FE - Mobile
Our museum mobile application is designed to support the in-museum visitor experience by allowing visitors to learn more about artifacts in the space, watch video clips, explore related artifacts, collect artifacts, and more.
> Mobile design overview
> Benchmark of iPhone and mobile in museums
> Review of mobile platform UIs
> Twitters from MoMA's "What features would you like in an museum iPhone app?"
> Mobile features and functionality list
Design iterations
Mobile design, draft 9 (Jan.-Feb. 2010)
Mobile design, draft 8 (Dec. 2009)
Mobile design, draft 7 (Aug. 2009)
Mobile design, draft 6 (Jul. 2009)
> Mobile scenario (Robert the adult-aged tourist)
> Mobile scenario (Dave and Peter, the graduate students, remote user)
> Mobile scenario (Paula the teacher)
> Mobile scenario (Patrick the industrial designer)
> more...
Accessibility considerations
> Developer notes for iPhone a11y
> Using iPhone VoiceOver
> Accessibility considerations for mobile design (Draft 9, Engage 0.3)