Requirements: Online Educational Assessment
This is the list of requirements identified in the first Stakeholder Workshop (Sept. 15-16, 2014) for the Online Educational Assessment application setting.
- Personalized tool
- Personalized assessment interface
- Cognitively accessible discovery tools, clear language
- Tweak in daily activities
- Tweakable settings
- Simplified dashboard with no metrics
- Dashboard lite: settings, no metrics
- Dashboard that fits current pref set used with main task
- Interference to support enhancement
- Revert settings based on (poor) performance (option)
- Metrics feedback
- Dashboard metrics combined with easy to set tool
- Dashboard for settings + metrics
- Teacher/student interface interactions
- Teacher control panel and student interface
- different individual and helper interfaces
- 2 separate screens simul: student and teacher
- Overseer control panel
- Security and privacy
- Privacy/security considerations
- Interplay between "required prefs" vs "preferred prefs"
- AT
- Structure in line with existing assessment formats (and use vocab)
- Other users sharing prefs
- Allow/support sharing among peers
- Do, pair, share
- Pair sharing of prefs
- Peer sharing
- Peer sharing
- Verify, be able to back out of poor choices
- Eval whether or not a setting actually helps
- Verify that the change actually helps
- Assessing what prefs "help" vs "do no harm"
- What about if a student selects a poor option?
- Trial and Error
- Ways to support engagement in assessment items
- Real time evaluation of preferences, in context or supplied context
- Opportunity to pratice and revisit if necessary
- Authoring tool tied to preference tools
- Real time, within task adjustments
- Assess, auth to personalize trianing
- Personalization (Bats)
- Form has a function? - social aspect = private vs. public
- Verify existing PNP
- Varied starting points accomodated
- Basic/default pref set
- Import from standard format assessments
- Tool input: expert analysis
- Compatibility with IEP file format, terminology
- Pre tool? Taken care of 1A of 2
- Allow teacher to config based on known info
- Can process existing prefs
- Human n and p assistant
- Layered n and p policy structure
- tool input: existing assessment
- Ongoing preference refinement (By student)
- Sharing prefs/sets (dashboard <-> discovery tools)
- Suggestions based on similar students peers!