Decapod 1.0 Early Wireframes
Interaction Flow Chart
- Decapod Dashboard
- Capture Mode Interface Current Work
- Remaster Mode Interface further design needed
Wireframes applicable to both Capture and Remaster modes
Menus and Modes
- Menu Bar
- Metadata Editor - further design needed
- Decapod Options Dialog - further design needed
- Switching Modes Work in progress
Thumbnail Interaction
Image Processing
- Dewarp Image
- Zoom to be updated with Jacob's design
- Thumbnail Interaction and Behaviour (to be replaced by Dewarp Image)
Wireframes applicable only to Dashboard
Wireframes applicable only to Capture mode
Wireframes applicable only to Remaster modes
- Remastering Tools Todo
- Export from Remaster Mode Todo
Old Wireframes
- Detailed and Thumbnail View (To be deprecated. Replaced by Capture Mode Interface and Remaster Mode Interface).