Community Workshop and Design Crit Topics from 2018





Links / Notes





Links / Notes


Community Workshop

Byron Johnson, Andrew Chepaitis

December 12, 2018

Meeting Notes

Font resources



ELIA Life Technology (ELT) is a public benefit corporation that develops assistive technology for people who have a visual impairment. The company’s flagship product is the ELIA Frames™ font: an intuitive tactile font for people who are previously sighted. Designed with independence in mind, the ELIA Frames™ font has been developed with funding from the National Institutes of Health.


ELIA Frames™ was formally introduced to the world with a successful Kickstarter Campaign and debuted at the Smithsonian’s Cooper Hewitt Design Museum. The company is a member of the NEW INC. cultural incubator, affiliated with the New Museum.


Andrew Chepaitis is the president and CEO. Byron Johnson is the Research and Operations Manager. ELT is based in Brooklyn, NY.

Co-design with SEWA in Ahmedabad, India

Design Crit

Dana and Michelle

December 11, 2018

Co-design notes

Dana and Michelle will give a recap of their trip to India and the co-design they did there.

Addressing Institutional Barriers to Access in Financial Systems

Community Workshop

Kris Coward

November 28, 2018

Meeting Notes

An estimated 1.7 billion people lack access to financial services through traditional banking systems, often due to systemic barriers such as having to meet identification requirements (while living in a jurisdiction without an adequately functioning civil society to issue the necessary identification). Cryptocurrencies have been touted as possible solution, but introduce their own barriers to access, as well as suffering from barriers between crypto-finance and traditional finance. These barriers will be examined, as well as technical and policy measures that can help remove them.

WCAG 2.1 changes

Community Workshop


November 21, 2018

Meeting Slides

We will be discussing updates to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) in version 2.1.

Prefs Framework

Community Workshop


November 14, 2018

Meeting Notes

We’ll be talking about the Preferences Framework, the framework behind UI Options and other preferences editors. We’ll be discussing the integrator experience and, if time, the user experience and future plans for the preferences framework.

IDRC Website Design

Design Crit

Jon, Michelle

November 13, 2018

For the design crit Tuesday November 13th, Michelle and I will be revisiting the IDRC website designs created 2 years ago, and discuss some possible changes and updates.

"Seeing with Other Eyes"

Community Workshop


November 7, 2018

Meeting Notes


Lisa will be recapping, "Seeing with Other Eyes”, a photography exhibit by and for the visually impaired at the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation.

SJRK and Platform Co-op websites

Design Crit


November 6, 2018

We will be covering the SJRK website mockups, and if time permitting, discuss platform co-op site design as well.

Design History and Speculative Future of UIO

Community Workshop


October 31, 2018

Meeting Notes



A discussion of the design history and speculative future design directions of Fluid’s User Interface Options / preferences framework tools. The IDRC is a partner with CAST on the CISL project, which is making use of the preference framework. Kim Ducharme from CAST has put the following questions forward for the community to discuss:


    • What drove decisions for the current preferences toolbar design, choice of features, order of features, etc.?

    • In a perfect world, what would you have built (…or would like to!)?

    • What do you still want to know? We can ask our middle-schoolers!

Template for doing co-design for the Inclusive Cities Toolkit

Design Crit


October 30, 2018


Feedback for Social Justice Repair Kit website design

Design Crit


October 30, 2018


Project Show and Tell

Design Crit


October 24, 2018

We’ll be making the time available for doing a “show and tell” for some of our projects. If you have something that you’d like to quickly show and talk about, please let me know.

GSoC Mentors Summit Debrief

Community Workshop


October 17, 2018

Gregor will be providing a debrief from this years GSoC (Google Summer of Code) mentor’s summit.

DEEP 2018 debrief

Design Crit


October 16, 2018

For the design crit Tuesday October 16th, we will be doing a debrief and retrospective on this year's DEEP conference. 

On Continuing Creativity and What Lies in the Path of the Revolution: Thinking through the hard problems of designing, using, and changing software in practice.

Community Workshop

Colin Clark, Antranig Basman, Philip Tchernavskij

October 3, 2018

Meeting Notes

Colin, Antranig, and Philip will be talking about On Continuing Creativity and What Lies in the Path of the Revolution: Thinking through the hard problems of designing, using, and changing software in practice.

Documenting Accessibility in Wireframes

Community Workshop

Rob Carr

September 26, 2018

Meeting Notes


The session will engage you in a conversation about what sort of accessibility attributes we can document in this early design phase. We will work with sample wireframes and develop a common language to use to pass along to developers so that accessibility remains at the forefront of design and implementation.

DEEP 2018 presentations part 2

Design Crit

Jon Hung

September 25, 2018

For the design crit Tuesday September 25th, we will be continuing our planning of the DEEP conference. I will be facilitating the discussion about the 5 minute Open House stories, and how we might impart inclusive flavours to the narratives we share.

Connecting Offline Learners to the World's Knowledge

Community Workshop

Nicole Comforto

September 19, 2018

Meeting Notes




Learn how World Possible and its partners are using low-cost server/routers to bring Open Educational Resources to remote, offline learners. We'll present and demo our RACHEL (Remote Area Community Hotspot for Education & Learning) devices, and discuss case studies for how RACHEL is used around the world.

DEEP conference preparations

Design Crit


September 18, 2018

For the design crit Tuesday Sep 18, we will be talking about the DEEP upcoming conference on October 12 - 13. We'll be talking about presentations, demos, and IDRC roles during the 2 day conference / party.

The Republic of Childhood: Learning from the Future

Community Workshop

Neil Wilson

September 12, 2018

Meeting Notes


Neil Wilson is the Founder of the Ottawa International Writers Festival  He has been working with the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board (OCDSB) on a number of literacy initiatives for the past 20 years working with community leaders and educators on discoversing and delivering exciting child centred initiatives that empower kids and young learners.

The Republic of Childhood was launched in the Fall of 2017 and is inspired by the Convention on the Rights of the Child. The Republic is partnering with the Ottawa Public Library and a number of social housing neighbourhoods as well as the OCDSB.

Neil looks forward to sharing some of his experiences and learning more from you on how we can do better creating creative spaces for kids.

UIO word spacing icon

Design Crit


September 11, 2018

For the design crit Tuesday September 11th, we will be talking about the word spacing icon for UI Options. We will be looking for ideas for how word spacing can be represented as a graphic that scales well on a variety of devices and contexts.

Creating a Meaningful Involvement Prototype for WCAG Silver

Community Workshop

Cybele Sack

September 5, 2018t


This is an opportunity to share ideas to increase meaningful involvement of people with disabilities in accessibility of digital content and tools. The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) are going through a generational transformation in the form of the Silver Task Force (AG). I'd like to get feedback on a process, prototype, user testing, and conformance model for this initiative. 

New Inclusive Housing Model - Feedback Session

Community Workshop

Chris Zhang / Mohsen Mahjoobnia

August 29, 2018

Meeting Notes


Plant a Home, a social enterprise building homes for people with developmental disabilities, invites you to attend a presentation on their business model. Plant a Home uses a self-sustainable financial structure without reliance on the government, and is requesting your feedback from an inclusive design perspective.


UI Options Plus text-to-speech

Design Crit


August 28, 2018

For the design crit Tuesday August 28th, Justin will be asking for some quick feedback on the on-demand selected text-to-speech feature of UI Options Plus. There will be some extra time to cover other topics, so other discussions are welcome.

Smart Cities

Community Workshop

Gillian / Syeda

August 22, 2018


Meeting Notes

Gillian and Syeda will be presenting a report on smart cities from around the world. They will discuss the definition of “smart cities” and different understandings associated with the term, do a brief overview of a few smart cities that are successful and others that have a strong strategic plan to becoming “smart”, and present criticisms/feedback they have received from experts.

Meaningful Involvement Prototype for Silver (WCAG)

Design Crit


August 21, 2018

This design crit is an opportunity to share ideas to increase meaningful involvement of people with disabilities in accessibility of digital content and tools.  The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) are going through a generational transformation in the form of the Silver Task Force (AG).  I'd like to get feedback on a process, prototype, user testing, and conformance model for this initiative.

Presentation on GSoC 2018 Projects

Community Workshop

GSoC Students

August 15, 2018

Meeting Notes


Google Summer of Code (GSoC) is a global program focused on bringing more student developers into open source software development. Students work with an open source organization on a 3 month programming project during their break from school.

Designing a way-finding tool for people with cognitive difficulties

Community Workshop

Neeta Khanuja

August 7, 2018

Meeting Notes


Exploring the concept of cognitive maps and identifying the potential of landmarks as primary elements for way-finding tools. The first half of the talk will consist of a hands-on exercise relating to cognitive maps and the second half will be a presentation of the pre-thesis work that was done at University at Buffalo as part of my Masters of Science in Architecture course.

Title of my research project is designing way-finding tool for people with cognitive difficulties. It explores the hypothesis that creating custom maps for an individual based on their preferences for landmarks can lead to making a way-finding tool more user-friendly and can encourage environmental learning for people with mild to moderate dementia or TBI. Scope of the tool is limited to neighborhoods with a focus on pedestrian navigation.

Inclusive Activities Brainstorming

Community Workshop

Jon Hung

August 1, 2018

Exoskeleton Devices

Community Workshop

John Byrne

July 25, 2018

Meeting Notes

Co-design activities for inclusive cities

Design Crit


July 24, 2018

For the design crit Tuesday July 24th, we will be talking about co-design activities related to designing for inclusive cities. We would like to talk about, and get feedback for, new activities that we want to do in different communities.

MyData - A human-centered approach to personal data management

Community Workshop

Teemu Ropponen

July 18, 2018

Meeting Notes


English Whitepaper


MyData is both an alternative vision and guiding technical principles for how we, as individuals, can have more control over the data trails we leave behind us in our everyday actions. The core idea is that we should have an easy way to see where data about us goes, specify who can use it, and alter these decisions over time. More than GDPR, MyData focuses on actionable rights - making sure that data CAN be reused easily, as long the reuse is governed ethically.


Thus, the MyData approach aims at strengthening digital human rights while opening new opportunities for businesses to develop innovative personal data based services built on mutual trust.


MyData is now in the Finnish Government agenda. The MyData declaration has been translated to nearly 10 languages worldwide and the white paper has gained good traction worldwide. 


Open Knowledge Finland, Aalto University and many partners currently coordinate a large global MyData global network around the ethical use of personal data.  The network operates now in 25 locations in 20 countries, and organise a 800-person conference and regional meetups on the topic.


n August of this year, this MyData movement is being spun off into

a separate international not-for-profit organisation.


Teemu Ropponen from the MyData Global Network and Open Knowledge Finland, will explain what MyData is all about in practice, and explains what it might mean for designers and developers of digital services in the future.




Join the lively Slack:


Follow on Twitter:




MyData 2018 Conference:


MyData Global Community:


MyData Declaration: 


Read more:


Our thinking on Medium: 


Whitepapers and more:

Youth activism resources

Design Crit


July 17, 2018

For the design crit July 17th, we will be reviewing the Social Justice Repair Kit resourcesand assist with generating a list of resources that are of interest to youth activist groups.

Adding more contrast choices to UI Options

Design Crit


July 10, 2018

For the design crit Tuesday July 10th, we will be chatting about adding additional contrast themes to the contrast adjuster in UI Options, and how the adjuster can be changed to accommodate more settings.

BIG IDeA and Our Doors Are Open

Community Workshop

David Pereyra

July 4, 2018

Meeting Notes

Accessible Media Production program at Mohawk College

Community Workshop

Jennifer Jahnke

June 27, 2018

Meeting Notes

Storytelling tool technical audit

Design Crit

Alan, Gregor

June 26, 2018

For the design crit Tuesday June 26th, Alan and Gregor will lead an examination of the software design and architecture of the Storytelling Tool. 

Inclusive Design and Frugal Design

Community Workshop

Daniel Ura

June 20, 2018

Meeting Notes

Storytelling tool Colombia trip debrief (Part 2)

Design Crit

Michelle, Dana

June 19, 2018

For the design crit Tuesday June 19, Michelle and Dana will continue  sharing their experiences from Colombia where they visited two rural schools and attended a workshop in the city of Medellín, organised by Karisma. They will show some photos and talk about what they did with the students and at the workshop, and some of the issues that came up with the storytelling tool. Hopefully also discuss collectively next steps.

Storytelling tool Colombia trip debrief

Design Crit

Michelle, Dana

June 12, 2018

For the design crit Tuesday June 12, Michelle and Dana will be sharing about their experiences in Colombia where they visited two rural schools  and attended a workshop in the city of Medellín, organised by Karisma. They will show some photos and talk about what they did with the students and at the workshop, and some of the issues that came up with the storytelling tool. Hopefully also discuss collectively next steps.

co-op student presentation

Community Workshop

co-op students

June 6, 2018



Community Workshop

Abid Virani

May 30, 2018

"Fable Tech Labs is trying to make it easier to engage people who live with a disability in the QA process. Our prototype allows companies to submit tickets to our community, test a user story, and receive a report on their experience. We are currently working towards a beta product, which will allow a ticket to reach up to ten users and allow clients to see data populate live.

Our goal is to be the next step after using automated tools, with emphasis on creating great customer experiences."

You can learn more about them at

Inclusive Cities website and IDRC 25th Anniversary Logo

Design Crit


May 29, 2018

  • A redesign of the Inclusive Cities website, currently at






  • Lisa Liskovoi will be presenting her work on the IDRC’s 25th Anniversary logo.

Laboratory Assistive Devices - Collaboration & Distribution

Community Workshop

Ronald Soong

May 23, 2018

Meeting Notes

Firefox accessibility Inspector, AOM, and etc.

Community Workshop

Yura Zenevich

May 16, 2018

Introducing the Accessibility Inspector

Meeting Notes

Faraday's Law PhET simulation

Design Crit

Jon Hung

May 15, 2018

Discussing the latest accessibility designs for the Faraday's Law PhET simulation including keyboard navigation, text descriptions, and possibly sonification (time permitting).


Relevant link: The current Faraday's Law sim.

New Infusion Framework features

Community Workshop


May 9, 2018

Documentation pull (pls review)

Implementation pull (pls review)

Paper (too late to review!)

Infusion is a different kind of JavaScript framework. Our approach is to leave you in control—it's your interface, using your markup, your way. Infusion is accessible and very, very configurable. Infusion includes:

  • an application framework for developing flexible stuff with JavaScript and jQuery

  • a collection of accessible UI components

Story telling tool

Design Crit


May 8, 2018

For the May 8th design crit, we will be discussing the Floe story telling tool in two different contexts: learning reflections site, and "La Planeta es la Escuela".


The description of the two contexts follow:


The goal of the Floe learning reflections site is to use the story telling tool to gather stories about unique learning styles. We plan to hold one or more sessions where we will gather stories from a broad range of participants while at the same time collecting feedback about the tool. The current version is here: 


Another version of the storytelling tool is being created for our upcoming visit with Karisma, one of our SJRK partners, in Medellín Colombia. We are adding design elements from their version of the project, “La Planeta es la Escuela” or “The Planet is the School”, to the existing storytelling tool.

Design Guides Activities: Part 2

Community Workshop

Dana, Sepideh

May 2, 2018

Design Guides

Sidewalk Project and Storytelling Tool

Design Crit


May 1, 2018

For the design crit Tuesday May 1st, we will be talking about the Sidewalk Project, and if time permits the Story Telling tool.


Relevant links:

Speculative Storytelling

Community Workshop

Andre Baynes

April 25, 2018

Neurodevelopmental citizen research

Design Crit

Aaron Engelberg

April 24, 2018

For the design crit Tuesday April 24th, Aaron Engelberg will be sharing about a citizen science project for neurodevelopmental research. Attached is a ZIP file of PDFs related to the project including some wireframes and a project description.

Community Engagement through Comics

Community Workshop

Althea Balmes

April 18, 2018

Meeting Notes

Disability Policy

Community Workshop

Rachel Heeb

April 11, 2018

Meeting Notes

Rachel Heeb will be joining us to talk about her research on disability policy through an occupational lens. Rachel’s dissertation can be downloaded from the Meeting Notes wiki page.

Inclusive Combination Locks

Design Crit


April 10, 2018

For the design crit Tuesday April 10th, Claire will be sharing designs for inclusive combination locks.

Design Guides Activities

Community Workshop

Dana, Sepideh

April 4, 2018

Design Guides

ILDH restructuring

Design Crit


April 3, 2018

For the design crit Tuesday April 3rd, Sepideh will be sharing designs for restructuring the content on the Inclusive Learning Design Handbook (or ILDH).

Onboarding for learning with online systems

Community Workshop

Alana Callan

March 28, 2018

Meeting Notes




New Problem Statement:

Technology is an affordance that can be used to support and propagate learning in our busy, connected, global world. But how do you design for effective and engaging online learning to occur?

You design it well and provide a ‘map’ so that the learner knows:


    1. Where they are when they enter the course

    2. They see a ‘map’ of the course and directions on how to follow it

    3. They see optional ‘routes’ and ‘places to explore’

This design framework allows the instructor/faculty member/ or teacher to facilitate learning, encourage active participation, and a map of how the students will successfully arrive at the end and what they will have accomplished or experienced along the way.

Proposed Outputs of My Research Project:

A framework for developing critical wayfinding/navigation system that supports learners (in higher education, specifically at the college level) when they enter a learning environment (Course page, Course site, virtual environment, etc.,) and need to know where they are, where they are going, what they will be doing along the way, and how they get to the end successfully.

The initial conceptualization of this project is to create a course wayfinding system or map that is built based on the learning outcomes of the course or the competencies being assessed, the organization of the course in terms of content, activities, and assessments (evaluation).

Courses could then be mapped to the program outcomes or competencies.

Programs could be mapped to further educational or experience pathways, career paths, or other options that could be explored by the learner.

This project will focus on designing a course wayfinding/mapping framework, future research may take this further should I seek research funding or other learning opportunities that will allow me to continue with this concept development.

Proposed Outcomes of Research Project

Design a course blueprint template that helps the content expert (teacher, faculty or instructor) align content, activities and assessment to the learning outcomes of the course. This course blueprint will be used to design a wayfinding/mapping system that will support the learner’s journey through the course and provide them with the overview and the directions they need to successfully travel to the end of the course.

Co-design/creation discussion

Design Crit


March 27, 2018

For the design crit Tuesday March 27th, we will be reflecting upon the co-design and co-creation activities we have done in the recent past. We hope to uncover interesting ideas, celebrate successes, and learn from our experiences.

Introduction to Makers Making Change

Community Workshop

Stewart Russel

March 21, 2018

Meeting Notes



Makers Making Change is run by the Research and Development department of the Neil Squire Society; a Canadian National not-for-profit organization that uses technology, knowledge and passion to empower people with disabilities. Makers Making Change addresses issues faced by people with disabilities by utilizing the open source movement, the crowd sourcing movement, and the maker movement to create affordable, assistive technologies at the community level.

We build networks and community by hosting events to prototype and build new devices; providing a library of free, tested, open source assistive technologies; and hosting a community based “matching service” through our website where makers and people with disabilities can connect to work on projects collaboratively in their region.

Critical Perspectives on the Blockchain

Community Workshop

Edward Buchi

March 14, 2018

Meeting Notes


Blockchain Networks have such high potential to change how society works, 10 years of growth has proved this. But where's the revolution? Join us at the OCADs Inclusive Design Research Centre for a workshop on Blockchain to discuss the dark side of Blockchain tech, what can hold it back, how it can be subverted and is there a way out?

LipSync sip and puff "mouse"

Design Crit

Stewart Russel

March 13, 2018

For the design crit Tuesday March 13th, Stewart from Neil Squire Society’s Makers Making Change initiative will be sharing about LipSync, an assistive technology enabling mouse-like interaction via sip and puff.

Please see the attached forwarded email from Stewart for additional details on LipSync.

Relevant links:

IDeA Competition 2018

Community Workshop

Brian Carriere

March 7, 2018

Brian Carriere, from Universities Canada, will be coming in to talk about the upcoming IDeA competition. Afterwards we’ll continue the community meeting with a group discussion about Inclusive Design.

Co-creating 8 80 Cities: How to meaningfully engage communities to build inclusive cities

Community Workshop

Ryan O'Connor

February 28, 2018

Meeting Notes



8 80 Cities believes that if everything we did in our cities – from building parks to designing transportation systems - was great for eight year-olds and eighty year-olds, then we would create inclusive and thriving cities that work for everyone. Creating 8 80 Cities begins with meaningful and inclusive community engagement. This presentation will describe our unique approach to community engagement, which focuses on building trust and ensuring everyone has a voice in the city building process. Through case studies and stories from our own work in cities across North America, we’ll share how engagement can lead to the inclusive design of streets and public spaces that work for all community members.

PhET Keyboard prototype, and Wordpress editor

Design Crit

Jon Hung

February 27, 2018

For the design crit Tuesday February 27th, I will be sharing about a new keyboard prototype for Faraday's Law, and also the new opportunities for Floe authoring tools in the new Gutenberg editor for Wordpress. 


Relevant links:

Digital health surveillance & Digital rights

Community Workshop

Ellie Marshall

February 21, 2018

Meeting Notes

Pattern Languages

Community Workshop


February 7, 2018

An introduction to Pattern Languages and discussion of a Pattern Language for Infusion.

Meeting Notes

How to design a tool for designers?

Community Workshop

Shahab Pourtalebi

January 31, 2018

Meeting Notes

UI Options syllabification

Design Crit


January 30, 2018

For the design crit Tuesday January 30, Justin will be talking about the syllabification tool for UI Options (and the browser extension). This topic is tentative as it depends on a demo being ready in time.

Pooling and Sharing Inclusive Design Resources

Community Workshop


January 24, 2018

Meeting Notes

Relevant links:

  • Archive

  • also potentially CMHR and CMA



Good afternoon. Just a reminder that next week’s Community Meeting is about Pooling and Sharing Inclusive Design Resources presented by the IDRC. We will be taking the time to compile a list of resources that either we have created, or have helped us and have referenced a lot in our projects. We’d also appreciate if you could share any resources that you may think would be helpful or relevant to the Fluid Community.

Storytelling tool

Design Crit


January 23, 2018

For the design crit Tuesday January 23rd, Dana will be talking about some new designs for the Social Justice Repair Kit storytelling tool.

Innovative regulatory instruments that inform the Accessibility Ecosystem

Community Workshop

Alastair McEwin / Jutta

January 17, 2018

Meeting Notes

Bodies in Translation Knowledge Platform

Design Crit


January 16, 2018

For the design crit Tuesday January 16th, Lindsay will be talking about the Bodies in Translation Knowledge Platform (rescheduled originally from January 9th).

Blockchain to Design

Community Workshop

Edward Buchi

January 10, 2018

Meeting Notes


This workshop will introduce the concept of Blockchains to answer two simple questions: What is it? How is it relevant to Design? Participants will learn to create their own addresses.

Fluid Project GSOC Brainstorming

Community Workshop


January 9, 2018

We’ll be brainstorming potential projects for submission to this year’s Google Summer of Code: