fluid-work IRC Logs-2009-02-18

[04:54:13 EST(-0500)] * apetro (n=apetro@ip68-3-207-51.ph.ph.cox.net) has joined #fluid-work
[04:55:57 EST(-0500)] * lessthanzero (n=FatalRem@CPE001ff342457c-CM001ac352aefc.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) has joined #fluid-work
[07:59:42 EST(-0500)] * phiggins (n=dante@c-68-34-199-67.hsd1.tn.comcast.net) has joined #fluid-work
[08:04:27 EST(-0500)] * apetro (n=apetro@wsip-98-174-242-39.ph.ph.cox.net) has joined #fluid-work
[08:18:05 EST(-0500)] * Justin_o (n=Justin@ has joined #fluid-work
[08:55:13 EST(-0500)] * anastasiac (n=stasia@ has joined #fluid-work
[09:25:34 EST(-0500)] * jayshao (n=jayshao@ool-45731e0f.dyn.optonline.net) has joined #fluid-work
[09:25:58 EST(-0500)] * fj4000 (n=Jacob@ has joined #fluid-work
[09:26:51 EST(-0500)] * athena7 (n=athena7@adsl-99-136-251-32.dsl.wlfrct.sbcglobal.net) has joined #fluid-work
[09:28:58 EST(-0500)] * clown (n=clown@ has joined #fluid-work
[09:32:03 EST(-0500)] * EricDalquist (n=dalquist@bohemia.doit.wisc.edu) has joined #fluid-work
[10:30:08 EST(-0500)] * colinclark (n=colin@bas2-toronto09-1176132041.dsl.bell.ca) has joined #fluid-work
[10:40:33 EST(-0500)] <anastasiac> colinclark: Just a reminder that when you get around to the Uploader docs review, please set the JIRA (2229) to "In Progress" (smile)
[10:41:16 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> anastasiac: Thanks, definitely.
[10:41:18 EST(-0500)] <anastasiac> Bosmon/Bosmo1, same request to you for FLUID-2226, the Pager documentation review
[10:41:24 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> Keep on me about it if you don't see any action today.
[11:36:58 EST(-0500)] * ecochran (n=ecochran@dhcp-169-229-212-17.LIPS.Berkeley.EDU) has joined #fluid-work
[11:50:49 EST(-0500)] * colinclark (n=colin@ has joined #fluid-work
[12:02:17 EST(-0500)] * apetro_ (n=apetro@ has joined #fluid-work
[12:11:22 EST(-0500)] <ecochran> Justin_o: morning
[12:11:35 EST(-0500)] <ecochran> Justin_o: I'm starting in on the Release Process
[12:11:38 EST(-0500)] <ecochran> Ta Da!
[12:11:38 EST(-0500)] <Justin_o> hi ecochran
[12:11:51 EST(-0500)] <ecochran> Justin_o: How's testing?
[12:11:57 EST(-0500)] <ecochran> Justin_o: Are we done?
[12:12:04 EST(-0500)] <Justin_o> nope
[12:12:07 EST(-0500)] <ecochran> Ah
[12:12:19 EST(-0500)] <Justin_o> getting close to having all of the high priority stuff done
[12:12:24 EST(-0500)] <Justin_o> let me send you a link
[12:12:29 EST(-0500)] <ecochran> Justin_o: thanks
[12:12:46 EST(-0500)] <Justin_o> http://wiki.fluidproject.org/display/fluid/Release+Testing+Tasks
[12:12:59 EST(-0500)] <Justin_o> you may have to refresh the page a couple of times to see all of the updates
[12:14:10 EST(-0500)] <Justin_o> ecochran: I would have also put the rich-text and dropdown inline edits at a higher priority but since they are not as visible to people i put them lower... what that means is that I would really like to get that tested before the release is cut
[12:14:56 EST(-0500)] <ecochran> Justin_o: I would have to agree
[12:15:16 EST(-0500)] <Justin_o> so a bit of a long way to go still
[12:15:34 EST(-0500)] <Justin_o> although i don't think that the rich-text and drop-down will take as long as uploader and ui options to test
[12:17:08 EST(-0500)] <ecochran> Justin_o: So it sounds like getting testing tasks done is the top priority
[12:17:53 EST(-0500)] <Justin_o> I believe so
[12:22:17 EST(-0500)] <ecochran> anastasiac and Justin_o: OK, I'm going to take off the Release Manager hat for a couple of hours and help with testing.
[12:22:24 EST(-0500)] <ecochran> Justin_o: What do you want me to test?
[12:24:56 EST(-0500)] <ecochran> Justin_o: ^
[12:26:24 EST(-0500)] <Justin_o> ecochran: thanks for the help
[12:27:05 EST(-0500)] <Justin_o> um.... i guess you can start on the inline edit, whichever version you prefer
[12:28:05 EST(-0500)] <ecochran> I'll start with the dropdown version
[12:28:13 EST(-0500)] <ecochran> Justin_o: ^
[12:28:24 EST(-0500)] <Justin_o> thanks
[12:28:27 EST(-0500)] <ecochran> is that what you meant
[12:28:32 EST(-0500)] <Justin_o> yep
[12:28:37 EST(-0500)] <Justin_o> i'll send you a link to the test plan
[12:29:21 EST(-0500)] <Justin_o> ecochran: here is the link http://wiki.fluidproject.org/display/fluid/Inline+Edit+QA+Test+Plan+-+Dropdown
[12:29:46 EST(-0500)] <Justin_o> if there are any errors, omissions, etc. to the test plan.. feel free to update it or let me
[12:30:50 EST(-0500)] * jmartinez1 (n=jmartine@mail.ammi.org) has joined #fluid-work
[12:33:13 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> Hey, jmartinez1 has arrived!
[12:33:31 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> jmartinez1 works at the Museum of the Moving Image on the CollectionSpace project.
[12:33:57 EST(-0500)] <jmartinez1> Thanks for the intro, colinclark
[12:34:57 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> (smile)
[12:35:17 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> So, jmartinez1, have you had a chance to play around with the Fluid Skinning System for your mockups yet?
[12:35:39 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> fj4000 has been leading up the FSS effort, so he can lend a hand if you need any help.
[12:37:11 EST(-0500)] <jmartinez1> colinclark: yes! I used the FSS framework as a basis for the CSpace wireframe mockups
[12:37:21 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> Awesome.
[12:37:28 EST(-0500)] <fj4000> jmartinez1 how did it go?
[12:37:30 EST(-0500)] <jmartinez1> I just sent the current results to Anastasia this morning
[12:37:34 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> Can't wait to see them. I guess anastasiac will commit them for you.
[12:37:51 EST(-0500)] <anastasiac> colinclark, yes - we were just chatting the #collectionspace
[12:37:53 EST(-0500)] <anastasiac> they look great!
[12:38:00 EST(-0500)] <anastasiac> will commit asap
[12:38:20 EST(-0500)] <jmartinez1> fj4000: (now I know who you are! lol) they worked like a charm. it took me a little while to get used to the layout, but afterwards it was helpful
[12:39:16 EST(-0500)] <fj4000> great! we're adding a lots of material to it all the time, so it should get even more feature rich pretty soon
[12:39:38 EST(-0500)] <jmartinez1> fj4000: the code will be on our svn repo soon, and you're free to take a look at the code
[12:39:47 EST(-0500)] <fj4000> will do
[12:46:49 EST(-0500)] <jmartinez1> hey EricDalquist. If you're available, I'd like to chat with you a little later today about my problems getting the confluenceIRClogbot properly compiled
[12:47:27 EST(-0500)] <EricDalquist> jmartinez1: where are you getting the source from?
[12:48:14 EST(-0500)] <jmartinez1> https://www.ja-sig.org/svn/contrib/ConfluenceIrcLogger/trunk/
[12:48:20 EST(-0500)] <EricDalquist> ok
[12:48:36 EST(-0500)] <EricDalquist> what are you running into?
[12:49:07 EST(-0500)] <jmartinez1> well, I can get it compiled correctly and ingested into confluence with no errors . . . but nothing's happening afterwards
[12:49:28 EST(-0500)] <jmartinez1> I'm wondering if I'm setting the conf file correctly
[12:49:49 EST(-0500)] <EricDalquist> "ingested into conflunce"?
[12:50:18 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> EricDalquist: jmartinez1 works on the CollectionSpace projects, one of the communities Fluid is active in. He's a really good designer, and also manages all the infrastructure like the website, Confluence, JIRA, etc. http://www.collectionspace.org/
[12:50:41 EST(-0500)] <jmartinez1> eh, sorry. bad terminology. I add the resulting .jar file as a plugin
[12:50:45 EST(-0500)] <EricDalquist> ah
[12:50:49 EST(-0500)] <EricDalquist> it is not a confluence plugin
[12:50:56 EST(-0500)] <EricDalquist> it is a stand-alone application
[12:51:00 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> jmartinez1: EricDalquist is the lead developer for the uPortal community, and is a close friend of Fluid. http://www.jasig.org/uportal
[12:51:03 EST(-0500)] <EricDalquist> that connects to an IRC server
[12:51:13 EST(-0500)] <EricDalquist> and then logs to confluence via XMLRPC
[12:51:14 EST(-0500)] <jmartinez1> oh man! no wonder!
[12:52:38 EST(-0500)] <EricDalquist> I'm a bit crunched right now
[12:52:49 EST(-0500)] <EricDalquist> but I can see about posting the .sh script we use to run the thing for jasig
[12:52:50 EST(-0500)] <jmartinez1> Thanks for you help, Eric
[12:53:04 EST(-0500)] <jmartinez1> that would be perfect, thanks
[13:24:34 EST(-0500)] * alisonbenjamin (n=alisonbe@dsl-207-112-42-70.tor.primus.ca) has joined #fluid-work
[13:34:20 EST(-0500)] * athena7 (n=athena7@adsl-99-136-251-32.dsl.wlfrct.sbcglobal.net) has joined #fluid-work
[13:44:34 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> lessthanzero: There's no patch attached to this issue: http://issues.fluidproject.org/browse/VULAB-169
[13:44:43 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> Shall I just add it to the top-level of the web module in SVN?
[13:44:44 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> orly?
[13:44:46 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> sec.
[13:45:45 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> oops, yeah. I should have deleted my comment. I DID have a patch, but I figured I'd toss it around the list before I commit'd. I can re-attach the patch or yeah, just in the top level of 0.5 web
[13:46:15 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> lessthanzero: No worries. I'll just add it.
[13:46:29 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> While I've got you here, tell me a bit about config.live.php.
[13:46:45 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> It's a PHP file, but is it essentially just populated with various configuration properties?
[13:47:01 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> Is it the sort of file you expect users to go in and hack around in to get it setup for their server?
[13:47:11 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> yes.
[13:47:14 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> thats the core config file.
[13:47:28 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> its config.live.php because I had one for running on my localhost.
[13:47:36 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> http://vulab.localhost
[13:47:42 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> which I'm just going to encourage people ignore.
[13:48:05 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> basically the site includes include_all.php which then checks if the site is running on a localhost.
[13:48:09 EST(-0500)] <ecochran> Justin_o: I have a question!
[13:48:11 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> I can make that a known issue.
[13:48:15 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> lessthanzero: Ok.
[13:48:27 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> I'm still slightly uncomfortable with the way that David branched the web module.
[13:48:38 EST(-0500)] <ecochran> colinclark: can you ask Justin_o to come to the chat for a moment? I know that he's at another machine
[13:48:39 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> Since it's as if he just branched a portion of the overall trunk.
[13:48:52 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> yeah.
[13:48:53 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> ecochran: Yep, he's sitting beside anastasiac atm.
[13:49:14 EST(-0500)] <ecochran> anastasiac: I need to ask Justin_o a question about Opera
[13:49:22 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> colinclark: well, I'm definitely comfortable with changing that around. my request for the tag was supposed to be just that, nothing "custom".
[13:49:22 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> lessthanzero: I dunno whether to just leave it, or to go ahead and rearrange it as it should be.
[13:49:26 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> I don't really want to step on toes.
[13:49:32 EST(-0500)] <Justin_o> ecochran: i'm back
[13:49:35 EST(-0500)] <ecochran> cool
[13:49:56 EST(-0500)] <ecochran> Justin_o: the latest Opera is 9.63 but the Test page says to test with 9.5
[13:49:58 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> colinclark: If your uncomfortable, we can wait until we are ready to go to "step 2" aka, after we have a deployable version in the svn. then we can move it around.
[13:50:00 EST(-0500)] <ecochran> is that correct?
[13:50:17 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> lessthanzero: Do you have any preference?
[13:50:22 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> I mean, restructuring SVN is super easy.
[13:50:36 EST(-0500)] <Justin_o> ecochran: yes... that's correct... officially we are supporting Opera 9.5... I'm assuming that we'll make a change for 1.0
[13:50:41 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> I guess if David is sitting on lots of uncommitted changes, it might be a bit more work for him to get them in.
[13:50:52 EST(-0500)] <ecochran> Justin_o: thanks, that's what I will install!
[13:50:58 EST(-0500)] <ecochran> Justin_o: that's all
[13:51:00 EST(-0500)] <ecochran> thx
[13:51:01 EST(-0500)] <Justin_o> that being said, some people use 9.6 around here and from what i can tell they are very similar
[13:51:04 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> colinclark: well, I'm a very big advocate of following prescidents and the "best practice" promotes ubiquity.
[13:51:11 EST(-0500)] <Justin_o> ecochran: thanks
[13:51:20 EST(-0500)] <Justin_o> i'm off again
[13:51:41 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> colinclark: but it doens't really affect me all that much, my patches are created for the httpdocs dir (be that in the trunk, tag, branch whatever)
[13:51:56 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> so my patch process doesn't change. so if you wanna do it, I'd back it. but wouldn't push for it.
[13:52:05 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> *I wouldn't push alone for it
[13:54:25 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> lessthanzero: I'll ping David about it
[13:54:28 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> cool.
[13:55:03 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> colinclark: I'd ask that david (preferably, to save your time) or yourself review and commit the patches I have on the go, just so I can start with a fresh pull when the move is made.
[13:55:22 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> lessthanzero: Well, I'm actually thinking that your patches will be easier to deal with if we zip the code around a bit.
[13:55:26 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> Lemme think about it for a sec.
[13:55:35 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> (smile) well, your the boss apple sauce.
[13:55:37 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> Don't worry, your patches will definitely go in soon.
[13:55:39 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> I'll follow your lead.
[13:56:15 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> I don't have any real hardcore code patches in there. Almost all just little housekeeping things. Add this, remove that, sort of things. I think I have one code change whichi is a couple of lines.
[14:07:53 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> ok, cool
[14:12:59 EST(-0500)] <alisonbenjamin> hey guys, do you know where i could find a copy of opera 9.5 for os x 10.5. I can't find a way to download that version
[14:13:20 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> alisonbenjamin: gimmie a sec.
[14:13:31 EST(-0500)] <alisonbenjamin> thanks
[14:13:58 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> alisonbenjamin: you know: http://browsershots.org/ right? - its not great for immediate testing, but after you think you're good, I always toss it through there.
[14:14:05 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> as a red-flag test.
[14:14:41 EST(-0500)] <ecochran> alisonbenjamin: http://www.opera.com/download/?os=mac&amp;list=all
[14:15:18 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> http://www.opera.com/download/?os=mac&amp;ver=9.52&amp;local=y
[14:15:20 EST(-0500)] <alisonbenjamin> thanks guys that's exactly what i wanted
[14:15:24 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> (smile)
[14:15:26 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> yeah ^^
[14:15:46 EST(-0500)] * lessthanzero lost the race - dag.
[14:16:48 EST(-0500)] <ecochran> lessthanzero: I was already there
[14:16:56 EST(-0500)] <alisonbenjamin> spoke to soon. "disk image fails to mount"
[14:16:57 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> cheat.
[14:17:08 EST(-0500)] <ecochran> alisonbenjamin: crap
[14:17:10 EST(-0500)] <alisonbenjamin> "not recognized"
[14:17:34 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> thats odd, a re-download? I felt like opera would have working legacy versions.
[14:18:20 EST(-0500)] <ecochran> alisonbenjamin: the 9.63 dmg just loaded for me, I'll check the ... do you want 9.5 or 9.52?
[14:18:37 EST(-0500)] <alisonbenjamin> yeah I got 9.6 to work.
[14:18:47 EST(-0500)] <alisonbenjamin> 9.5 I guess. will it it make a difference?
[14:19:11 EST(-0500)] <ecochran> alisonbenjamin: Don't know... we might want to ask the King, Justin_o ?
[14:19:24 EST(-0500)] * apetro (n=apetro@wsip-98-174-242-39.ph.ph.cox.net) has joined #fluid-work
[14:19:48 EST(-0500)] <ecochran> anastasiac: would you tell the King, that we need him again... sorry for the interruption
[14:20:03 EST(-0500)] <Justin_o> ecochran, alisonbenjamin: the latest version of 9.5 should be good
[14:20:06 EST(-0500)] * anastasiac throws a brick at Justin_0
[14:20:14 EST(-0500)] <Justin_o> ouch
[14:20:24 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> NO BRICK THROWING
[14:20:29 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> unless they are foam bricks
[14:20:37 EST(-0500)] <ecochran> nerf bricks
[14:20:37 EST(-0500)] * colinclark has been the recipient of a lot of bricks.
[14:20:40 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> or sidekick cellular phones.
[14:20:44 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> I'll take those.
[14:20:51 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> lol
[14:20:53 EST(-0500)] <alisonbenjamin> am downloading some 9.5's from other mirrors. i'll see what happens
[14:21:35 EST(-0500)] <ecochran> alisonbenjamin: I just had luck with 9.52 from Univ. of Indiana
[14:21:58 EST(-0500)] <ecochran> Justin_o: are you still here?
[14:22:06 EST(-0500)] <ecochran> I have two ?s for you
[14:22:15 EST(-0500)] <Justin_o> ecochran: sure
[14:22:24 EST(-0500)] <Justin_o> alisonbenjamin: if those don't work you can try it from here http://www.filehippo.com/download_opera/4546/
[14:22:40 EST(-0500)] <alisonbenjamin> ok thanks
[14:23:06 EST(-0500)] <ecochran> Opera on XP shows some crappy dropdown behavior. Menu pops up in the wrong position and the menu items don't highlight or don't highlight in a way visible to humans
[14:23:16 EST(-0500)] <ecochran> <you can still select the items>
[14:23:24 EST(-0500)] <ecochran> known or unknow?
[14:23:27 EST(-0500)] <ecochran> unknown?
[14:23:32 EST(-0500)] <ecochran> Justin_o: ^
[14:23:40 EST(-0500)] <Justin_o> alisonbenjamin: oops that a pc version
[14:23:54 EST(-0500)] <Justin_o> ecochran: yes known
[14:24:11 EST(-0500)] <Justin_o> i think fj4000 filed a bug for it... as he is the one who spotted it
[14:24:15 EST(-0500)] <Justin_o> i'll have to double check
[14:24:24 EST(-0500)] <ecochran> Justin_o: My other Opera question is actually about the tabbing test (Test 10)
[14:24:45 EST(-0500)] <Justin_o> okay
[14:24:46 EST(-0500)] <ecochran> focus seems to be different on Opera, you can have a focus in the browser and focus in the chrome
[14:25:04 EST(-0500)] <ecochran> so the test doesn't seem valid unless there are two focusable items on the page, which there are not
[14:25:24 EST(-0500)] <ecochran> should we add another focusable item to the page to complete the test?
[14:26:06 EST(-0500)] <ecochran> it's odd... and I'm not very familiar with Opera so I'm not sure if what I'm seeing is a bug or just "the way that Opera works"
[14:26:14 EST(-0500)] <ecochran> Justin_o: ^
[14:26:16 EST(-0500)] <Justin_o> the test basically means that you are able to move focus away and get back
[14:26:21 EST(-0500)] <alisonbenjamin> ok guys, I got one that works. thanks
[14:26:32 EST(-0500)] <Justin_o> i'll have to look at it in opera quickly one sec
[14:27:25 EST(-0500)] <Justin_o> ecochran: okay... i see what you are saying...
[14:27:38 EST(-0500)] <ecochran> Justin_o: confusing, eh?
[14:27:47 EST(-0500)] <Justin_o> i guess for opera just skip it for now... i would imagine that in the future we'll have a new example that has more items on the page
[14:27:59 EST(-0500)] <Justin_o> yes... opera can be quite strange at times... at least to me that is
[14:29:09 EST(-0500)] <ecochran> OK, thanks...
[14:29:19 EST(-0500)] <ecochran> Justin_o: on to the IEs
[14:32:08 EST(-0500)] <anastasiac> Justin_o, a double-check: I can commit against FLUID-2234 during code freeze?
[14:32:38 EST(-0500)] <Justin_o> anastasiac: let me just take a look
[14:33:05 EST(-0500)] <anastasiac> colinclark, you might know the answer to this one: We don't do copyright/license in CSS files?
[14:33:14 EST(-0500)] <anastasiac> or HTML?
[14:33:57 EST(-0500)] <Justin_o> anastasiac: I think what we decided is that it should have been done at bug parade time, but since it was missed we will have to do so now... i'm not sure if it should be reviewed or not
[14:34:04 EST(-0500)] <Justin_o> meaning the commit
[14:34:24 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> anastasiac: That's correct. The license information only appears in
[14:34:28 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> "code"
[14:34:38 EST(-0500)] <anastasiac> well, the commits are intended to only affect comments
[14:34:52 EST(-0500)] <anastasiac> so any review would be to double-check that it didn't actually touch the code itself (smile)
[14:50:17 EST(-0500)] <alisonbenjamin> hey justin - -
[14:50:45 EST(-0500)] <Justin_o> alisonbenjamin: yes
[14:51:51 EST(-0500)] <alisonbenjamin> I have 2 more release tests i can do with my hardware / software combo. I'll finish them later this afternoon after i get some school work. but send me other stuff you might need doing.
[14:52:45 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> lessthanzero: I just chatted with dmakalsky on IM.
[14:52:56 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> and?
[14:53:01 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> He is an advocate for separate projects: one for web and one for rascal
[14:53:16 EST(-0500)] <Justin_o> alisonbenjamin: thanks for the help.... i can't seem to think of anything else off of the top of my head...
[14:53:43 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> lessthanzero: The only real consequence to this, I think, is that when you guys cut a release, you'll have to tag both modules with the version number.
[14:53:45 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> not a big deal
[14:54:02 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> You just have to coordinate which revisions of each project make up a VULab release.
[14:54:10 EST(-0500)] <alisonbenjamin> whatevs.. i'm around to chip in if you think of something !
[14:54:12 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> lessthanzero: Are you cool with that?
[14:54:13 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> ok
[14:54:27 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> ?
[14:54:35 EST(-0500)] <Justin_o> alisonbenjamin: thanks a lot... appreciate the help
[14:54:44 EST(-0500)] <alisonbenjamin> no probs.
[14:55:13 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> colinclark: yeah, I'm fine with that.
[14:56:23 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> lessthanzero: Cool. So I'm going to restructure SVN again, and re-tag and branch.
[14:56:26 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> Shouldn't take long
[14:56:37 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> I'll just have to pull out the revision before we deleted. (smile)
[14:57:22 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> colinclark: kk. thanks alot (smile) once that is done, we'll get all of the patches in there? Let me know when you think you've applied all of 'em, and I'll cross reference with the ones in JIRA. then pull a clean version.
[15:02:19 EST(-0500)] <anastasiac> colinclark: the test scripts in tests/jquery-tests/js/ are licensed differently than the rest of our code. Is this intentional?
[15:05:09 EST(-0500)] <ecochran> Justin_o: XP/IE7 has a fairly big problem with the dropdown
[15:05:37 EST(-0500)] <ecochran> have you noticed that when you hit the enter key it changes the value of the dropdown
[15:06:13 EST(-0500)] <Justin_o> what do you mean
[15:06:51 EST(-0500)] <ecochran> When you open the test page Apocatastasis is selected
[15:07:03 EST(-0500)] <Justin_o> okay
[15:07:41 EST(-0500)] <ecochran> but when you press the enter key (once the element is selected) the selected value at the top of the menu is "enchiridion"
[15:07:51 EST(-0500)] <ecochran> and if you tab off or hit enter the value is changed
[15:08:10 EST(-0500)] <ecochran> in FF3, Apocatastisis stays highlighted
[15:08:52 EST(-0500)] <ecochran> sorry, wrong about Enter Key to close and change (doesn't do anythign on IE7 unless you select another item) but the tabkey does change the value
[15:09:13 EST(-0500)] <ecochran> Justin_o: I have to run off for a couple of minutes... I'll be right back
[15:10:09 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> lessthanzero: Is the current vulab web trunk sort of obsolete, now that you're heading towards a drupal-based solution?
[15:10:17 EST(-0500)] <Justin_o> ecochran: okay... i see... the drop down has Enchiridion selected when the dropdown opens instead of the previously selected one....
[15:10:18 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> yeah.
[15:10:24 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> I'm wondering whether I should create a "sandbox" folder for you guys, and shelf the cakephp work there for now
[15:10:26 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> colinclark: it didn't get far either.
[15:10:35 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> k
[15:10:36 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> yeah, that would make sense I think.
[15:10:47 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> if you want to save it, if not, no biggie
[15:10:56 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> might as well keep it around for now
[15:10:58 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> yea
[15:11:03 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> you can toast it when it's really not needed
[15:11:07 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> kk
[15:12:28 EST(-0500)] <ecochran> Justin_o: thats it
[15:12:43 EST(-0500)] <ecochran> ie6 is similar
[15:13:14 EST(-0500)] <ecochran> I dont think tht its show stopper
[15:13:22 EST(-0500)] <ecochran> but ots nt good
[15:14:01 EST(-0500)] <Justin_o> i agree
[15:14:07 EST(-0500)] <ecochran> Justin_o: I have to disappear for a couple of hours now
[15:14:17 EST(-0500)] <Justin_o> okay
[15:14:19 EST(-0500)] <ecochran> My Dropdown testing is complete
[15:14:28 EST(-0500)] <Justin_o> thanks for the testing help
[15:14:29 EST(-0500)] <ecochran> but I haven't written up that bug
[15:14:55 EST(-0500)] <Justin_o> ecochran: are you going to do it later or would you like me to do it
[15:15:17 EST(-0500)] <ecochran> Justin_o: either way, I can do it in 2, if that's OK with you
[15:15:36 EST(-0500)] <Justin_o> ecochran: sure that would work for me, thanks
[15:15:48 EST(-0500)] <ecochran> Justin_o: done
[15:15:57 EST(-0500)] <ecochran> Justin_o: or will be done
[15:16:02 EST(-0500)] <Justin_o> (smile)
[15:16:02 EST(-0500)] <ecochran> Justin_o: bye
[15:16:09 EST(-0500)] <Justin_o> talk to you later
[15:19:25 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> lessthanzero: Does this look about right? http://issues.fluidproject.org/browse/VULAB-176
[15:20:01 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> yeah, it does.
[15:20:06 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> k
[15:20:11 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> so the question then is what we should put in trunk
[15:21:31 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> well, we CAN put 0.5 back in the trunk, until we're finished this release.
[15:21:43 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> lessthanzero: I guess that might make life vaguely simpler?
[15:21:43 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> and if we get to drupal etc. then we tag and do what we did for cakephp.
[15:21:48 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> ok, let's do that
[15:21:53 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> we'll tag the 0.5b release still
[15:21:56 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> yeah.
[15:21:57 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> since i guess that has passed
[15:22:02 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> what release are we working on now?
[15:22:04 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> 0.6?
[15:22:07 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> I'm not sure.
[15:22:14 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> I've been saying 0.5
[15:22:16 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> (not beta0
[15:22:20 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> 0.5 final
[15:22:22 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> that makes sense
[15:22:22 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> yeah.
[15:22:30 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> ok, i'll rock svn here
[15:22:33 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> and then your patches will go in
[15:22:34 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> hawtness.
[15:22:41 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> so nice to have a clean svn.
[15:22:44 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> (smile)
[15:22:47 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> fells better don't it?
[15:22:49 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> *feels
[15:23:24 EST(-0500)] <anastasiac> so colinclark: how's the tech review of the Uploader docs going? (wink)
[15:23:30 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> lol
[15:23:41 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> Here are my priorities today, so everyone knows:
[15:23:43 EST(-0500)] <anastasiac> and how's the burrito?
[15:23:47 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> 1. Get Blake's patches in.
[15:23:57 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> 2. Look at Uploader documentation
[15:24:12 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> 3. Work on my jQuery workshop http://wiki.fluidproject.org/display/fluid/User+Interface+Development+with+jQuery+Workshop
[15:24:18 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> anastasiac: Is that okay?
[15:24:20 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> Burrito is horrible
[15:24:23 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> So pissed
[15:24:34 EST(-0500)] * colinclark got a chicken burrito, despite requesting veggie.
[15:24:42 EST(-0500)] <anastasiac> colinclark, fine - just a friendly poke, I know you're super busy
[15:24:50 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> keep up the friendly pokes
[15:24:54 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> otherwise it will never get done
[15:24:58 EST(-0500)] <anastasiac> when's the workshop for??
[15:25:03 EST(-0500)] <anastasiac> JASIG?
[15:25:10 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> thats right, #1 baby.
[15:25:25 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> anastasiac: yep, exactly
[15:57:00 EST(-0500)] * ecochran_ (n=ecochran@dwin-wlan-311.AirBears.Berkeley.EDU) has joined #fluid-work
[16:05:14 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> lessthanzero: Ok, here's a stub directory structure: http://source.fluidproject.org/svn/vulab/
[16:05:23 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> Note that the old branches, tags, and trunk dirs are still there
[16:05:39 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> lessthanzero: But take a look at the new directories: web, rascal, and sandbox
[16:06:07 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> Next steps:
[16:06:09 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> 1. I'll move the current web "trunk" into a directory in the sandbox called web-cakephp
[16:06:31 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> yep. I see it.
[16:06:32 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> 2. I'll restore the pre-Cake revision to web/trunk
[16:06:34 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> that looks nice.
[16:06:39 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> 3. I'll move rascal into the correct spots.
[16:06:43 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> lessthanzero: +1?
[16:06:56 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> A+
[16:06:59 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> THANKYOU
[16:07:01 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> your a freaking pro.
[16:07:27 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> cool
[16:08:06 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> your spending alot of time on vulab today (smile)
[16:08:12 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> lessthanzero: It's fun. No worries.
[16:08:21 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> heh, "fun"
[16:15:06 EST(-0500)] <Justin_o> anastasiac: i think we are okay with the testing to move onto the release tomorrow
[16:15:15 EST(-0500)] <Justin_o> http://wiki.fluidproject.org/display/fluid/Release+Testing+Tasks
[16:15:26 EST(-0500)] <anastasiac> excellent! thanks for the update, Justin_o
[16:15:30 EST(-0500)] <anastasiac> ecochran: ^
[16:15:34 EST(-0500)] <Justin_o> alison is going to do a couple more tasks but i don't think it will be a problem
[16:15:46 EST(-0500)] <Justin_o> we weren't able to get to the tiger testing unfortunately
[16:15:50 EST(-0500)] <anastasiac> ah, ecochran is not in the room...
[16:16:05 EST(-0500)] <Justin_o> yah he told me earlier that he would be out for a couple of hours
[16:16:19 EST(-0500)] <Justin_o> i'll IM him about it though
[16:16:35 EST(-0500)] <Justin_o> or e-mail
[16:16:38 EST(-0500)] <anastasiac> I have a bit of time now - are there any testing tasks I can help finish up?
[16:17:06 EST(-0500)] <Justin_o> there are only the tiger testing tasks left... alison is going to do the ones are her list tonight... so it should be okay
[16:17:14 EST(-0500)] <anastasiac> ok, cool
[16:17:22 EST(-0500)] <anastasiac> back to tech docs - one last page to update
[16:17:28 EST(-0500)] <Justin_o> okay... thanks
[16:17:31 EST(-0500)] * Justin_o (n=Justin@ has left #fluid-work
[16:21:40 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> lessthanzero: Does this guy look right? http://source.fluidproject.org/svn/vulab/sandbox/trunk/web-cakephp/
[16:21:59 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> (smile) .htaccess in there, yeah. let me check subdirs
[16:22:20 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> i just copied the directory, but it's good to have you double-check
[16:22:20 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> colinclark: yeah man, it looks proper
[16:22:25 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> cool
[16:22:31 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> keep on doing what ya doing
[16:22:31 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> :
[16:22:33 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> (smile)
[16:27:54 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> lessthanzero: This is a copy of the 0.5-release tag into web/trunk
[16:27:55 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> http://source.fluidproject.org/svn/vulab/web/trunk/
[16:27:57 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> Look cool?
[16:28:25 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> colinclark: yeah, that 0.5 alright
[16:28:25 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> If so, I go ahead and tag it under the tag "0.5b"
[16:28:28 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> ok, cool
[16:29:08 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> yeah, thats before patches tho right?
[16:29:46 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> lessthanzero: Before your recent whack of patches, you mean?
[16:29:50 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> yeah.
[16:29:52 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> yres
[16:29:57 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> then i'll apply your patches
[16:29:58 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> (smile)
[16:30:03 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> (smile) very close.
[16:30:10 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> minutes away
[16:31:04 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> lessthanzero: http://source.fluidproject.org/svn/vulab/web/tags/0.5b/
[16:31:06 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> Cool?
[16:31:07 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> (smile)
[16:31:13 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> nods
[16:33:03 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> lessthanzero: Okay, last time I'll bug you. (smile)
[16:33:04 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> http://source.fluidproject.org/svn/vulab/
[16:33:06 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> Voila
[16:33:40 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> srsly? let me check
[16:33:53 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> not bad..
[16:34:31 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> lessthanzero: Did I miss anything?
[16:34:45 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> well, there ARE some patches.
[16:34:51 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> but, I might not have sent all out to list.
[16:35:08 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> lessthanzero: Would they have been committed to the branch?
[16:35:18 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> no, I don't think it got there.
[16:35:23 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> I was under the impression that this branch has been sitting still since it was cut
[16:35:26 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> I can commit any changes you've got
[16:35:28 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> no worries
[16:35:56 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> I'll workup a list of the patches I've created, and we can see which ones are in.
[16:35:56 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> sec.
[16:36:18 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> its getting late tho, so if you had other things to do, we can handle it tomorrow.
[16:36:36 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> http://issues.fluidproject.org/browse/VULAB-175 is the one that pokes out at me.
[16:37:42 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> lessthanzero: Ok, I'll commit that one, too
[16:37:49 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> Is there an order they should go in?
[16:37:55 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> they are all pretty isolated.
[16:37:56 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> starting from lowest JIRA number?
[16:38:00 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> great
[16:38:02 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> Perfect.
[16:38:03 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> yeah, generally, but..
[16:38:05 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> they are isolated.
[16:39:52 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> lessthanzero: David has a pretty funny comment about the directory naming...
[16:40:04 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> He doesn't want to have an "applet" directory.
[16:40:45 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> ?
[16:40:46 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> why not?
[16:40:51 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> He says "it will put people off because applets invokes java 1 kind of thoughts."
[16:41:00 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> lessthanzero: I laughed and said "But you've built an applet!"
[16:41:11 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> Anyway, I don't mind either way. He'll bring it up at the meeting tomorrow.
[16:41:11 EST(-0500)] <Bosmo1> ha
[16:41:51 EST(-0500)] <Bosmo1> 0-pixel applets are the technology of the future
[16:42:21 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> colinclark: lol, yeah.. well, for a guy who doesn't seem TOO worried about svn, its funny.
[16:42:21 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> lol
[16:42:32 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> lol @ ^
[16:42:34 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> I told him point-blank that he is hilarious.
[16:42:39 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> haha
[16:42:42 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> (smile)
[16:44:14 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> ok, it's patch time
[16:44:24 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> (smile) very nice...
[16:47:27 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> lessthanzero: Quick question...
[16:47:31 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> hit me.
[16:47:38 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> Your VULAB-167 patch...
[16:47:42 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> Is it a new file add?
[16:47:50 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> sec.
[16:47:51 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> Or is it modifying an existing file?
[16:47:56 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> and if so, what's the path?
[16:48:03 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> yeah.
[16:48:06 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> its root dir
[16:48:13 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> database.sql
[16:48:18 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> in public_html
[16:48:54 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> cool, got it.
[16:48:56 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> (smile)
[16:49:00 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> I'll probably have a couple more questions like this.
[16:49:03 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> Will you be around for a bit?
[16:49:03 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> np.
[16:49:06 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> I'm here
[16:59:03 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> lessthanzero: So what's the future of config.legacylive.php?
[16:59:06 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> Will it eventually go?
[16:59:13 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> hopefully.
[16:59:46 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> but that'll take ALOT of doing.
[16:59:55 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> I wanted to get rid of it alll together
[16:59:58 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> lessthanzero: So how does it work? Both files are required?
[17:00:00 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> there are just SO many reference.
[17:00:06 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> sadly, yeah.
[17:00:13 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> And so would a user edit both of them?
[17:00:16 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> no
[17:00:27 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> just live.php?
[17:00:28 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> but there are alot of configs required by the system.
[17:00:46 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> live.php is the only one configued
[17:01:00 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> ok
[17:09:53 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> lessthanzero: I sent a couple of questions to you (cc'ed the list) about your First Account is Super patch.
[17:10:00 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> Lemme know what you think.
[17:10:09 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> I didn't commit it right away, because it does raise a few questions.
[17:10:32 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> I'll move on to VULAB-171 and get the others in, and we can chat about 170 on the list.
[17:12:35 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> (smile) ok.
[17:13:17 EST(-0500)] * EricDalquist (n=dalquist@bohemia.doit.wisc.edu) has joined #fluid-work
[17:14:06 EST(-0500)] <EricDalquist> jmartinez1: can you ping me tomorrow about those log bot files?
[17:14:30 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> lessthanzero: Couple of quick questions about VULAB-175...
[17:14:42 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> Are these all file deletions, then?
[17:15:11 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> Patches can be pretty weird when it comes to deletions... I've found in the past that some of my patches just blank out the file but leave it in the repository. So I just want to double-check.
[17:15:24 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> yeah.
[17:15:29 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> they are totally unused files.
[17:15:34 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> the one is an empty directory.
[17:15:45 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> other is stuff related to the "services" I was attempting to create.
[17:15:53 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> lessthanzero: Ok.
[17:15:57 EST(-0500)] <jmartinez1> Eric: sure
[17:16:08 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> The other question I have is whether we should delete those phpESP files, or maybe just put them in a specific spot.
[17:16:19 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> colinclark: I'm reponding to the super user. I can rewrite that one.
[17:16:23 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> its a simple enough fix.
[17:16:35 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> that was just the quickest
[17:16:51 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> lessthanzero: Okay, cool. Only rewrite it if you think it's sensible. I'm not the expert here, but it did seem like the sort of thing that is error-prone.
[17:17:10 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> Should we maybe move the phpESP README and CHANGELOG into a phpESP-info/ directory instead?
[17:17:17 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> (smile) yeah, that makes sense.
[17:17:18 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> I just didn't want 2
[17:17:49 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> lessthanzero: makes perfect sense
[17:17:57 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> Ok, I'll comment on the JIRA and then make the changes.
[17:18:17 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> kk
[17:23:29 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> lessthanzero: Couple more questions, then I'm done.
[17:23:35 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> (smile)
[17:23:48 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> So looking at VULAB-175, the directory removals weren't included in the patch. (Doesn't surprise me, not your fault)
[17:23:54 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> I should be deleting /bin?
[17:23:59 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> and /services?
[17:24:05 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> and /tests?
[17:24:09 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> and /examples?
[17:25:56 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> lessthanzero: ^
[17:26:01 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> yeah, sorry.
[17:26:02 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> my dad caled
[17:26:03 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> (smile)
[17:26:05 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> give me 5 minutes
[17:26:30 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> sure, of course
[17:26:31 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> no rush
[17:34:25 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> whew.
[17:34:26 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> sorry.
[17:34:27 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> lol
[17:34:34 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> I've been missing his call for like 2 weeks.
[17:34:41 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> colinclark: ok, so where were we.
[17:34:54 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> yeah.
[17:34:57 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> let me try one test.
[17:35:03 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> make sure that services isn't used for anything.
[17:35:15 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> but tests, examples, bin 100%
[17:35:19 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> sure
[17:35:28 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> there are still some files in services, it looks like
[17:37:10 EST(-0500)] * apetro (n=apetro@wsip-98-174-242-39.ph.ph.cox.net) has joined #fluid-work
[17:37:10 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> yeah, thats what I'm checking.
[17:37:23 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> Im 95% sure I didn't integrated it into anything
[17:37:30 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> I barely got done the base serviceclass
[17:37:43 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> but I just renamed the folder.
[17:37:46 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> logged in, did a few things.
[17:37:59 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> nothing seems bad.
[17:38:08 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> I just didn't want folders lying around that wern't being used.
[17:38:11 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> lessthanzero: So should I toast it? I can leave it; doesn't really matter
[17:38:19 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> but yeah, i can understand that
[17:38:20 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> yeah, lets just leave it. You got me all paranoid now
[17:38:26 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> ok
[17:38:30 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> but /bin goes?
[17:38:33 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> oh yea.
[17:38:36 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> screw you /bin
[17:38:43 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> and /tests?
[17:38:56 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> yeah.
[17:39:01 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> down with /examples?
[17:39:18 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> yeah, we never liked him anyway.
[17:39:20 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> done
[17:39:23 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> gonzo
[17:40:00 EST(-0500)] * clown (n=clown@ has left #fluid-work
[17:42:04 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> colinclark: can you do: http://issues.fluidproject.org/browse/VULAB-144 That one got lost in the fray somehow.
[17:43:07 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> lessthanzero: I'll check it out.
[17:43:12 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> thanks
[17:43:23 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> it wasn't in the round of patches from last week
[17:43:40 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> lessthanzero: Wait, there was a round of patches last week, too?
[17:43:43 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> Or just this week?
[17:43:46 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> (smile)
[17:45:36 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> lessthanzero: Okay, dude, it's come time to finally do this.
[17:45:41 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> Watch your email from the list. (tongue)
[17:45:44 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> (big grin) (big grin)
[17:52:06 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> WOA
[17:54:09 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> lessthanzero: It's sent. These things tend to take a few days, maybe a week. People are kind of slow to cast their votes.
[17:54:12 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> So we'll let you know.
[17:54:16 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> http://wiki.fluidproject.org/display/fluid/Process+for+Granting+Commit+Access
[17:54:19 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> That's the process we follow.
[17:54:19 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> (smile) yeah.
[17:54:20 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> I've read it.
[17:54:21 EST(-0500)] <lessthanzero> heh
[17:54:25 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> okay, great
[17:54:26 EST(-0500)] <colinclark> (smile)
[18:09:39 EST(-0500)] * phiggins (n=dante@c-68-34-199-67.hsd1.tn.comcast.net) has joined #fluid-work
[22:32:53 EST(-0500)] * phiggins (n=dante@c-68-34-199-67.hsd1.tn.comcast.net) has joined #fluid-work