=Laurel@ has joined #fluid-work
[08:57:16 EST(-0500)] * colinclark (n=colin@bas2-toronto09-1176131448.dsl.bell.ca) has joined #fluid-work
[09:12:13 EST(-0500)] * everettz (n=chatzill@fctnnbsc16w-156034222042.pppoe-dynamic.nb.aliant.net) has joined #fluid-work
[09:13:00 EST(-0500)] <everettz> good morning, does fluid currently have an auto-complete widget that could be used with an edit control?
[09:17:19 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> everettz: Not today, no. It's something that has come up in a few of the designs for our museum projects. I wouldn't be surprised if one is built.
[09:17:26 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> In the meantime, there is a decent jQuery plugin for it.
[09:17:35 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> Though I would be concerned with accessibility out of the box.
[09:17:41 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> That's something we could probably lend you a hand with.
[09:19:02 EST(-0500)] <everettz> colinclark: ok, thanks. We might already be using the JQuery plugin as the auto-complete in question is for tagging in Drupal.
[09:21:40 EST(-0500)] <everettz> colinclark: perhaps i'll look mroe at the code to see what could be done to improve accessibility. essentially we need to let the AT know that the control has an auto complete (I believe that there is an aria markup for that). Then we have to decide on expected behaviour when the auto-complete list appears.
[09:22:58 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> everettz: That makes sense. I just checked jQuery UI itself, and they haven't yet merged the autocomplete plugin into their distribution. It's being planned for 1.7, as far as I know.
[09:23:12 EST(-0500)] <everettz> colinclark: But, if it is part of Drupal core or a module that we are using we shold really work with that team as well so that hopefully the solution is included for other implementers as well.
[09:23:27 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> This means that, in the meantime, we'd be working with the plugin developer to submit any patches for accessibility, but I don't think it'll be an issue.
[09:23:38 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> everettz: Drupal likely just uses the jQuery plugin.
[09:24:32 EST(-0500)] <everettz> colinclark: hmmm, ok I'll do some more looking around to see what exactly is going on in the code and to figre out where it is coming from.
[09:24:44 EST(-0500)] <everettz> colinclark: I'll keep you posted.
[09:25:32 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> Great, thanks.
[09:34:56 EST(-0500)] * fj4000 (n=Jacob@ has joined #fluid-work
[09:40:23 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> Justin_o: hey
[09:41:07 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> I just merged the Gears code into trunk.
[09:41:09 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> Finally.
[09:41:12 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> It's turned off by default
[09:41:36 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> But it does change things that will impact on the SWFUpload mode as well, so we should talk today about our testing strategy for that.
[09:41:54 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> I hate to think that I've added more permutations for you to test, but I suppose I have.
[09:52:02 EST(-0500)] <Justin_o> sorry... i had stepped away for a bit...
[09:52:48 EST(-0500)] <Justin_o> colinclark: we should talk about that... i'm also starting to look at swfupload 2.20 beta 5 and adding it to comparison spreadsheet
[09:53:00 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> Justin_o: ok, great
[09:53:06 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> Hopefully I won't have complicated things for you.
[09:53:20 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> If it would be easier, I could show you how to check out Uploader as is was an hour ago, before I made my commit.
[09:53:37 EST(-0500)] <Justin_o> is it in trunk now
[09:54:21 EST(-0500)] <Justin_o> if it is, i know how to check out prior revisions from the command line so it should be okay
[09:55:01 EST(-0500)] * jessm (n=Jess@c-24-34-214-137.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) has joined #fluid-work
[09:55:13 EST(-0500)] <Justin_o> oops I just re-read your message and I see that you did say it is in trunk... so it should be okay
[09:56:41 EST(-0500)] * clown_ (n=clown@ has joined #fluid-work
[09:57:38 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> Justin_o: Okay, cool.
[09:57:57 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> This code has received rather light testing, so there is the possibility that you'll run into evilness caused by me and not SWFUpload.
[09:58:15 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> I think there is a fairly low likelihood, but you know programmers...
[09:58:18 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> hopelessly optimistic.
[09:59:36 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> Justin_o: My schedule today, if you can pass it on:
[09:59:44 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> I have an 11 am meeting, so I'll be in the office after that.
[10:00:28 EST(-0500)] <Justin_o> sure...will do
[10:00:33 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> thanks
[10:00:36 EST(-0500)] <Justin_o> np
[10:00:57 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> Justin_o: Do you want a quick primer on how this new code works, or are you going to test SWFUpload b5 with an older revision?
[10:03:59 EST(-0500)] <Justin_o> maybe i should try it with the current revision... i don't have gears yet so it should be okay.... any changes that i might notice.. or anything in particular that i should know?
[10:04:11 EST(-0500)] <Justin_o> colinclark: ^
[10:05:45 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> Justin_o: In theory, it should work exactly as-is.
[10:05:53 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> Ah, actually.
[10:05:57 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> "theory"
[10:06:15 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> I believe I committed the demo with Gears turned on by default. Let me double check and fix that.
[10:06:22 EST(-0500)] <Justin_o> okay... thanks
[10:06:42 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> Nope, it's off by default.
[10:06:51 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> So, in theory it should work exactly asis.
[10:06:53 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> (smile)
[10:07:04 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> I've changed the way the "demo" upload manager works.
[10:07:16 EST(-0500)] <Justin_o> really... added features?
[10:07:19 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> It's now a thing that wraps a real upload manager.
[10:07:29 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> So we have two real upload managers: SWFUploadManager and GearsUploadManager.
[10:07:51 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> The job of the DemoUploadManager is just to not let the real upload manager try to talk to the server.
[10:08:25 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> So the configuration API changed slightly. There has always been an option to allow you to choose which upload manager to use.
[10:08:36 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> uploadManager: "fluid.swfUploadManager"
[10:08:38 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> for example
[10:08:47 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> If you wanted to run locally in demo mode, you'd do this:
[10:08:56 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> uploadManager: "fluid.demoUploadManager"
[10:09:08 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> But since the demo is now not a first-class upload manager, that is no longer the case.
[10:09:13 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> There's a new flag called "demo"
[10:09:18 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> demo: true or demo: false
[10:09:35 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> Users need to specify which upload manager they want to use, and whether or not they want to run in demo mode.
[10:09:48 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> By default, demo mode is off, and the swfUploadManager is used.
[10:09:55 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> So Uploader.html is configured this way.
[10:10:10 EST(-0500)] <Justin_o> so does that mean that I'll have to set that flag for my testing
[10:10:14 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> sorry, no
[10:10:16 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> this way:
[10:10:31 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> demo: true, uploadManager: "fluid.swfUploadManager"
[10:10:42 EST(-0500)] <Justin_o> oh okay
[10:10:44 EST(-0500)] <Justin_o> thanks
[10:10:56 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> the server should be set up for demo: false with the swfUploadManager.
[10:11:21 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> Anyway, all those details to say that, while it's architecturally a bit different, the end-user result should be essentially identical.
[10:11:31 EST(-0500)] <Justin_o> okay... got it
[10:12:04 EST(-0500)] <Justin_o> for testing swfupload beta 5, i can just download and replace what you have in the swfupload folder?
[10:12:35 EST(-0500)] <Justin_o> sorry... flash folder...
[10:12:44 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> Justin_o: I believe so, yes.
[10:12:48 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> As long as the file names are the same.
[10:13:12 EST(-0500)] <Justin_o> is the f9 an older version of swfupload that f10
[10:13:42 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> yes
[10:13:44 EST(-0500)] <Justin_o> i guess what I'm asking is should i replace both with the beta 5
[10:13:52 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> Justin_o: hmm
[10:14:04 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> You may actually have to turn off some of our "helper" code.
[10:14:06 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> Let me check real quick
[10:14:09 EST(-0500)] <Justin_o> okay.. thanks
[10:14:40 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> Here's the quick hack
[10:14:52 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> comment out line 28 of SWFUploadManager.js
[10:15:53 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> and you can see on lines 138 & 139 the URLs to those two flash movies
[10:15:59 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> you could set them to be the same file
[10:16:14 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> again, terribly hacky but perfectly appropriate for testing
[10:16:50 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> and with that, i hate to run but i'll be late for my meeting if not
[10:16:51 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> (wink)
[10:30:13 EST(-0500)] * apetro (n=apetro@ has joined #fluid-work
[10:30:59 EST(-0500)] * apetro_ (n=apetro@ has joined #fluid-work
[10:44:41 EST(-0500)] * anastasiac (n=team@ has joined #fluid-work
[10:49:46 EST(-0500)] * athena7 (n=athena7@ has joined #fluid-work
[10:56:07 EST(-0500)] * michelled (n=team@ has joined #fluid-work
[11:57:56 EST(-0500)] * Bosmon (n=Antranig@ginger.caret.cam.ac.uk) has joined #fluid-work
[11:59:48 EST(-0500)] * colinclark (n=colin@ has joined #fluid-work
[12:01:36 EST(-0500)] * apetro_ (n=apetro@ has joined #fluid-work
[12:33:13 EST(-0500)] * clown_ (n=clown@ has joined #fluid-work
[12:33:19 EST(-0500)] * ecochran (n=ecochran@dhcp-169-229-212-17.LIPS.Berkeley.EDU) has joined #fluid-work
[13:02:09 EST(-0500)] * ecochran_ (n=ecochran@dwin-wlan-382.AirBears.Berkeley.EDU) has joined #fluid-work
[13:04:20 EST(-0500)] * apetro_ (n=apetro@ has joined #fluid-work
[13:46:04 EST(-0500)] * ecochran (n=ecochran@dhcp-169-229-212-23.LIPS.Berkeley.EDU) has joined #fluid-work
[14:55:29 EST(-0500)] * colinclark (n=colin@ has joined #fluid-work
[14:55:37 EST(-0500)] * anastasiac (n=team@ has left #fluid-work
[14:58:55 EST(-0500)] * apetro (n=apetro@ has joined #fluid-work
[15:04:11 EST(-0500)] * jessm (n=Jess@c-24-34-214-137.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) has joined #fluid-work
[15:31:53 EST(-0500)] * apetro (n=apetro@ has joined #fluid-work
[15:59:16 EST(-0500)] * apetro (n=apetro@ has joined #fluid-work
[15:59:24 EST(-0500)] <Justin_o> colinclark, fj4000: how does this look for a first pass at a test plan for the firs fss test page http://wiki.fluidproject.org/display/fluid/FSS+QA+Test+Plan+-+Layout+Containers
[16:01:17 EST(-0500)] * laurelw (n=Laurel@ has left #fluid-work
[16:04:29 EST(-0500)] <fj4000> looks nice!
[16:07:34 EST(-0500)] <Justin_o> thanks
[16:20:55 EST(-0500)] <athena7> is there any documentation on how to put together a fluid javascript file?
[16:21:19 EST(-0500)] <athena7> we'd like something that contains all the fluid code, but doesn't contain the main jquery file or jquery ui dependencies
[16:21:56 EST(-0500)] <athena7> last time i put the reorderer together, it seemed like the order files were put together in mattered
[16:27:14 EST(-0500)] * phiggins (n=dante@c-68-34-199-67.hsd1.tn.comcast.net) has joined #fluid-work
[16:33:49 EST(-0500)] * Bosmon (n=Antranig@ginger.caret.cam.ac.uk) has joined #fluid-work
[17:31:08 EST(-0500)] * clown (n=clown@ has left #fluid-work
[17:59:35 EST(-0500)] * ecochran (n=ecochran@dhcp-169-229-212-23.LIPS.Berkeley.EDU) has left #fluid-work
[18:20:22 EST(-0500)] <michelled> sorry athena7: I didn't notice your question
[18:20:37 EST(-0500)] <michelled> simon wang has actually created some build scripts that will make this easier
[18:20:55 EST(-0500)] <michelled> I don't think they've made it into trunk yet
[18:21:16 EST(-0500)] <michelled> the order will matter and it should be the same as the order in the examples
[18:21:26 EST(-0500)] <michelled> let's talk tomorrow if you are still having trouble with this
[18:21:39 EST(-0500)] * michelled (n=team@ has left #fluid-work
[18:31:38 EST(-0500)] * fj4000 (n=Jacob@ has joined #fluid-work
[19:39:49 EST(-0500)] * fj4000 (n=Jacob@ has joined #fluid-work
[20:35:46 EST(-0500)] * ecochran_ (n=ecochran@dwin-wlan-382.AirBears.Berkeley.EDU) has joined #fluid-work
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[20:53:08 EST(-0500)] * fj4000 (n=Jacob@ has joined #fluid-work
[21:46:42 EST(-0500)] * ecochran (n=ecochran@adsl-70-137-163-154.dsl.snfc21.sbcglobal.net) has joined #fluid-work
[21:55:37 EST(-0500)] * phiggins (n=dante@c-68-34-199-67.hsd1.tn.comcast.net) has joined #fluid-work
[22:44:00 EST(-0500)] * athena7 (n=athena7@ip68-230-77-209.ph.ph.cox.net) has joined #fluid-work