User Testing Protocol Template

Instructional notes are in italics and preceded with the (info) icon. Remove instructional notes and this note before publishing.

Reference: User Testing Protocol

Supporting Materials:

Greeting script

(info) This references a standard greeting script, which should be suitable for most component user testing. Remove this note before publishing.

User Testing Greeting Script

Hi [user's name]. I'm [your name(s)] with the [project name]. The [project name] is [project description]. Today we are looking for ways to improve the user experience of [name of item being tested ]. This is a test of the component; we are not testing you. If you find something difficult to use, chances are that others will as well, so your feedback helps everyone. This test of the component is simply a means of evaluating the component's design and to discover any issues we need to address.

If you feel uncomfortable you can stop at any time during the study.

Please speak all your thoughts aloud as you go through the tasks. This helps us better understand why you are making certain choices. The study will take about [XX] minutes. We will answer any questions you have at the end of the study.

First we'll need you to sign this Consent Form. [If doing video or audio recording you will want to mention this ]. Information gathered today will only be used for research purposes, and will be kept secure. Published results of this study will be compiled with other participants and any specific references to participants will be done anonymously. Your privacy is our priority.

Do you have any questions?

Let's get started!

User Testing Demographic Questionnaire



(info) Write out the scenario for each unique persona or role. This should be in a script format that can be read to the user during the test. Remove this note before publishing.

Scenario script.


(info) Write out the tasks for each unique persona or role. This should be in a script format that can be read to the user during the test. Remove this note before publishing.

  1. Task 1
  2. Task 2

Notes for Test Coordinator

(info) Record specific notes for the test. This may refer to offering help, what to watch for, or other notable points during the test. Example below, which can be removed before publishing if necessary. Remove this note before publishing.

Offering help during the test

Don't offer help; let the user attempt to perform the task themselves. If they ask for help reply with:

  • "What do you think you/that would do?"
  • "What do you think that means?"

You want to observe whether the user has trouble:

Post-test Questionnaire

(info) Link to and/or document the the post-test questionnaire below if one is to be used. Remove this note before publishing.

  • Have the user fill this out on their own before asking them the post-test questions below.

How easy or difficult was it for you to ...?

  1. Very difficult
  2. Difficult
  3. Neutral
  4. Easy
  5. Very easy

Post-test questions (ask these verbally after the user has filled out the questionnaire)

(info) Document post-test questions that are to be asked. Potential examples are listed below. Remove this note before publishing.

  1. How easy or difficult was it for you to...?
  2. Did you notice a visual cue for...?
    • What do you think it is for?
    • How helpful was it to you?
  3. How did you know to...?
  4. Was there anything confusing about...?
    • If so, what?
    • (If confusing) Are there any changes you would suggest to make it less confusing?