Early design work (images)

Image 1 Description

The first section of the chart paper identifies three types of stakeholders; actors, re-actors, and platform support.

Actors are those that have direct impact on the system, they are producers, consumers and matchers. Supply and demand is central to the interaction between these stakeholders.

Re-Actors measure different aspects of the system, they consume information and data. Re-actors include individuals who measure success criteria, monitors, funders and investors, policy makers, evaluators and marketers.

Platform Support includes owners, platform operators and SP2ers.

Next, a diagram illustrates the relationship between producers, consumers and matchers. Producers create products and services for consumers, matchers match consumers with producers.


  • How do we avoid a system that imposes limiting distinctions and definitions such as forcing a member to define themselves as a consumer, producer, etc.?
  • Want: flexibility to allow contributors modifications.
  • Some structure upfront
  • PULL market, demand drives supply.

An images shows an individual with speech bubbles saying 'I have' and 'I want'.

A diagram arranges Producers, Consumers and Matchers in a circle with bi-directional arrows between each pair of stakeholders.

Stakeholder categories include:

  • individuals
  • organizations
  • government
  • funders

The last section of the chart paper sheet elaborates on the relationship between Producers, Consumers and Stakeholders, with arrows flowing from Producers and Consumers to Matchers.

Producers (a bubble above the title says 'things')
  • Curriculum and training modules
  • Assistive Technology 
  • Digital resources
Consumers (a bubble above the title says 'needs')
  • individuals with unique/unmet needs needing:
    • jobs/training
    • AT's, etc.
    • products
    • info (e.g. accessible places), e.g. feedback from marketplace
  • organizations needing:
    • people with specific skills
Matchers (text above image says needs(people) with an arrow flowing towards things)
  • service organizations
  • distributors
  • teachers


Image 2 Description

The first section of the paper is divided into Stakeholders on one side and corresponding Value Propositions on the other. Value propositions are listed as bullet points below under each stakeholder listed.

Consumers with tangible and non-tangible unmet needs.

  • Get what you need! Cheaper, quicker and personalized. 

Organizations seeking to comply.

  • requirements met
  • increased market
  • no litigation

Service organizations, independent service providers, Producers of Things (POTs) such as manufacturers of AT,  amateurs and hobbyists, public and governmental social services mandated to support peeps with disabilities.

  • reach target population
  • improved service/product
  • increase efficiency
    • meeting emerging needs
    • meeting changing needs
    • see trends, predict trends
  • feedback-improvements cycle. 
  • exposure
  • positive press
  • build customer loyalty
  • feel food (staff retention, positive work environment, improved customer perception).

Chart section is titled 'Portfolio:

Unmet needs, demand-supply portfolio.

  1. Arrow flows from unemployment to job with flexibility. Arrow flows from unemployment to training with flexibility. 
  2. Arrow flows from organization to skilled workers.
  3. Arrow flows from individual with disability to non existent/affordable AT or prosthetic, etc.
  4. Arrow flows from individual wanting to learn about inclusive design to training and/or materials.
  5. Arrow flows from organization to accessible conent and/or evaluation of content.


  1. Portfolio of candidate demand-supply chains (unmet needs).
  2. Value propositions
  3. Major factors
    1. literacy
    2. affordable
    3. access
    4. payment system (bitcoins, barter)
    5. distributors/ship-receive-track-returns RMA

Chart section title 'Feedback':

  • Successful interaction (to system)? (4I)
  • stuff you got? (to producer/organization)
  • individual's performance (from marketplace to individual)

Chart section titled Broad Value Proposition Categories/Themes

  • Economics
  • Ethics
  • Law


Image 3 Description

The chart paper is divided into stakeholders on one side and value propositions on the other. Value propositions are listed as bullet points below under each stakeholder listed.

Policy Makers

  • identify and understand the unmet needs and how to meet them.
  • access 'use' data and 'success' data. What's working and and not working. 

Developers of components, tools and apps

  • tied to job
  • feedback
  • community - open source love
  • re-use of accessible platform infrastructure

Teachers and Educators

  • get accessible training and educational resources
  • students

Individuals seeking training and education

  • personalized training
  • badging and certification
  • skill building
  • job = money


  • increased market
  • increased exposure and good press
  • feel good (see list ethics)

Amateurs/Hobbyist (see P.O.T)


  • activist
  • exposure
  • warm fuzzy

Freelance workers

  • jobs - flexibility

Financers / Crowdfunders / Venture Capitalists

  • feel good