Metadata keyboard interactions for demo
Metadata keyboard interactions for demo
Tab order and keyboard controls
page numbers refer to metatdata demo pdf
prior to inserting a video
- logo - "Flo E.R."
- "Restart Demo" - Enter/space to select
- "Welcome ..."
- "Begin by creating ..."
- "bold", "italic", "underline" - Enter/space to select
- "Enter web address for video" - focus lands on entry field, type or paste to enter URL
- "OK" - Enter/space to select
- focus moves to active area of editor window
- "View HTML" - Enter/space to select
video insertion - with audio features only
- When OK is selected and URL is validated, video is inserted and focus lands on the video placeholder in the active area of the editor window.
- Features panel appears on the right (with content corresponding to focused video)
- Tabbing moves focus to features panel.
- The features panel remains open as long as focus is on either a video placeholder, or on the features panel (or something within it)
- When focus is moved off of a video placeholder (and away from the features panel), the features panel closes
- If focus is moved to the features panel (or something within it), then the panel remains open.
- If focus is moved to the features panel (or something within it), then the panel remains open.
- When focus is moved off of a video placeholder (and away from the features panel), the features panel closes
- "Audio features panel"
- tab to radio button group - arrow keys cycle through radio buttons (up/left and down/right)
- default selection - "This video has an audio track."
- checkboxes deactivated when first radio button is not selected
- when first button is selected, tabbing will move focus through dialog boxes, then out of radio button group
- Enter or space will select check box
- if second or third radio button is selected, tabbing will move focus out of radio button group
- "View HTML" - Enter/space to select
- logo - "Flo E.R."
- "Restart Demo" - Enter/space to select
- "bold", "italic", "underline" - Enter/space to select
- "Enter web address for video" - focus lands on entry field, type or paste to enter URL
- "OK" - Enter/space to select
- focus returns to active area of editor window
with video features and audio features
- ...
- "Video features panel - select all that apply"
- "Video is high contrast ..." - Enter/space to select
- "Video contains sign language translation" - Enter/space to select
- tab to radio button group "Video has flashing visuals..." - arrow keys move through radio buttons (up/right and down/left) "Yes", "No", "Not sure"
- "Audio features panel"
- ...
- "View HTML" - Enter/space to select
- ...
with video features, audio features and captions
- ...
- "Video features panel - select all that apply"
- ...
- "Audio features panel"
- ...
- "Captions panel"
- "Captions provide a ..."
- focus lands on URL text field - "Enter web link to caption"
- focus moves to Language drop down field (default set to English) - "Select language, English selected"
- Control+down arrow to open list ? (or Enter/space?)
- arrow keys to move language focus through list (highlighted in yellow) - right and down arrows move focus down, left and up arrows move focus up
- Enter/space to select a language (indicated by checkmark in drop-down list and entered into Language field) - drop-down closes and focus moves back to languge field
- Control + up arrow OR tab to close the list without making a selection ?
- Repeat for second URL and language entry
- checkbox "Video already contains ..." - Enter/space to select
- focus moves to Language drop down field
- "View HTML" - Enter/space to select
- ...
, multiple selections available,