P4A Design Process

Listing P4A Stakeholder and Actors

See List of Stakeholders and Value Propositions


This map was created to gain a better understanding of the potential players in the P4A platform and their motivations to be part of this ecosystem.

  • A list of P4A stakeholders and actors was created.
  • The motivational values for each stakeholder were listed
Insights/ Questions:
  • The distinction between some of the stakeholders were not very clear. Thus, it was difficult to differentiate motivational values for those group. i.e Developers vs. Producers, or Freelancers vs. Producers
  • How are we going to differentiate the guest users from the platform members? This might impact the motivational values of each group.

Clustering Values

See Value Proposition Clustering

Isolating values from the stakeholders in order to find patterns, overlaps and the common values offered to different stakeholders.

  • Extracting all the motivational values from the previous step, merging similar one and removing duplicates
  • Grouping similar values into clusters
  • Finding a theme for each cluster
  • Exploring how these clusters interact with each other and finding the overlaps
Insights/ Questions:
  • Personal and professional development plays a great role in motivating both producers and consumers to participate in the P4A platform.
  • Information/ Data is a great by product of this system that could have monetary value.

Value Exchange Map and Goals


This venn diagram on the left tries to visualize the relations between various actors and stakeholders in order to anticipate the type of values exchanged between them, such as money, products, services, tools, etc. The image on the right is the same venn diagram, however, it has an additional layer of goals for each actor and stakeholder.

  • A three bubble venn diagram was created for Producers, Consumers and Distributors.
  • All the identified actors and stakeholders from previous steps were placed on the related spot on this diagram.
  • Stakeholders who did not have direct interaction with the P4A platform but their participation was essential for the system were placed outside of the venn diagram.
  • A line was drawn where there was a value exchange opportunity between two users and the line was labeled with the type of exchanged value.
  • Based on the exchanged values, the potential goals for each stakeholder/actor were determined.
Insights/ Questions:
  • This diagram helped us define the relations between users that we might not have considered otherwise.
  • This diagram visualized how different values move within the system. Thus, imbalances either too crowded or vacant areas could be spotted quickly.
  • We realized that the evaluation within the system is automated, however, there are evaluators outside of the system who can analyze information and turn it to valuable products for other companies or organizations.
  • Distributors are different than the matchers. They might be third party organizations or individuals that support the platform with right tools and services and facilitate the interactions (i.e. logistics, amazon, paypal)