UX Resources
User experience organizations, sites, articles presentations, and other resources.
Most of these sites are filled with articles, seminars, events, etc.
- Interaction Design Association
- SIGCHI - the ACM's Special Interest Group on Computer-Human Interaction
- Information Architecture Institute
- Usability Professionals' Association
- Society for Technical Communication - Usability & User Experience
- The User Experience Network
- Usability Net
- A List Apart - Explores the design, development, and meaning of web content, with a special focus on designing with standards
- Cooper's Insights
- Good Experience
- Boxes and Arrows
- SitePoint - Online magazine for Web Development and Design Professionals
- useit.com - Usability guru Jakob Nielsen's website with practical articles on creating usable information technology
- Usable Web - Almost a thousand helpful links about web usability organized by category
Blogs, Lists, & RSS
UCD Processes
- User-Centered Design, Usability Professional Association Website
- User-centered design in IT services
- Selling User Needs Assessment, presented at UCCSC (University of California Computing Services Conference)
- Usability Body of Knowledge
- Usability Methods Toolbox - Great resource that describes the various techniques that may be used in usability evaluation
- The KJ-Technique: A Group Process for Establishing Priorities (a.k.a. Affinity Diagramming)
- Qualities of a Good Survey Question
- Autodesk's UCD & Agile Process
Recommended Interaction Design Books
- "Don't Make Me Think", Steve Krugg
- "Designing Interfaces", Jennifer Tidwell
- "About Face 3.0, The Essentials of Interaction Design", Alan Cooper, et al
- "Rapid Contextual Design: A How-to Guide to Key Techniques for User-Centered Design", Karen Holtzblatt, et al.
- "The Inmates Are Running the Asylum", Alan Cooper
- "The Design of Everyday Things" by Don Norman
For more suggestions, check out the Society for Technical Communication's Usability & User Experience Group's Bookshelf
Accessibility References
- DHTML Style Guide - Contains many conventions for keyboard access of DHTML widgets
- ARIA Article on A List Apart - Good introduction to ARIA
- ARIA Examples - Contains many examples of using ARIA markup
- ARIA Best Practices
- Mozilla - Keyboard Navigable Widgets
Design Patterns
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User Testing
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Fluid UX Presentations
- Accessibility for Rich Internet Applications: Techniques and Toolkits PDF | PowerPoint
- Colin Clark presented at the Aiming for Accessibility Conference, University of Guelph, May 27, 2009
- Hands-on Accessibility
- Colin Clark presented at the JA-SIG Unconference U-Camp, Rutgers University, November 13, 2007
- An Introduction to Accessibility
- Mike Elledge presented at York University's Institute for Research on Learning Technologies on November 1, 2007
- Assessing Accessibility
- Mike Elledge presented at York University's Institute for Research on Learning Technologies on November 1, 2007
User Experience Design Methodology, Process, etc.
- User Centered Design (UCD) at Berkeley [PowerPoint slides]
- Daphne presented with Judy Stern at Sakai Atlanta Conference, December 2006
- Fluid UX Overview for UCamp
- Daphne presented at the Sakai UCamp in Amsterdam, June 2007 - UX audience specific.
- Dashboards, Searches, and Window States - a User-centric View for uPortal
- Lightning talk Paul Z. presented at JASIG Winter 2007 Unconference - Paul Zablosky and Susan Bramhall, November 12th, 2007
- Introduction to User-Centered Design [PowerPoint slides]
- Allison presented with Gary Thompson at JA-SIG Winter 2007 Unconference on November 13, 2007
- User-Centered Design in IT: the Low-Hanging Fruit [PowerPoint slides]
- Allison presented with Ian Crew at the Winter 2007 Sakai Conferenceon December 4, 2007
- Using Personas to Create User-centered Designs [PowerPoint slides]
- Allison presented with Rachel Hollowgrass at the Spring 2008 JA-SIG uCamp on April 30, 2008
- Use Cases in the Fluid Project [PowerPoint slides ]
- Allison presented with Erin Yu at the Spring 2008 JA-SIG uCamp on April 30, 2008
- Designing Open Software
- Colin Clark presented as a guest lecture in Dr. Stephen Hockema's FIS1340H Introduction to Information Systems course
- User Needs Assessment & the Designer and Developer Sprint [PowerPoint slides]
- Allison presented at the Winter 2007 Sakai Conference uCamp on Dec 3, 2007
- Using Personas to Create User-centered Designs - updated [PowerPoint slides]
- Allison presented at the Summer 2008 Sakai Conference on July 1, 2008
- What are Sakai Users up to - Fluid Content Management User Research
- Presented by Daphne Ogle at the Sakai Paris 2008 conference, July 2, 2008
Design Patterns
- Design Patterns for Fluid
- Allison presented at Fluid Summit on September 28, 2007
- Fluid Design Patterns
- Lightning Talk Allison presented at JA-SIG Winter 2007 Unconference on November 12, 2007
- Open Source Design Pattern Library, Spreading Communities Thick: Open Source Communities of Practice [PowerPoint slides]
- Allison presented at the Spring 2008 JA-SIG conference on April 29, 2008
- Open Source Design Pattern Library, Spreading Communities Thick: Open Source Communities of Practice - updated
[PowerPoint slides]- Allison presented at the Summer 2008 Sakai Conference on July 3, 2008
UI Development
- Design Tips for Developers
- Daphne presented at Sakai Amsterdam Conference Combo Session (Designers & Developers), June 2007
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