P4All Design Community Workshop, Dec, 2014

1P4A Design Process

Briefly introduce P4A Stakeholders, value propositions and use cases


P4A Flow Chart

P4A Flow Chart-Functionalities

Explain the P4A Flow Chart and different sections of the system
Comments from the meeting:
  • Identify the parts that need to be created within the system and the parts that can be hosted and users can be pointed to other destinations (e.g. Do we really need to create accounts within the system or create networks or user can use their other networks and accounts to use P4A, etc.)
  • While identifying the components, try to keep the system as open and porous as possible
  • Clarify the purpose of developer's space. Is it going to be a part of the GPII unified listing or is it a separate section?
  • What is exactly the GPII market place and unified listing? are there two separate spaces or one unified place to advertise your services and market your product?
  • The Small, Medium and Large scale in the current usecases are defined based on the consumer's request, however, a small request may end up requiring great efforts to be accomplished.
  • Projects should be kept flexible, thus, a small project can evolve into larger projects or Vice Versa.
  • The line between 'Call to Actions' and 'Challenges' is blurry. Separating them may cause lots of confusion for the user when they create a project. It may be better to have one depository for all the projects. The differentiation can happen when these projects are being created. Depending on the type of information the consumer has provided while creating the projects they can have different importance scales.
  • Rethink the curation and approval process. We don't want any barriers for submitting a project to P4A,however, we don't want to overpopulate the platform either.
  • Instant Help requests can be used for evaluation and data collections or as an initial idea for further explorations and developing new products and services. For example, if there are too many small projects for image description, maybe an app could be developed to address this issue.
  • The Small, Medium and Large categorization is not just based on the scope, it is also based on complexity.
  • We have to be able to address immediacy in P4A (e.g. I want a description of this image right now otherwise it's not useful for me.)
  • Allow for anonymous accounts and consider the privacy issue (e.g. I don't want people to see all the P4A projects that I am associated with once the search my name or search a specific project.)
  • P4A is an expanded version of the Tetra Society of North America http://www.tetrasociety.org/