Kiosk storycards, theme index (Draft 6)


This screen is the first of the application. It introduces visitors to the themes of the museum and allows them to view more information about a theme by selecting one. 

Storycard 1: List DIA themes

  • Each theme of the museum will be indentified by a name and an icon. 
  • Each theme icon will use a single color, and each theme icon will have a unique color.  The colors will be a motif on the next Theme information screen.
  • Heading, centered, should read: "Themes"; Subheading, centered, should be "Select a theme to view the galleries within."
  • For 12 or less themes, the icons should be laid out in a grid that contains no more than 4 in a row, and each incomplete row should have its contents left justified. For 12 or more, the icons in the same fashion expect, there should be no more than 5 in a row.
  • Every Theme icon must have the ALT text (e.g. "Identity") of the theme it depicts

Touch screen

  • Tapping on a theme button takes the user to the Galleries Index associated with that theme.

Keyboard navigation

  • When a theme icon receives focus the focus should be visible.
  • Arrow keys are used to give an icon focus; focus can be cycled around.
  • Pressing enter on a Theme Icon with Focus takes the user to the Galleries Index associated with that theme.