User Testing Summary Template
Replace the term "Component" in the page links below to match the name of the component being tested. Instructional notes are in blue italics and preceded with the icon. Remove instructional notes and this note before publishing.
User Testing
Planning and results of rounds of user testing.
Link to the child page(s) for each round of user testing. Replace "component" with the actual component name, and "round 1" with correct round of user testing. Remove this note before publishing.
Component User Testing - Round 1
Component User Testing - Round 2
Link to the component for reference of related component information. Replace "Component" with the actual component name. Remove this note before publishing.
Interaction Designs
Underlying design patterns and description of component behavior.
Link to the interaction design of the component for reference of desired component behavior. Replace "component" with the actual component name. Remove this note before publishing.