User Testing Demographic Questionnaire
Word version of Demographic Questionnaire
What is your gender?
__ Male
__ Female
What is your age?
__ 16 - 18 years
__ 19 - 24 years
__ 25 - 30 years
__ 31 - 35 years
__ 35 - 40 years
__ 41 - 50 years
__ 51 - 60 years
__ Over 60 years
What is your role on campus?
__ Faculty
__ Student
__ GSI/Grad student/PhD candidate
__ Staff
What is your job title?
Do you do any of the following online and if so how often?
Check email:
All the time | A few times a week | A few times a month | Hardly Ever | Never
Use instant messaging:
All the time | A few times a week | A few times a month | Hardly Ever | Never
Shop online:
All the time | A few times a week | A few times a month | Hardly Ever | Never
Use online banking:
All the time | A few times a week | A few times a month | Hardly Ever | Never
Internet research for classes:
All the time | A few times a week | A few times a month | Hardly Ever | Never
Take classes online:
All the time | A few times a week | A few times a month | Hardly Ever | Never
Social Networking:
All the time | A few times a week | A few times a month | Hardly Ever | Never
Do you upload files on the web and if so how often?
Pictures to share with others:
All the time | A few times a week | A few times a month | Hardly Ever | Never
Media to share with others:
All the time | A few times a week | A few times a month | Hardly Ever | Never
Documents to course website:
All the time | A few times a week | A few times a month | Hardly Ever | Never
Documents to social networking site:
All the time | A few times a week | A few times a month | Hardly Ever | Never
Attach file in email:
All the time | A few times a week | A few times a month | Hardly Ever | Never
Do you own a personal computer and if so, what kind?
What is your comfort level with technology?
Uncomfortable | Not very comfortable | Somewhat Comfortable | Comfortable | Very Comfortable
If you use adaptive technologies, please also answer the following:
How would you describe your adaptive technology skills?
Beginner | Average | Above average | Expert
What types of adaptive technology do you use?:
Screen reader:
Name:__________________________________ Version:_______
Screen enlarger:
Name:__________________________________ Version:_______
Name:__________________________________ Version:_______
Approximately when did you last upgrade your adaptive technology? ___________________
(Screen reader users) Do you customize your settings or use the default level on your software?
(If customize) What do you customize? ____________________________________________
(If use default) What level of default do you use?
Beginner | Moderate | Advanced