Fluid Project Wiki
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What is the Fluid Project?
Canadian Museum of Human Rights (CMHR) Kiosks
Decapod FAQ
Decapod User Guide
Decapod Administrator Guide
Decapod License
Decapod Releases
Decapod Source Code
Decapod Working Documents
Decapod 1.0 Camera Calibration Instructions
Decapod 1.0 design user testing (July 6, 2010)
Decapod 1.0 design user testing (June 25, 2010)
Decapod 1.0 Early Wireframes
Decapod - 0.5y Deliverable
Decapod - archived documents
Decapod All-Hands Meeting (Aug. 5 - 7)
Decapod Design
Decapod 0.5 Wireframes
Decapod 0.6 Export UI Design
Decapod 0.7 Calibration Uploader UI Design
Decapod 0.7 Dewarp UI Design
Decapod 0.7 Stereo Capture UI Design
Decapod 1.0 Wireframes
Decapod Accessibility
Decapod Calibration Wireframes
Decapod Lexicon
Decapod Use Cases
Hardware Design
Decapod Design Iterations (Prototypes)
Decapod Design Planning (May 1, 2009)
Decapod Development
Decapod Development Planning
Decapod document metadata, etc.
Decapod Glossary of Technical Terms
Decapod in Nigeria
Decapod Installer Notes
Decapod Keypath Scenarios
Decapod Roadmap
Decapod Stereo Camera Calibration Workflows and Alternatives
Decapod Team meeting - April 26, 2010
Decapod Training Materials Planning
Decapod user testing
Decapod User Workflow with Structured Light
Decapod v1 Prototype User Testing Protocol
Decapod v5 Prototype User Testing Protocol
Decapod Weekly Meeting Notes
Decapod Work Primer
Decapod Workflows
Digital Odyssey Presentation Planning
Digitization Resources
Early Decapod 0.3 Deliverable Wireframe
Installing Decapod Stereo Dewarping Notes
Interview guide (digital archiving SME)
Interview guide (student textbook reader)
John Burns Skype Meeting Notes (May 15, 2009)
NITLE Camp Mockups (June 1, 2009)
Non-Paper (Digital) Prototype User Testing
OCR Tools Competitive Analysis
Post Decapod 0.4 examination and notes
Styleguide for Decapod
Docs Sprint Planning
Fluid Community Studios
Fluid Engage
Fluid Infusion
GPII Architecture
Inclusive Design Institute
Infrastructure Planning
Preference Editing Tools Design
Project Coordination
User Experience
Platform for Economic Inclusion
Testing Tasks
Some thoughts on an inclusive design process
Designing interfaces to meet the needs of users with cognitive disabilities
A Good Function
Preferences for Global Access
Inclusive Design Toolkit
Accessible Prototyping
Platform Cooperative Development Kit
Accessible ICT Procurement Policy
Bodies in Translation
Event Inclusion