Community Workshop and Design Crit Topics from 2016





Links / Notes





Links / Notes

Post Infusion 2.0 Review

Community Workshop


December 21, 2016

Mailing List Thread

Meeting Notes

Despite the fact that we haven’t officially announced the release of Infusion 2.0 ( still a few PRs left for the Infusion-Docs ), we’d like to organize a Post Infusion 2.0 review. Where we can talk about some of the TODOs identified while pushing towards the release and other future plans for Infusion. 

Because there is no scheduled community meeting for next week, we can make use of the time to hold our review session. 

Date: Dec 21, 2016

Time: 2:30 - 4:00pm ET

Below I’ve seeded some topics that I’ve been compiling over the last couple of months.


Infusion Docs

  • Deploy versioned documentation as well as in development

  • Establish a practice for tagging new changes in the docs


    • E.g. “Changed in infusion-dev”

  • How do we make fixes to Infusion-Docs when they are tied to a release?

  • Strategies for ensuring that as content changes in the docs, all the pages are updated appropriately.


  • VideoPlayer does not work with any recent version of Infusion


    • When / How should we upgrade to latest Infusion

  • Should we remove VideoPlayer from use on our sites? 


Social Justice Repair Kit

Design Crit


December 20, 2016

For tomorrow's design crit, we will be brainstorming ideas for the Social Justice Repair Kit. If there is time, I would like to follow-up on the PhET Energy Skate Park text description exercise from 2 weeks ago.

Pair/Mob Programming - Part 2

Community Workshop

Alan / Michelle

December 14, 2016

Remote Programming Instructions

Alan and Michelle will be leading us through part 2 of the pair and mob programming session. While this is aimed more at developers, it should still be useful and interesting to anyone joining, and will cover process and collaboration techniques.

Please see the “Cloud9 instance for pair programming community meeting this Wednesday” e-mail thread for details on how to remotely participate in the paired programming.

Inclusive Making / Hacking

Design Crit


December 13, 2016

For tomorrow's design crit, we will be discussing the draft article for “Inclusive Making / Hacking” for the Inclusive Learning Design Handbook. The draft can be seen here: “Inclusive Making and Hacking”.

Inclusive Design OER - Design Crit

Community Workshop

David / Kobi

December 7, 2016

- Github Page

- project plan, google docs. - raw git user page

David and Kobi ( co-op students at the IDRC ), will be presenting their current work on an Inclusive Design OER. This will be structured similar to the design crits we typically have on Tuesday mornings. 

Privacy Needs and Preferences: Part 2

Design Crit


December 5, 2016

For tomorrow's design crit, we will be talking again about Privacy Needs and Preferences. For additional information on this topic, please see the (Floe) Privacy Needs and Preferences wiki page.

Accessibility in MOOCs: The current state and next steps

Community Workshop

Francisco Iniesto

November 30, 2016




“Providing accessible Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) have the potential to offer flexibility of learning and benefits to all. In my research project I will investigate the perceptions and accessibility-related processes of various stakeholders of MOOC platforms such as designers, content providers and accessibility experts. I will also investigate the experiences, constraints and requirements of learners with and without special needs who are already using MOOCs.  I will carry out accessibility evaluations of MOOC platforms for their usability and accessibility. These are some of the questions my research is proposing to address: how can MOOCs help learners with special needs to improve their knowledge and skills?; how could the accessibility in MOOCs be improved?; and how could MOOCs resources be adapted to meet the accessibility needs of the learners?”

Privacy Needs and Preferences

Design Crit


November 29, 2016

For tomorrow's design crit, we will be talking about Privacy Needs and Preferences. For additional information on this topic, please see the (Floe) Privacy Needs and Preferences wiki page.

Hive Toronto: Community Building and Web Literacy

Community Workshop

Simona Ramkisson

November 23, 2016



Since its first iteration in 2012, Mozilla Hive Toronto Learning Network has emerged as a dynamic force for learning and engagement. A thriving collaboration with 42 youth-serving member organizations across the city, Hive Toronto has engaged more than 3,500 youth and educators in connected learning experiences through funded programs and public events.



Design Guide icons / Energy Skate Park PhET sim

Design Crit


November 22, 2016

  1. Design Guide icons (see attached PDF).

  2. A design exercise to create text descriptions for track shapes in the 

Energy Skate Park PhET sim.

For the icon discussion, I encourage those attending to take a look at the PDF before the meeting.

Pair/Mob Programming

Community Workshop

Michelle / Alan

November 16, 2016

Alan and Michelle will be leading us through a pair and mob programming session. While this is aimed more at developers, it should still be useful and interesting to anyone joining, and will cover process and collaboration techniques.

Design Guide icons / Documentation workflow / Docs template

Design Crit


November 15, 2016

For tomorrow’s design crit, we will be talking about a few things related to the way we do documentation at the IDRC. The topics include:

  1. Design Guide icons (see attached PDF)

  2. Documentation workflow with Infusion releases (related to this 


  1. Docs template improvements (see a 

working preview on gh-pages)

Douglas C. Engelbart's 1968 demo - Video ( last 30 minutes ) + Discussion

Community Workshop

Justin / Michelle

November 9, 2016

We’ll finish watching Douglas C. Engelbart’s 1968 demo video and engaging in a discussion around it. We may also watch related videos and interviews as time permits.

Nexus project

Design Crit


November 8, 2016

At tomorrow’s design crit Simon will lead us in brainstorming ideas for demos for the Nexus project.

Ursula Franklin: The Real World of Technology

Community Workshop

Michelle / Dana

November 2, 2016


Michelle and Dana will be leading a discussion and presenting Part 1 of Ursula Franklin’s lecture “The Real World of Technology”.

Visualization of Complex Medical Data using Next-Generation Holo-graphic Techniques

Community Workshop

Michael Page ( Phase Lab OCADU )

October 26, 2016

Michael Page, from OCADU’s Phase Lab  will be coming to the IDRC to talk and demonstrate Visualization of Complex Medical Data using Next-Generation Holo-graphic Techniques. It is recommended to attend in person, if possible. Please note that this will be held at a special time ( 10 am ET ).


Almost all medical imaging takes the form of 3D data sets. This data is most often viewed in 2D or what we like to think of as 2.5 D, the flat screen computer screen. 

Hologram means "whole image"

What if a surgeons and medical workers could hold a life-sized, 3D, auto-stereoscopic image of the human brain and examine it up-close. PHASE Lab is embarking on a 3 year long research project to develop the technology to print DICOM data using a new high definition digital holographic process.

Tasking of remediation of docs site / Design Guides Icons

Design Crit


October 25, 2016

For tomorrow’s design crit we will be discussing:






  1. Tasking of remediation of docs sites in time for OpenEd 2016 happening next week






  1. Felipe’s work on Design Guides icons

Douglas C. Engelbart's 1968 demo - Video

Community Workshop

Justin / Alan

October 19, 2016




We’ll be watching a video of Douglas C. Engelbart’s 1968 demo where he demoed the mouse, amongst many other things.

Applying Market Research and Analysis Practices

Community Workshop

Jim Tobias

October 5, 2016



How widely-accepted market research and analysis practices can (and should) be usefully applied to our domain. This would include topics like value chain analysis, market size estimates, competitive alternatives, sustainability/willingness to pay, and individual vs. enterprise customers.

Disabled web elements

Design Crit


October 4, 2016

For tomorrow’s design crit we will be discussing strategies to deal with disabled web elements (like buttons and links) and WCAG compliance.

GSoC Projects Discussion

Community Workshop

GSoC Students

September 28, 2016

Data Visualizations:

Responsive Music UI Controls:

Discovery Cat:

UIO/Learner Options:


Will feature the Fluid’s GSoC 2016 students summarizing and discussing their projects.


UI options redesign / Inclusive Design Toolkit

Design Crit


September 27, 2016

Tomorrow’s design crit will continue the discussion on the UI options redesign, as well as a quick discussion about a “Inclusive Design Toolkit” landing page.

Site deployment tasks

Community Workshop


September 21, 2016

Website Deployment Checklist

Unifying UIO mobile and desktop experiences

Design Crit


September 20, 2016

For the September 20th design crit we will be discussing design issues related to unifying the desktop and mobile UI Options experience. The existing UI Options mobile design can be found on the Mobile UIO Design wiki page, and the desktop version can be seen here in this UI Options demo.

Infusion 2.0 release prep ( pre-testing, discussions, and etc.)

Community Workshop


September 14, 2016

 Infusion 2.0 Release Status

Sonification Primer - Video ( Part 2 )

Community Workshop

Video / Jon

September 7, 2016


Sonification Primer - Video ( Part 1 )

Community Workshop

Video / Jon

August 31, 2016


Computer Studies in Public High School

Community Workshop

Pak Wong

August 24, 2016



I have been a TDSB computer studies and mathematics teacher since 2008.  Currently, I am an Assistant Curriculum Leader for School Wide Resources and Innovations at Northview Heights Secondary School.  My job includes overseeing the Computer Studies department, the SHSM - ICT program, and implementing IT needs of my school.

Discussion on Accessible Gaming

Community Workshop

Godfrey and Tim

August 17, 2016

Google Doc




The goal is to bring together the perspectives of multiple

stakeholders such as developers, designers, end-users, and

occupational therapy students to inform the process of assessing

and making games accessible. The part of the workshop will focus on

a particular game to structure the discussions. We have created a

short survey to choose the game we will focus on: 


The games on the survey were chosen because they are easily

accessible through the web browser or through the appstore of

mobile devices.

IDRC website / UI Options for mobile

Design Crit


August 16, 2016

This week’s community design crit Lisa will be sharing some work about the new IDRC website, specifically the design of the navigation.

For the design crit tomorrow, we will be working with this Googledoc to gather notes and feedback on different site navigation options:


We will also be talking about UI Options for mobile - specifically whether we should implement the current mobile design, or do some additional design work. This discussion will also involve taking a look at the work Stan has been doing for GSOC.

Introduction to Design

Community Workshop

Dana and Sepideh

August 10, 2016


"In this week’s community meeting, we are going to discuss some of the Principles and Practices that we have included in the Inclusive Design Guide with particular focus on the challenges that we encounter when using/applying them. We’d like to acknowledge these challenges and brainstorm some solutions. In a number of cases, we have defined some brief activities related to the principles, and we are planning to work through these activities as part of the process."

Inclusive Design Guide

Design Crit


August 9, 2016

This week’s design crit will be discussing the Inclusive Design Guide.

Discussion: Interactive Touch Inputs with Screen Readers

Community Workshop

Jon / Justin

August 3, 2016


PhET Sims:



Jon Hung and I will be leading a discussion about Interactive Touch Inputs with Screen Readers. While working on interactive simulations with PhET we have found some issues with touch interactions (e.g. drag and drop) work on touch devices when a screen reader is in use. We are hoping to discuss some of these issues as well as come up with potential solutions and work arounds.

Introduction and Discussion of the GPII Nexus

Community Workshop


July 27, 2016



Simon Bates will be Introducing the Nexus and leading a discussion about ideas for ways to make use of it.


The GPII Nexus Integration Technology allows the interconnection of arbitrary sources and sinks of state via HTTP and WebSockets. The Nexus is still in development and can be found in Simon’s GitHub repo

Energy Skate Park PhET sim

Design Crit


July 26, 2016

Today we will be talking about the Energy Skate Park PhET sim.

Self assessment strategy for measuring and tracking software skills like collaboration and creativity

Community Workshop

Julia / Evangelos Kapros

July 20, 2016

SkillTrack Report Presentation HCII2016.pdf

Learnovate Centre_Grow Your Skills with Peer Feedback.pdf

IDRC website

Design Crit


July 19, 2016

For today’s community design crit at 10am ET, Lisa will be sharing some recent mockups of the IDRC website, as well as selections for typography and colour. 

Discussion of use cases for built-in a11y features on Windows and Mac: Continued from June 22nd

Community Workshop

Julia Foster

July 13, 2016

a11y features

Julia Foster will be leading a discussion on use cases for built-in a11y features on Windows and Mac. This is a continuation from the June 22 Community Meeting. It will walk through the accessibility features in Windows and brainstorms on who would use them, in what context, for what purpose (i.e. condition/function, environment, activity/task being done, etc.).

First discovery game

Design Crit


July 12, 2016

Discussion: Screen Reader Strategies

Community Workshop

Jon Hung

July 6, 2016

Discussion Guide and Notes (google doc)

Surfing the Internet with JAWS and MAGic!

Jon Hung will be leading a discussion on Screen Reader Strategies. We will be looking over   posted on

Discussion: Working with students with Developmental Disabilities and how they use technology / sharing IDRC projects

Community Workshop

Dragan Pausak / Michelle D'Souza

June 29, 2016

Applewood School

Dragan Pausak, from Applewood School,  will be joining us to discuss working with students with Developmental Disabilities and how they use technology. It will also be a time where we can discuss projects we are working on and how they may be useful for their students.

Discussion of use cases for built-in a11y features on Windows and Mac

Community Workshop

Julia Foster

June 22, 2016

a11y features

Julia Foster will be leading a discussion on use cases for built-in a11y features on Windows and Mac.

Case Studies of User Creativity in Computing: "Self: The Movie"

Community Workshop

Video and Group Discussion

June 15, 2016

"Self: The Movie"

We’ll be continuing our "Case Studies of User Creativity in Computing” series by watching “Self: The Movie”. “Self: The Movie” is about the Self programming language.

Inclusive Design Mapping Tool exercise

Community Workshop


June 1, 2016

Requirement Mapping (Petals & Flowers)

Case Studies of User Creativity in Computing: "Twine"

Community Workshop


May 25, 2016

Presentation / Demo

Requirement Mapping ( Petals & Flowers ) ( Staring at 3pm )

Community Workshop


May 18, 2016

Requirement Mapping (Petals & Flowers)

Jutta Treviranus will be discussing the “Petals & Flowers” approach to requirement mapping.

Design Guidelines / Inclusive Design Cards website design

Design Crit


May 9, 2016

Today’s community design crit will be about the Design Guidelines / Inclusive Design Cards website design.

Introduction to Programming

Community Workshop


May 4, 2016

Workshop Twine  

Presentation Slides 

I will be talking in hopefully comprehensible terms about foundational concepts (technical and sociological) of computer programming, possibly doing some programming live with the entire group, and maybe showing off this board game: 

Case Studies of User Creativity in Computing: Logo

Community Workshop


April 27, 2016

This week's community workshop will feature Antranig Basman presenting the next part of our ongoing series on "Case Studies of User Creativity in Computing", on Logo.

Antranig will be talking generally about Logo and its goals, as well as the specific Logo he implemented that became the engine for


Community Workshop


April 20, 2016


Wiki Gardening

Community Workshop

Fluid Team

April 13, 2016

The upcoming Community Meeting ( April 13, 2016 ), will be more of a working meeting where we’ll be doing clean up of the Fluid wiki. This is the first action item identified from the March 16, 2016 community meeting “Discuss about on boarding into the Fluid community” (Notes). Specifically we’ll want to collect and clarify all of the information on the wiki related to getting involved, community practices and etc.


Community Workshop

Katya Bovykina

March 23, 2016



Discuss about onboarding into the Fluid community

Community Workshop


March 16, 2016


We will have a discussion about how to facilitate onboarding into the community. Please come with examples, anecdotes, and etc of good practices for this that you have seen in other communities. Also think about your own experience joining the community or bringing others in, and reflect on what did and didn’t work.

APCP Self-assessment dashboard

Community Workshop


March 9, 2016


IDRC Web Site Design: ( site map )

Community Workshop

Sepideh, Dana, Jon

March 2, 2016


Case Studies of User Creativity in Computing: Super Mario Maker

Community Workshop


February 24, 2016

Super Mario Maker: Nintendo's essence, in your hands by Christian Nutt (Gamasutra)

Moneyball, but for Mario—the data behind Super Mario Maker popularity (Ars Technica)

Super Mario Maker Bookmark (Nintendo web catalogue of courses)

Mario Maker Mornings: Part 83 [Don't Underestimate 8-Year-Old Kids]

IDRC Web Site Design: (next steps, who will do what, goals, and etc.)

Community Workshop


February 17, 2016


Design Sketches

Start Focused Fluid Infusion 2.0 release testing.

Community Workshop


February 10, 2016

Test Plans

Testing Tasks

Mailing List Thread

Communication in Open Source Communities: How we can make things better

Community Workshop

Justin / Michelle

February 3, 2016

Fluid Project Communication Synchrospetive

Communication in Open Source Communities

Community Workshop

Justin / Michelle

January 27, 2016

Fluid Project Communication Synchrospetive

GSoC 2016 project brainstorming

Community Workshop


January 20, 2016

Project Ideas - Brainstorming

GSoC 2016 Projects


eHealth and Digital Services Innovation in Sweden

Community Workshop

Vivian Vimarlund

January 13, 2016