Community Meeting (Jan 9, 2019): GSoC Discussion

Alan's Notes

- Jon might be interested in co-mentoring storytelling for CISL
  - preferences framework / W3C annotations / hypothesis
- Gregor might be interested in co-mentoring on the storytelling tool
- Alan: transcribing recorder?
- Simon/Michelle: "coding to learn" and GSoC
- ML/NLP/AI ideas?
- Dana: exploratory work on outside tools for platform co-op?
  - prototyping the map? (Michelle might be able to mentor this)
- updating website (Wordpress, themes, etc)
- Learning to Code & Create
- maybe next year
- converting UIO+ plugin to Firefox
- NVDA / Jaws plug-ins
- working with umbrella organizations
- partners as mentors
- Cindy: no ideas for mentoring this year
- Possible Mentors:
  - Gregor (co-mentoring)
  - Jon (co-mentoring)
  - Simon (coding to learn prototype)
  - Michelle (map prototype)
- Gregor's alternate proposal: we could do Google Code-In instead (