P4All Meeting, May 6th, 2015


1. Next Steps for How We'll Create this "Design Kit"

  • Assemble a full picture of all the activities and components of Prosperity4All (based on mining the DOW)
  • Identify user goals and personas based for each of these activities and components
  • Do user interviews and research to flesh out realistic personas for each activity and component
  • Pair each persona with one or more User States and Contexts
  • Define a set of scenarios for how a user will use  the P4A components
  • Draw a series of "User Flow" diagrams that show how the components fit together and how these personas use them for particular scenarios of use
  • Share these with the community, get feedback, and iterate

2. Starting list of terms we are going to have to define:

  • ecosystem
  • architecture
  • user - actor - reactor - supporter
  • component
  • user states & context
  • design principals
  • Inclusion
  • inclusive design
  • stakeholders
  • entry points
  • persona
  • map
  • interaction
  • value
  • business model
  • marketting model
  • economic model
  • payment system
  • currency


Colin Clark
Dana Ayotte
Eva de Lera
Jesica Rivero Espinosa
Katerine Touliou
Kevin Stolarick
Michelle D'Souza
Paolo Dini
Sepideh Shahi
Victor (Ilunion)

Review update:
Gave a high level definition of SP1 for reviewers -- setting expectations for how the work is measured.

Interest in personas and pairing that with user states & contexts. Use those with other SPs to help capture information about possible users. That will help structure some of the work moving forward.

Need more global perspective -- want the big picture.

** From evaluation perspective SP4 the value of the ecosystem for the various user groups. SP4 and SP1 need to work very closely with each other. They want a flow for the SPs -- the big picture -- common understanding and language about it. That's what they'll be looking for in second review.

The reviewers were "in the weeds" -- knew details about DOW and deliverables and what was up.

  • ecosystem description -- they called it an architecture -- they want this -- the big picture
  • didn't fully grasp iterative design perspective -- they want waterfall -- SP1 should say what the project will do and the other SPs will follow 102.1 was not officially finalized -- reviewers wanted it more aligned to project objectives (probably what was in the DOW) will have to update that -- can include the "ecosystem"

Wanted deliverables with fewer words


So, how does SP1 handle the expectations of what it will do?
need a broad overview or comprehensive map of the "components" and how they fit together. reviewers called this an 'architecture' -- they mean this in a broad and non-technical sense. They want to *see* everything in ecosystem and how people in ecosystem relate and fit together.

I'ts a 'design framework' the things being designed and the people who will benefit from it
parts, components, and people who use them -- tell stories.

NOT designing concrete user interfaces for components in the ecosystem -- we could but folks are heading forward with that in a few cases.

give tools to think about designing the user interfaces -- personas, etc. for how the component teams will design their pieces with a larger vision of how it fits and interrelates

'wireframes' -- map of the ecosytem

  • "clusters" of users
  • design objectives -- "here's how you should think about the <financial aspects>, <usability factors>, etc." -- HOW not specifically WHAT

"architecture" == Design Framework

Doing the HOW, not the WHAT
Start with the big picture "map"
Get a common understanding of terms and vocabulary -- this group meeting can help come to that shared vocabulary and help start making expectations clear across the project.
Wanted a glossary for all the deliverables -- reviewers did
update to 102.1 can probably take that on

How to communicate across technical and non-technical ppl. less text and show me -- be user friendly for non-technical stakeholders

Starting the working with the component teams --
what's the process? practically? wiki? other? this meeting is a great start -- more broadly how do we "push" and "pull"

Need a simple way for other WPs to "sit" down with SP1 work

1. comprehensive view of ecosystem and people
    a. map of components fitting together
        mind maps and schematics and such
    b. people "personas" and user states and contexts

The mapping is the things and the users -- fitting them together. Start by showing both and converging them.

A kind of packaged kit of people that we can share across the project
do some interviews and user research -- start having convos!
pair personas and user states and context to avoid stereotyping and essentializing
staying away from personas that focus on medical lables and instead talk about people and needs

Next Steps for How We'll Create this "Design Kit"
Assemble a full picture of all the activities and components of Prosperity4All (based on mining the DOW)
Identify user goals and personas based for each of these activities and components
Do user interviews and research to flesh out realistic personas for each activity and component
Pair each persona with one or more User States and Contexts
Define a set of scenarios for how a user will use  the P4A components
Draw a series of "User Flow" diagrams that show how the components fit together and how these personas use them for particular scenarios of use
Share these with the community, get feedback, and iterate