P4A Design Community Workshop, Jan 14, 2015

1Quality Control

Apply usecases to discuss Quality Control Approaches for different P4A services including AoD, Media & Material, Developer's Space and GPII


Usecase: Arizona State Ministry of Transportation

Topic: How to ensure quality and consistency for projects that are split into chunks and done by several people?


  • Matching the service with people who have the required badges + Looking into feedback and reviews + Checking people's credentials
  • People who want to participate but do not have the required badge can be paired with a person who has the badge for mentorship opportunities
  • Feedback/reviews can be used as Micro-potential for payments
  • Creating virtual connected co-working spaces that allow for job sharing/ Personalized environments that allow people to connect with others that fit their team or project
  • In job sharing people can be teamed up based on their credentials/ past experiences
  • There could be an automated verification process for each chunk to increase consistency across several chunks (spell check, proof reading, etc)
  • Reviews should also tell you about the reviewer
  • Recognize contribution: measure based on ability to contribute rather than the amount of work that is done per week or so
  • Badges can be revokable, an annual check for the credentials may help to keep badges updated.
  • Work can be split based on type rather than amount (i.e. instead of splitting a document based on the number of pages, split it to images that need description, tags, voice over, etc)

Usecase: Steven

Topic: How to approach quality Control in AoD scenarios (when user need feedback immediately)?


  • Building trust and preventing fraud is the big issue
  • The person who is asking for help doesn't have the same level of expertise as the person who is giving help. Thus, the reviewer may not be aware of what's happening when the service is provided.
  • Including additional approval steps
  • Controlling the quality and approving service provider in access points prior to the point of interaction between asker and provider
  • Look into Open Source Governance models
  • Have gatekeepers or members with trustworthy badges
  • New members who don't have a review or badge should be able to participate
  • Constraining the forms of AoD to lower risks types
  • Open risky functionalists only to people who are in your circle of trust
  • AoD can be a form of personalized GPII that only connects you to the certified people or services rather than providing them

Usecase: Marry

Topic: How to ensure the sources that are included in the developer's space follow have good quality?


  • The important point here is not the quality of pieces that are included in the open source, but it is the quality of training modules, instructions and tutorials that are provided for developers to make the best use of those pieces.
  • P4A should not be a gated community, it should be an open connection point that connects people and developers to the right people or services
  • The robustness of the open source repository comes from use over time
  • system should be able to backtrack all the changes and edits (version control)
  • P4A should not force people to leave their communities. It should enable them to connect these communities and create these bigger communities. It should simply be the facilitator.