PGA Co-Design Meeting Notes: 2014-10-31
- Check in regarding collaboration technologies
- Discuss the workshop report
- Discuss requirements document
- Discuss co-design process moving forward
Wiki seems ok; people concerned about knowing when updates happen. Anastasia will email list about configuring automatic updates.
Final comments on Workshop Report due Nov. 7th.
Jess walked us through the brainstorming images; clarified that scope of this project is "first discovery" i.e. that first column of "get me in and get me started" only.
Jess walked us through Dana's sketch; comments included:
- if change doesn't apply on current page, what would 'undo' do?
- need to build some form of verification in, too; very important
- can we verify before switching screens?
- treat the "next" button as confirmation? Have the "next" button reflect whatever was just chosen, e.g. language, etc.
Design team still needs to think through these deeper details of interaction.
Next Steps
- try to sketch out further
- go back to grid in Jess's images
- check back in: are we incorporating the conversations?
- get more feedback
- think more about undo and verification