Requirements: OERs
This is the list of requirements identified in the first Stakeholder Workshop (Sept. 15-16, 2014) for the Open Educational Resources (OERs) application setting
- Gamification or other motivators
- Personalized tool based on mental model
- Personalized discovery tool (interests)
- Population of a "dashboard" thru in-context game
- Different gamification versions cats vs. dogs
- Interest-based tasks
- If using "gamification", some sort of end "reward"?
- Game-like, personalized to interests
- Motivators + keeping them engaged
- Engaging instruction on tool )how to use discovery model)
- Pre-config to personalize tool
- Match the user's mental model
- Follow user's existing mental model (eg tv interface)
- Engaging content for exploring prefs
- all-in-one (tool and system)
- Adjust both content and delivery interface
- Close and usable is key (fine tuning can come later)
- "introduction" language about the reasoning of next set of tasks(will this hurt or help?)
- multimedia infomercial with captions, descriptions
- Don't be a barrier between user and their task
- Consider pathways user takes into process/Video Intro
- Integrate with LMS
- Data <-> Phet+ LMS
- Abiliy of other tools to pass in information that helps to initialise or focus the interaction
- Good graphics and animation
- Integrate with OER content
- dexterity
- Detect problem in interaction
- Inference based on speed
- Auto detection of difficulty to prompt for new settings
- Prompts to return to tool if not working
- speech input
- speech input
- speech input
- practice
- ability to practice
- trial and "error"
- opportunity to practice and tweak
- in-context pref. refinement
- suggestions
- check if suggestions ok
- adjustable settings post tool
- tweak preferences
- some people will find constant find tuning (or even offers to) to be burdensome
- complete in 2 min
- how long should it take? 2 min?