First Discovery API Documentation
- Enactors - enactors.js
- Language Enactor - gpii.firstDiscovery.enactor.lang
- First Discovery Editor - firstDiscoveryEditor.js
- First Discovery Editor - gpii.firstDiscovery.firstDiscoveryEditor
- Help Button - helpButton.js
- Help Button - gpii.firstDiscovery.helpButton
- Sticky Key Input - keyboardInput.js
- US Key Map - gpii.firstDiscovery.usKeymap
- Keyboard Input - gpii.firstDiscovery.keyboardInput
- Keyboard Input - Text to Speech - gpii.firstDiscovery.keyboardInputTts
- Message Lookup - msgLookup.js
- Message Lookup - gpii.firstDiscovery.msgLookup
- Navigation - nav.js
- Navigation - gpii.firstDiscovery.nav
- Navigation Button - navButton.js
- Navigation Buttons - gpii.firstDiscovery.navButtons
- Navigation Icon - navIcon.js
- Navigation Icon - gpii.firstDiscovery.icon
- Navigation Icons - gpii.firstDiscovery.navIcons
- Panels - panels.js
- Ranged Panel - gpii.firstDiscovery.panel.ranged
- Ranged Panel - with Disabled Message - gpii.firstDiscovery.panel.rangedWithDisabledMsg
- Sticky Key Panel - gpii.firstDiscovery.panel.keyboard
- Sticky Key Panel - Text to Speech - gpii.firstDiscovery.panel.keyboardTts
- Text Size Panel - gpii.firstDiscovery.panel.textSize
- Speech Rate Panel - gpii.firstDiscovery.panel.speechRate
- Speech Rate and Preferences Editor Connector - gpii.firstDiscovery.panel.speechRate.prefsEditorConnection
- Yes/No Panel - gpii.firstDiscovery.panel.yesNo
- Speak Text Panel - gpii.firstDiscovery.panel.speakText
- On-Screen Keyboard Panel - gpii.firstDiscovery.panel.onScreenKeyboard
- Captions Panel - gpii.firstDiscovery.panel.captions
- Show Sounds Panel - gpii.firstDiscovery.panel.showSounds
- Language Panel - gpii.firstDiscovery.panel.lang
- Attach Tooltip on Language Panel - gpii.firstDiscovery.panel.lang.attachTooltipOnLang
- Language and Preferences Editor Connector - gpii.firstDiscovery.panel.lang.prefEditorConnection
- Contrast Panel - gpii.firstDiscovery.panel.contrast
- Welcome Panel - gpii.firstDiscovery.panel.welcome
- Congratulations Panel - gpii.firstDiscovery.panel.congratulations
- Self Voicing - selfVoicing.js
- Self Voicing - gpii.firstDiscovery.selfVoicing
- Step Count - stepCount.js
- Step Count - gpii.firstDiscovery.stepCount
- stickyKeysAdjuster.js
- Sticky Keys Adjuster - gpii.firstDiscovery.keyboard.stickyKeysAdjuster
- Sticky Keys Assessor - stickykeysAssessment.js
- Sticky Keys Assessor - gpii.firstDiscovery.keyboard.stickyKeysAssessment
- Tooltip - tooltip.js
- Attach Tooltip - gpii.firstDiscovery.attachTooltip
- Attach Tooltip - renderer - gpii.firstDiscovery.attachTooltip.renderer
- Text-To-Speech Hookup - ttsHookup.js
- Text-To-Speech Hookup - Tooltip - gpii.firstDiscovery.tts.tooltipHookup
- Text-To-Speech Hookup - First Discovery - gpii.firstDiscovery.tts.fdHookup
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