Requirements: Accessible Voting
This is the list of requirements identified in the first Stakeholder Workshop (Sept. 15-16, 2014) for the Accessible Voting application setting. The group organized the requirements into categories, which are reflected in the column headings.
Make it Fast | Settings Used in Voting Context | Additional Benefits or Issues | In-context ways to view and adjust settings | Way to draw people in (who may "resist")/How to Attract Users | Transporting Needs + Prefs | Use video to introduce | Consider Pathways to kiosk is have voted but needs assistance + could benefit/ How and when voters encounter this process |
Fast and Easy | Contrast | Can voting prefs be used for all comms with E.O. | Split screen settings + preview | Open audio at kiosk | Interpreting a GPII user file | Automatic open audio | Same interface everywhere |
Fast Enough to be a normal part of startup, not a task in itself | Text Size | Headset also blocks out noise of polling place | Screen-shots of presets | Makes users aware of what is possible | Ballot activation card | Captioned, described? video intro | Same tool whever you use it (home/polling station) |
Part of Process Complete Fast, not a delay | Audio/Headset first offered | Security and Privacy | "Preview" of settings selected | Poll worker helps out at start | e Poll book | 10-sec video (short!) | Where does prefs selection happen? |
Short in Duration | Language Choice | Preview "Screenshots" for non-visual preferences | Floating poll workers with tablets facilitate in-line while-u-wait prefs discovery | Way to transfer prefs to voting machine | Engaging info on how to use tool (video intro) but brief | Could people set preferences on a table while waiting in line? | |
Short and Simple | Audio - Headset implies audio ballot | Ballot-based demo for presets | Recruit users and channel to tool version | Encode prefs in 2d barcode | |||
Audio and written language | Presets and varied ways to select | Provide redundant options (rather than asking "do u need alternate input") | Way to get needs prefs to voting machine | ||||
Adaptations for different devices (what is automatic) | |||||||
Input device including AT | |||||||
Video -> language -> alternate input | |||||||
Limited N and P Set | |||||||
Presets |