Decapod Storycards - Export
The Export action will convert the binary images in a book project into either a PDF or a multipage TIFF file. Export can be activated two ways:
- From the Book Management interface (todo)
- Book Capture interface
When the Export action is selected, there are a sequence of steps and choices made by the user and automatically by the system.
- UI: User activates Export
- UI: User chooses Export format
- System: Place the book into the background activity queue with the selected Export format as an option.
- UI: User can choose to return to the Capture UI or back to Book Management.
- System: If the book is ready to be processed in the queue, any unprocessed images are processed first, and then the pdf-generation process is started on the book.
Export from Book Capture Interface
Storycard: Activating Export in Capture UI (Wireframe)
- User activates the Export action by selecting the Export option from the Decapod toolbar.
- The UI changes to the Export format selection screen and a "Export" is added to the breadcrumb.
- At this point, the user would examine their choices and make an appropriate selection.
Storycard: Choosing an Export Option (Wireframe)
There are 8 export formats the user can select:
1. "Raster without OCR" - Each page in the PDF is an image.
2. "Raster with OCR" - Each page in the PDF is an image. Text can be searched and 'selected' by using the OCR text.
3. "Vector with OCR" - Fonts are generated and the layout is dynamic.
Decapod package
4. Full Decapod Package - Generates an archive of all the book's content including original, intermediate, and final processed images.
5. Basic Decapod Package - Generates an archive of just the book's processed images, book structure, and metadata so a PDF can be generated on another system.
6. Processed PNGs - Generates an archive of just the book's processed PNGs in the order they appear in the book project (like option 5 but without the book structure and metadata).
7. Raw TIFFs - Generates a single multipage TIFF from the original JPEG images.
8. Dewarped TIFFs - Generates a single multipage TIFF from the dewarped JPEG images (rotation corrected, not binarized).
When the user selects one of these options, the book would then appear at the bottom of the Export Activity queue. The user can select multiple export options and each action would appear subsequently in the Export Activity queue.
Storycard: Managing the Export Queue (Wireframe)
- Items in the Export Activity queue can be reordered using drag and drop, or keyboard interaction.
- Only one item can be selected at a time.
- Selected items can be removed from the queue by using the "Remove Selected" option.
- "Pause All" will pause the entire queue.
- When paused, all status icons will change to "Paused" symbols.
- The "Pause All" text is replaced with "Resume".
- While paused, the user can reorder and remove items from the queue.
Storycard: Queue status (Wireframe)
- If a book is queued for processing, then a "waiting" spinner / graphic is used.
- If a book is being processed, then a "busy" spinner / graphic is used.
- If a book is done processing, then an "okay" or checkmark is used.
- If the queue is paused, status indicators will change to "Paused" symbols.
- If there is an error with a particular book, then the queue is halted and the offending book marked with a "warning" indicator.
Storycard: Returning to Capture Interface after Queuing an export job (Wireframe)
- The user returns to the capture interface by selecting "Capture" from the breadcrumb.
- Upon returning to the capture interface, the screen is greyed out with a large queue status indicator on screen. The indicator shown should match the current state in the queue.
- The user actions allowed: Book Management, and Export.
Storycard: Exporting with Unprocessed Images
- If the user has chosen to Export while there are images that remain to be processed (i.e. dewarped), then the remaining unprocessed images will be processed as part of the Export queue, just prior to running the pdf-generation process for the selected book.
- From the user's perspective, they shouldn't care or be concerned that there are unprocessed images. The system handles any processing of images as part of the Export queue work.
Storycard: Error Messages (Wireframe, Wireframe)
If an error occurs during the export process, then the status icon changes to indicate an issue and a text link appears that allows the user to reveal more information about the issue.
Selecting the error text link will cause subsequent items in the Export queue to slide down to make room for an error message to present itself.
Possible error message:
- Insufficient space
- Insufficient privileges
- Missing or corrupt images
Storycard: Update list of export options according to status
If an export option (e.g., Raster w/out OCR, Vector w/out OCR, Decapod Package, etc.) is not disabled (i.e., not implemented/available) and not in the queue, it should appear addable to queue.
If an export option is in the queue, its status is one of the following:
- Waiting in queue: status - export is not yet being processed, but is in the queue; possible actions - remove from queue
- Processing: status - export is currently being processed; possible actions - cancel (which also removes it from the queue)
- Paused: status - all exporting processes are paused; possible actions - remove from queue
- Error: status - processing cannot continue (UI should provide a reason to the user); possible actions - remove from queue, retry (if possible)
- Finished: status - exporting was successfully completed; possible actions - download the completed export