Community Workshop and Design Crit Topics from 2017





Links / Notes





Links / Notes

UI Options+ icons

Design Crit


December 19, 2017

For the design crit Tuesday Dec. 19, we will be talking about iconography for the UI Options+ Chrome plugin.

Wheelmap / Big IDeA

Community Workshop

Jon Hung / Holger Dieterich

December 13, 2017

Meeting Notes

Interactive mockup

Using Arts-Informed Narrative Inquiry to increase personal knowing

Community Workshop

Jasna Schwind

December 6, 2017

Meeting Notes


Jasna Schwind will be speaking about and leading an activity on using Arts-Informed Narrative Inquiry to increase personal knowing. There will be an activity that as part of this community meeting so it is recommended that you attend in person, if possible. If you are joining remotely please prepare some drawing materials (e.g. pen and paper).


Meeting notes



At completion of the workshop, participants will have an increased understanding of Arts-Informed Narrative Inquiry, as a qualitative research approach. Specifically, historical and philosophical background, as well as how and where to use narrative research. Participants will also engage in experiential activities using Narrative Reflective Process.


This is a 90-minute workshop on Arts-Informed Narrative Inquiry (AINI), qualitative research approach. In this workshop, participants learn what AINI is, and how it may be implemented in exploration of storied experiences in personal-professional situations. The workshop consists of an interactive lecture, as well as a creative reflective activity, using Narrative Reflective Process.


Target audience:

Anyone interested in exploring lived experiences in personal-professional situations.

Creative Commons Canada

Community Workshop

Kelsey Merkley

November 29, 2017

Meeting Notes


Come join us for a community meeting to discuss the new Creative Commons Global Community, how to join CC Canada and a licence refresh. An opportunity to hear case studies from IDRC and challenges and opportunities faced using CC Licences and your projects. Finally a discussion on reframing OER as an opportunity to support student mental health in Ontario.

Learning Differences article review

Design Crit


November 28, 2017

For the design crit Tuesday November 28th, we will be reviewing the Learning Differences entry for the Inclusive Learning Design Handbook. A link to the draft document can be found here: Learning Differences Google Doc.


To help with a productive discussion, please review the document prior to the meeting.

The Israeli equal rights for people with disabilities law, its background and regulations

Community Workshop

Zvia Admon

November 22, 2017

Meeting Notes

Presentation (pdf)



The presentation will start with the historical background for the law and how it was a paradigmatic shift from previous paternalistic laws. We will exams the main chapters of the law and the accessibility regulations enacted through the law, and will touch on accessibility standards and their relation to the regulations.

Faraday's Law keyboard interaction

Design Crit


November 21, 2017

For the design crit Tuesday November 21st, we will be talking about early designs for keyboard / switch interaction for the Faraday's Law PhET sim. 


Here is a link to the design sketch on the Fluid Wiki.

Captivating Places: The impact of inclusive design on inclusive place attachment

Community Workshop

Parinaz Mizban

November 15, 2017

Meetig Notes





The intent of my research is the development of new theoretical concepts for inclusive design. This research focuses on exploratory ‘empathic observation’ and attempts to find the perception for a needed paradigm shift. Non-physical factors in architectural space are proposed as a key affordance for amplifies the strength of designs for a sensory and soulful spatial design. The movement begins from the real world toward sensory relationships and then to the perception of continuity of senses in creating thought, mentality, spirit. The next step of this movement leads to moving to poeticism in order to create something beyond the senses. That is a world of imagination, dreams. Finally, this movement returns to the real world to provide the architectural pattern to expand inclusive design and has a captivating place.

Biodiversity Research and Climate Monitoring on Galiano Island, BC


Community Workshop

Andrew Simon

November 8, 2017

Special time: 1 - 2:30pm ET

iNaturalist site

Google Doc info

Meeting Notes

At this meeting we will be discussing community engagement and citizen science in the context of biodiversity research and local climate monitoring on Galiano Island, BC, Canada.

Personal data projects and MyL3

Design Crit


November 7, 2017

For the design crit Tuesday November 7th, we will be talking about personal data tracking and our personal data projects. Insights from this will help inform ideas for the My Lifelong Learning project.

Multilingual Support – Considerations for Design and Development

Community Workshop

Alan / Sepideh

November 1, 2017

Meeting Notes

Alan and Sepideh will be leading a discussion on Multilingual Support – Considerations for Design and Development. Please see demo below.




A conversation about the intersection of inclusive design and multilingual support, covering topics like localization,  translation and designing components and interfaces that can adapt to different scripts and text directions.

Inclusive design of civic engagement tools

Design Crit


October 31, 2017

For the design crit Tuesday October 31st, Eloisa will be seeking feedback on an article being written for the Ontario Planning Journal regarding inclusive design of civic engagement tools. i.e. How can we make civic engagement more accessible and less exclusive, especially for those at the edges whose opinions and viewpoints might matter most.

Audio Walk - Passing Through

Community Workshop


October 25, 2017

Audio Walk


We’ll be participating in an Audio Walk. This community meeting will take place offsite and we will not be able to facilitate remote participation. However, you are still able to listen to the content of the audio walk on your own and it would be interesting to know of your experience without being in the specific location. Also, If you’d like to participate in the walk, without listening to the audio, you are welcome to do that as well.


For those participating in the Audio walk, please bring a device you can use to stream or pre-download and play back the audio, while on the walk. You’ll also need to bring a pair of headphones/earbuds with you. If you would like to join, but do not have a listening device, please get in touch with me and we’ll attempt to find a solution. You can either meet us at the IDRC office or at Union station. We will be leaving IDRC at 2:30pm to walk over to Union Station. We plan to start the Audio Walk at Union Station, in the Great Hall, at 2:45.


Please see the Passing Through web page for more details and links to download/stream the audio walk.




Passing Through is an audio walk that takes you on a journey of the streets of Old Toronto, discovering the secret artworks and innovations hidden between the cobblestones. You will walk from Union Station to Old Toronto’s St. Lawrence Market, gently guided by an insightful narration that is both beautiful and exciting. 

Passing Through is presented in partnership with The City of Toronto Transportation Street Art Program, and the Koffler Centre of the Arts. It is produced by Angela Shackel of Accounts and Records.


Design Crit


October 24, 2017

For the design crit Tuesday October 24th, we will be talking about group permissions on OwnCloud for design assets, and also revisit the topic of Design workflow and see if there is anything we can improve.

The Development and Evaluation of a Crowdsourced Mobile Application for Rating the Age-Friendliness of Communities

Community Workshop

Age-CAP team: Eryn and Jacob

October 18, 2017

Meeting Notes





"Age-friendly Communities Assessment App (Age-CAP) was developed in 2012 to provide a crowdsourced database where older adults could rate or look up locations in their community based on the Age-Friendliness of the location. Recently, two occupational therapy students, along with the creators of Age-CAP, sought to evaluate the original version of the app and develop a more user-friendly mobile application for older adults."

Community Meeting dissemination

Community Workshop


October 4, 2017

Meeting Notes

We’ll be talking about how community meetings notifications are made, as well as how the content is broadcast. Please feel free to come with suggestions and solutions for how to make the community meetings better.

My Lifelong Learning

Design Crit


October 3, 2017

For the design crit today October 3rd, Sepideh will be sharing the latest designs for MyL3 (My Lifelong Learning). 

Discussion about making complex interactive content more accessible

Community Workshop

Alex Dunaevsky

September 27, 2017

Sample Work


Alex Dunaevsky will be dropping by and engaging in a discussion with us about making complex interactive content accessible.  


Please see  for a list of Alex’s sample work.

Inclusion and Innovation Training for Sports and Recreation

Community Workshop


September 20, 2017


Ather will be talking about the Ontario Plays, Ontario 150 Community Partnership Fund Project, Inclusion and Innovation Training for Sports and Recreation




The purpose of the presentation to the Inclusive Design Community is to:

  • Provide project background including methodologies used

  • Progress to date

  • Challenges and opportunities 

  • Seek input into the training guide (Facilitators’ Guide)

PhET Keyboard Help Dialog

Design Crit


September 19, 2017

For the design crit on Sep 19, Taliesin will be sharing the keyboard help dialog in PhET simulations. In particular there are design questions around access, non-visual presentation. 


This Google doc "Keyboard Dialog Design" contains links to relevant examples as well as the design issues to be addressed.

Learning Differences

Community Workshop


September 13, 2017

We will be discussing how to approach learning differences from an inclusive perspective, and incorporate the findings in our current resources (ILDH and Inclusive Design Guide).

Storytelling Tool

Design Crit


September 12, 2017

For the design crit Sep 12, we will be continuing our discussion on the Storytelling tool for the Social Justice Repair Kit (or "SJRK"). 


Related links:

Limits of design 

Community Workshop

Peter Fuzesi

September 6, 2017



I am a doctoral student at Lancaster University, supervised by Professors Lucy Suchman and Carol Thomas. My doctoral research project (Working title: From designing for different users to economies of difference) stands at the intersection of Disability Studies and Science Technology and Society (STS). I am interested in how corporeal and technological norms and standards are co-articulated and circulate in bodies, devices and figures such as that of the user.

My presentation is based on an ethnographic study on how users are configured

within the UK's public healthcare system, and looks at a specialized Service Centre that delivers Environmental Control and Augmentative Alternative Communication Systems for “Clients with Complex Needs”. The site is peculiar insofar as every individual user is delivered a personalized system, which aims to take into account the user's wider social, cultural and material environment and its changes. To meet these diverse and changing needs and to retain a flexibility to re-design systems, the Service Centre functions as a site for not only designing, maintaining but also (literally) delivering and commissioning technologies. By doing so, the work practices of those working at the Centre also augment and reconfigure market relations and infrastructures, and redraw the established boundaries between development/design and use/consumption.


Although arguably the professionals in the Service Centre grapple with design problems, the language and discipline of design remains absent and the development of novel technological

devices is not seen as a primary concern. It is more fitting to describe professional practices at the Centre as the artful integration (Suchman, 1999) of existing technologies into an arrangement that works for the user in a given material and social environment. Although this iterative process of constant negotiation between the developer and individual results in several inventive solutions there are serious limitations to generalize these highly situated arrangements, specifically relevant for only one individual. This raises questions about the ways design and its products can be evaluated, and the ways standards, regimes of evidence and market success and failure frame our understanding of technology design and use. In sum, approaching and problematizing this site enables a critical reflection on the normative implications of concepts such as user, product/project, design and technology in relation to liberal individualism, mass production and commodity exchange.

UI Options content simplification

Design Crit


September 5, 2017

We will be talking about a new idea for content simplification for UI Options. There isn't any artifact at the moment aside from the current content simplification adjuster in the Preferences Framework demo.

Tour: iDAPT Centre for Rehabilitation Research

Community Workshop


August 30, 2017

We will be doing an offsite visit/tour of iDAPT.


550 University Ave, Toronto. Innovations gallery on first floor

Storytelling tool

Design Crit


August 22, 2017

For the design crit Aug 22, Gregor and Dana will be going over the Storytelling tool for the Social Justice Repair Kit (or "SJRK"). This wiki document "SJRK Web Storytelling Tools" describes the tool and it's ideas.

Options tutorial video brainstorming

Design Crit


August 15, 2017

For the design crit Aug 15, Avtar and I would like to discuss the upcoming work on a UI Options tutorial video. In particular, we would like to discuss what topics should be covered in a "Introduction to UI Options" video.

AT demos and discussion

Community Workshop

Maria / Pina

July 26, 2017

Maria and Pina will talk about and demonstrate some of the daily barriers they face while using Assistive Technologies.

Personas and curb cuts for WCAG success

Design Crit


July 25, 2017

For the design crit July 25, Lisa will be taking us through a design activity for creating personas and curb cuts for demonstrating the benefits of WCAG compliance.

IDRC/ATRC Timeline

Community Workshop


July 19, 2017

The goal is to start piecing together a timeline of the projects that the IDRC/ATRC has been involved in.

Google Doc

Google Sheet


Redesigning the Fluid Build site

Design Crit


July 18, 2017

For the design crit On July 18, we will be talking about redesigning/organizing the Fluid build site.

Inclusive Wayfinding

Community Workshop

Cheryl Giraudy

July 12, 2017

The Social Justice Repair Kit

Design Crit


July 11, 2017

For the design crit July 11, we will be taking a look at the Social Justice Repair Kit website and how to incorporate the content from the wiki. Relevant links:




















The challenge of inclusive digital design pedagogy.

Community Workshop

Jaime Cortés Fandiño

July 5, 2017


Design Crit


June 27, 2017

For the design crit today June 27, we will be taking a look at the design work happening on My Lifelong Learning (or MyL3).

Relevant link:

PhET Energy Skate Park Basics

Design Crit


June 20, 2017

For the design crit on June 20, we will be talking about some concepts for auditory interaction for the Energy Skate Park PhET sim.

Relevant links:

Content simplification for UI Options browser plugin

Design Crit


June 13, 2017

For the design crit on June 13, we will be talking about content simplification for the UI Options browser plugin.


Community Workshop

Tom Dekker

June 7, 2017

Tom Dekker and Ken Sudhues from iHabilitation will be talking about accessible online courses, as well as the screenshot diagram book they developed.

Build an Atom PhET simulation

Design Crit


June 6, 2017

For the design crit this week, we will be taking a look at the accessibility work being done with the Build an Atom PhET simulation. In particular we will look at the keyboard access and text descriptions.

Relevant link:

Critical Analysis and Disability

Community Workshop

Kathryn Benoit

May 31, 2017




In the presentation a 7-step framework will be discussed which helps to guide the process of thinking critically about the messages we see and hear related to disability. Overall, I will review this framework, and we will work through a few examples as a group. 

Relation to technology: understanding how the designs or symbols we use could excluded populations which it is intended to help.

Multimodal Design Patterns for Inclusion & Accessibility

Design Crit


May 30, 2017

For the design crit on May 30, Alan will be doing a dry-run of a presentation he will be giving titled "Multimodal Design Patterns for Inclusion & Accessibility".

My Career Lab

Community Workshop

Jennifer Domise

May 24, 2017


Workshop on creating Infusion Components making (featuring the Nexus)

Community Workshop


May 3, 2017


UI Options in mobile

Design Crit


May 2, 2017

For the design crit on May 2, we will be taking a look at the updated UI Options, specifically the use of the left/right arrows in the mobile view.

Relevant links:

  • The UI Options Demo (if on a desktop, resize to a narrow browser size to see the arrows appear).

Inclusive Design OER

Community Workshop

Grace and Kathy

Apr 26, 2017


Grace and Kathy will be demoing and discussing their progress on the Inclusive Design OER.

FACIL'iti web accessibility service / webapp

Design Crit


April 25, 2017

For the design crit on April 25, we will be taking a look at the FACIL'iti web accessibility service / webapp. It shares functionality with UI Options, and the Prefs Framework.

Relevant links:

Paper Folding for Design

Community Workshop


April 19, 2017



This week’s community meeting will be on the topic of paper folding. We will watch the film Between the Folds  which explores the art of modern origami, from inventive new techniques in the arts to practical applications in the sciences. Following the film we will play with paper folding ourselves, learning a few basic techniques from Paul A. Jackson’s book Folding Techniques for Designers: From Sheet to Form.

Introduction to Concepts and Practice of Infusion II

Community Workshop


April 12, 2017

Followon from March 8th meeting

Current version of tutorial at

Fluid 10 year Anniversary

Community Workshop


April 5, 2017

Google Doc



Sunday April 2, 2017 is the 10 year anniversary of the Fluid Project, to commemorate this milestone we’ll be spending time at the community meeting to reflect back upon the past 10 years. Please come and share your memories and thoughts on your time involved in Fluid or just to hear about the project's history. 

Review of OER section for SNOW

Community Workshop

Laura Burnett / Julia

March 29, 2017

Google Doc



“Review of Open Educational Resources section for SNOW

We will be reviewing the upcoming Open Educational Resources (OER) section for the SNOW website. The SNOW website is an online resource on inclusive education and technology. The primary target audience is educators, but the site is likely also used by parents, students, education team members, and other interested individuals. The goal of the OER section is to provide educators information about OERs (e.g. what they are, why they are beneficial) and discuss how they support or can support inclusion (including sharing some of the tools and resources developed by the IDRC’s floe project)."

Privacy Story Builder

Design Crit


March 28, 2017

For the design crit on March 28, we will be discussing the prototype for the Privacy Story Builder. 

Relevant links:

Note, this prototype is not fully accessible. You can navigate between screenswith keyboard  by using the navigation below the prototype. However, you can not use keyboard to interact with the prototype screens themselves. It is also not screen reader accessible.

Show and Discuss: Short Films

Community Workshop


March 22, 2017





We will be having a show and discuss of short films selected by you. Please send me your suggestions for films that will expand our thinking and helps us delve deeper into the topics that we work on. Depending on time we’ll aim to select a few to watch and discuss.


How co-design fits into the landscape of other design and research practices

Design Crit


March 21, 2017

For today's design crit, we will be watching a presentation by Liz Sanders describing how co-design fits into the landscape of other design and research practices.


Here is the link: 


The video is just under 40 minutes long.

: annotations and accessibility

Community Workshop

Jeremy Dean and Jon Udell

March 15, 2017

Jeremy Dean and Jon Udell from will be joining to talk about and in particular leading a discussion about annotations and accessibility.

UI Options redesign

Design Crit


March 14, 2017

For tomorrow's March 14 design crit we will again be talking about the on-going UI Options redesign. We will be discussing the styling for the toggles, the panel tab, and the new design for the steppers to group them together.

"Fantastic Infusion and Where to Find It"

Community Workshop


March 8, 2017

Developer Introduction to Core Concepts of Infusion Documentation (temporary location while PR is outstanding)

Developer Introduction to Core Concepts of Infusion pull

Alan and Antranig will be leading us through an introduction / overview of the core concepts of Infusion.

UI Options number stepper redesign

Design Crit


March 7, 2017

For tomorrow's (March 7) design crit we will be talking about the design and implementation of the number stepper for the UI Options redesign.

Relevant links:

Changes from Aria 1.0 to 1.1

Community Workshop


March 1, 2017

Joseph will be talking about the changes in the ARIA spec from version 1.0 to 1.1.

On-off toggle for UI Options mobile redesign

Design Crit


February 28, 2017

For tomorrow's design crit we will be talking about the on-off toggle for UI Options mobile redesign. Here are some of the issues:

  1. How should the toggle be implemented? Is it a check-box, a button with an depressed state, or a set of 2 radio buttons?

  2. Is it possibly confusing that the visual representation of the component does not match it's implementation? This is an issue for low-vision users with screen readers - the AT reads "check-box" but visually it may not look like one.

  3. ... and other design and implementation issues that will astonish and amaze you!

Wearable Computing, DIY electronics, and Making

Community Workshop

Kate Hartman

February 15, 2017


Kate Hartman is an Associate Professor in the Digital Futures program as well as Director of the Social Body Lab, a research group focused on body-centric technologies in the social context. In this conversation she’ll provide an overview of the lab and its recent projects as well as some thoughts on wearable computing, DIY electronics, and tools and structures for helping people make.

Brainstorming accessible web annotation tool

Design Crit


February 14, 2017

For tomorrow's design crit, we will be brainstorming ideas and strategies for creating an accessible web annotation tool. This design issue is inspired by a similar issue is having with their accessible text annotation tool. This email thread in the fluid-work mailing list may provide additional context: "How to make arbitrary text selections in a screen reader render visually".

a11y tree

Community Workshop


February 8, 2017

The topic for this week's community meeting (Feb 8) is the Accessibility Tree and its relationship to WAI-ARIA.  There will be some hands-on activities and if you want to participate, you will need to download and install a couple of things.

For demonstration purposes, I am focusing on FireFox's DOM Inspector plug-in and, to a lesser extent, Apple's Accessibility Inspector.  There are other inspectors for different OSes and I'll mention them, but I won't be providing detailed instructions on installing them.

For FireFox's DOM Inspector, you need to install two plugins, in the following order:

  1. First install the Web Developer plugin:  .  After installing, restart FF to activate.

  2. Next, install the DOM Inspector plugin:  Again, restart to activate.

The DOM Inspector is a tool within Web Developer.  It is accessed via Web Developer's "Tools" toolbar button, which posts a menu containing a "DOM Inspector" menu item.

The macOS accessiblity inspector is part of its XCode development kit.  As such, there is a lot to download just to get the inspector.  Also, I've only done it for macOS Sierra.  I imagine it's similar for other version of the macOS, but I'm not going to check that.  If you still want to get it, use the App Store, and look for and install "XCode".  It's free.

After the download is complete, a convenient way to launch the Accessibility Inspector is (1) "Cmd+Space", (2) enter "Accessibility Inspector" into the text entry field, and (3) hit return.  In terms of where the application actually is:  it's here:
"/Applications/ Inspector"

Other Inspectors:

  • GNOME/Linux's "Accerciser":

  • The Paciello Group "aViewer" for Windows MSAA, UIA, IAccessible2, and ARIA: 

  • Microsoft's "Inspect" for Windows UIA and MSAA: 

  • "Accprobe" for Windows MSAA and IAccessible2:


    • Note:  this is for geeks only.  There is no easy installer here, and requires set-up-by-hand.

Sustainable Tourism Inclusive Design: Management and Marketing Toolkit and Safety and Guide Training Resources

Community Workshop

Emily McIntyre

February 1, 2017



Universal design adapted to adventure tourism

  • First four principles will still be applicable but further developed

  • Last three principles modified for adventure tourism experiences

  • Roundtable discussion about tourism principles


Three dimensions of Inclusive Design applied to adventure tourism

  • Recognize diversity and uniqueness

  • Inclusive process and tools

  • Broader beneficial impact


Sustainability Discussion

  • Social critique and enhancing tourist experiences

  • Economic costs vs. benefits

  • Environmental critique and best practice in environmental design

Toolkit and Manual Development

  • What components need to be included

  • Roundtable discussion and idea generation

Using Small Computers (C.H.I.P., Arduino, Raspberry Pi)

Community Workshop


January 25, 2017


Small Computers Community Workshop Jan 2017.pdf

Pre-workshop notes:

Small Computers Community Workshop January 2017



"We will discuss features of the CHIP, how to get started with it, and compare it to other single board computers, and micro-controllers, such as the Arduino and Raspberry Pi”


See also:

Inclusive Design OER

Community Workshop

Kobi and David

January 18, 2017

- GitHub Page - New Raw git page - Old Raw git Page - Project plan Doc


David and Kobi ( co-op students at the IDRC ), will be presenting their latest work on an Inclusive Design OER. Back on December 7, 2016 they led a design crit during the community meeting, presenting an initial version of the Inclusive Design OER. They have taken the feedback from that meeting and iterated on their design and implementation.

Preparation for BIGIDeA

Design Crit

Lisa, Jon

January 17, 2017

For tomorrow’s Community Design Crit, Lisa and I will be working through an inventory of IDRC resources as part of a ramp-up for work related to the Business Innovation Guide for Inclusive Design and Accessibility (or “BIGIDeA”). For more information on this project, you can find the information on the Certified for Access website.


Since this be somewhat of a working meeting, feel free to bring your own work, and join the discussion as you see fit.

GSoC 2017 Brainstorming

Community Workshop


January 11, 2017

Google Summer of Code

Google Summer of Code 2017 with the Fluid Project