Decapod 1.0 Wireframes

These are works-in-progress

0. Initial screen

0.1 Stopgap design for book management (for 0.4/0.5)

1. Calibration (storycards)

1.1 Camera setup check

Wireframe of camera setup checking

1.2 Camera setup problems

1.3 Supported cameras listing

Wireframe of supported cameras list

1.4 Option to skip calibration

1.5 Left-right calibration

Wireframe of left-right calibration

2. Capture (storycards)

2.1 Manual capture, first capture

2.2 Manual capture

2.3 Automatic capture, inactive

2.4 Automatic capture, active

2.5 Capturing in progress

3. Review (storycards)

3.1 Unprocessed capture review

3.2 Processed capture review, setting content bounding boxes

3.3 Processed capture review, zoom box enabled

3.4 Processed capture review, content bounding boxes conflict

3.5 Grid view

3.6 Recapture (unactivated, confirmation)

4. Import

4.1 Import start from Page Manager

4.2 Import initial state

4.3 Import - directory with no images

4.4 Import - All selected

4.5 Import - Some selected

4.6 Import - Select focus

4.7 Import progressing

4.8 Import Errors

4.9 Import retry errors

4.10 Import - return to page management

5. Export (storycards)

5.1 Export start from page management

5.2 Capture interface, when an export in progress

5.3 Export options, with the export queue all paused

5.4 Export options, with single export paused

5.5 Export error, collapsed

5.6 Export error, expanded with details

5.7 Export tooltip revealed

5.8 Export images option selected

5.9 Export Decapod bundle option selected

5.10 Export successfully queued

5.11 Export delete confirmation

5.12 Export returning to page management screen

6. Book management

6.1 No books captured yet

6.2 List view

6.3 Grid view

6.4 Grid view with export activity

6.5 Grid view with book metadata

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